

单词 nouns
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕Words can be categorised into verbs, nouns, adjectives etc. 单词可以分为动词、名词、形容词等。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕Chicago, Stephen and Mount Everest are all proper nouns. 芝加哥、斯蒂芬和珠穆朗玛峰都是专有名词。朗文写作活用〔ability〕These nouns denote the qualities in a person that permit or facilitate achievement or accomplishment.这些名词都表示某人具有取得进步或成功的素质。美国传统〔abstinence〕These nouns refer to restraint of one's appetites or desires.这些名词都表示控制食欲或欲望。美国传统〔adjective〕Adjectives qualify nouns.形容词修饰名词。牛津搭配〔anarthrous〕Linguistics Occurring without an article. Used especially of Greek nouns.【语言学】 不用冠词的:不用冠词的。尤用于希腊名词美国传统〔anger〕These nouns denote varying degrees of marked displeasure.这些名词表示不同程度的不快。美国传统〔anxiety〕These nouns are compared as they refer to troubled states of mind.当表示精神的忧虑状态时,这些名词是有区别的。美国传统〔apposition〕The relationship between such nouns or noun phrases.同位关系:这样的名词之间或名词词组之间的关系美国传统〔apprehension〕These nouns denote consternation that something untoward may be impending.这些名词意指对某些迫近的不吉之事的焦虑。美国传统〔area〕These nouns all denote extents of space, especially on a surface, that can be differentiated from others by particular qualities or characteristics.这些名词都意指空间的范围,尤指表面,由其特有的性质或特征而与其它词相区别。美国传统〔argument〕These nouns denote discussion involving conflicting points of view.这些名词均指带有不同观点的讨论。美国传统〔artifice〕These nouns are compared as they denote means for achieving an end by indirection.当这些名词表示为间接达到某目的的手段时作比较。美国传统〔base〕These nouns all pertain to what underlies and supports.这些名词都与基础与支撑物有关。美国传统〔bearing〕These nouns pertain to a person's behavior as it reveals such distinctive personal qualities as his or her individuality or upbringing.这些名词都反映人的个性特征和由教养所决定的行为。美国传统〔behavior〕These nouns all pertain to a person's actions as they constitute a means of evaluation by others.这些名词在构成他人评价的方式时都与人的动作有关。美国传统〔blame〕These nouns are compared in the sense of responsibility for an offense.可以从对错误负有的责任这一意义比较这些名词。美国传统〔blaze〕These nouns denote bright light, especially when it is a visible sign of combustion.这些名词意指强烈的光,尤指燃烧时的可见信号。美国传统〔blemish〕All of these nouns denote loss or absence of perfection.所有这些名词都意指失去完美。美国传统〔body〕These nouns denote the physical organism of a person or an animal.这些名词都表示人或动物的身体组织。美国传统〔bombast〕All these nouns designate speech or writing marked by an extravagance or affectation of style that the content does not warrant.这些名词都表示语言或文字的浮夸或空洞无物的虚假文体。美国传统〔bonus〕Each of these nouns denotes a form of extra payment.这些名词都代表一种附加报酬形式。美国传统〔border〕All these nouns refer to the line or narrow area that marks the outside limit of something such as a surface.所有这些名词指某物外部界限的界限或狭长地带。美国传统〔breach〕These nouns denote an act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or failing to fulfill a duty, obligation, or promise.这些名词都表示破坏法律、规定或未履行义务、责任、誓言的行为或事例。美国传统〔building〕All these nouns denote something, such as a house or school, constructed for human habitation or use.所有这些名词都意指为人类居住或使用而修筑的东西,如房屋或学校。美国传统〔business〕These nouns apply to forms of activity that have the objective of supplying commodities.这些名词用于以提供商品为目的的活动的形式。美国传统〔capitalize〕Only capitalize proper nouns.只大写专有名词的首字母。外研社新世纪〔caprice〕These nouns are compared as they denote an impulsive or unexpected notion.这些名词被放在一起进行比较是因为它们都表示一个出于冲动的或未被料及的想法。美国传统〔case〕A pattern of inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives to express different syntactic functions in a sentence.词形变化形式:名词、代词和形容词在一个句子中表示不同的句法功能的词形屈折变化的形式美国传统〔case〕Latin nouns have case, number and gender.拉丁语名词有格、数和性。牛津高阶〔certainty〕These nouns mean freedom from doubt.这些名词都指没有疑问。美国传统〔change〕Sometimes proper nouns change into common nouns.有时专有名词会转变为普通名词。英汉大词典〔choice〕Each of these nouns denotes the act, power, or right of choosing.这些名词中都表示选择的行为、能力或权力。美国传统〔circle〕These nouns denote a group of people sharing an interest or activity.这些名词代表了有同一兴趣或活动的一群人。美国传统〔confidence〕These nouns denote a feeling of emotional security resulting from faith in oneself.这些名词都意味着由于对自己的信心而产生的心理上的安全感。美国传统〔conflict〕These nouns denote struggle between opposing forces for victory or supremacy.这些名词都是指两个对立势力为了取得胜利或优势而进行的争斗。美国传统〔conspiracy〕Each of these nouns denotes a secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end.这些名词中的任一个都表示一种为实现罪恶或非法目的的秘密计划。美国传统〔count noun〕Count nouns are shown in this dictionary with [C].可数名词在本词典中用[C]标示。剑桥高阶〔couple〕These nouns denote two individuals of the same kind together.这此名词表示同一种类的两个个体在一起。美国传统〔culture〕These nouns denote a personal quality resulting from the development of intellect, manners, and aesthetic appreciation.这些名词的意思是由智力、举止以及美学欣赏的发展而形成的个人素质。美国传统〔declension〕In certain languages, the inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in categories such as case, number, and gender.词形变化:某些语言中,名词,代词和形容词在格,数和性等方面的词形变化美国传统〔decline〕In Latin we learned how to decline nouns.学习拉丁语要了解名词的变格。剑桥高阶〔despair〕These nouns denote loss of hope.这些名词都意指丧失希望。美国传统〔dialect〕These nouns denote forms of language that vary from the standard.这些名词表示是从标准语言变化来的语言形式。美国传统〔diction〕These nouns denote choice of words and the way in which they are used.这些名词表示对使用的词和方式的选择。美国传统〔difference〕These nouns refer to a lack of correspondence or agreement.这些名词都是指缺乏相符或一致。美国传统〔disaster〕These nouns refer to an event having fatal or ruinous results.这些名词均指带来致命的或毁灭的结果的事件。美国传统〔discord〕These nouns are compared as they mean a state of disagreement and disharmony.这些名词相比较是由于它们都表示一种不一致和不协调的状态。美国传统〔disgrace〕These nouns denote the condition of being held in low regard.这些名词都指一种不受尊重的状态。美国传统〔disposition〕These nouns refer to the combination of qualities that identify a person.这些名词都指辨别一个人的综合品质。美国传统〔eccentricity〕These nouns refer to peculiarity of behavior.这些名词表示行为的特异。美国传统〔effort〕These nouns refer to the expenditure of physical or mental energy to accomplish something.这些名词表示为完成某事而耗费体力或精力。美国传统〔ending〕Many abstract nouns have the ending ‘-ness'.很多抽象名词都以-ness作为词尾。麦克米伦高阶〔ending〕Verbal nouns have the ending -ing.动名词以 -ing 结尾。朗文当代〔enmity〕These nouns refer to the feeling or expression of deep-seated ill will.这些名词指根深蒂固的恶意的感情或表述。美国传统〔epidemic〕Such transformation of nouns into verbs became epidemic in recent years.名词这样转化为动词近年来颇为流行。英汉大词典〔equanimity〕These nouns denote the state of a person who is calm and not easily agitated emotionally.这些名词指一个人处在平静且不易感情冲动的状态。美国传统〔error〕These nouns refer to what is not in accord with truth, accuracy, or propriety.这些名词指与真理不符、不准确或不适宜的事物。美国传统〔etiquette〕These nouns refer to codes governing correct behavior.这些名词指的是支配正确行为方式的社会准则。美国传统〔fanatic〕These nouns denote persons who are ardently and usually excessively devoted to a particular cause, subject, or activity.这些名词都表示对某事或活动表现出着迷或疯狂的人。美国传统〔fashion〕These nouns refer to a prevailing or preferred manner of dress, adornment, behavior, or way of life at a given time.这些名词指衣服、装饰、行为或生活方式在特定时间里流行或为众人喜爱的方式。美国传统〔fear〕These nouns all denote the agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.这些名词都含有因危险的出现或迫近而引起的不安和焦虑之意。美国传统〔fidelity〕These nouns denote faithfulness, as to a person or a cause.这些名词指的是对一个人或一件事的忠诚。美国传统〔flock〕These nouns denote a number of animals, birds, or fish considered collectively,and some have human connotations.这些名词用来指一些牲畜、鸟或鱼类的集合,有些也可指人。美国传统〔form〕These nouns refer to the external outline of a thing.这些名词指的是一个物体的外部曲线。美国传统〔freedom〕These nouns refer to the power to act, speak, or think without externally imposed restraints.这些名词都指不受外界强加的限制的行动、言论或思考的权利。美国传统〔govern〕Latin nouns govern adjectives that modify them.拉丁语名词决定了修饰它们的形容词的词形变化。外研社新世纪〔habit〕These nouns denote patterns of behavior established by continual repetition.这些名词都表示由于不断的重复而形成的行为方式。美国传统〔hole〕These nouns refer to an unfilled or empty space.这些名词指未填的或空白的地方。美国传统〔honesty〕These nouns denote the quality of being upright in principle and action.这些名词表示在原则和行动上的正直品质。美国传统〔honor〕These nouns denote admiration, respect, or esteem accorded to another as a right or as due.这些名词表示作为一种权利或应得之物而给予另一个人的敬慕、尊敬或尊重。美国传统〔idea〕These nouns refer to what is formed or represented in the mind as the product of mental activity.这些名词都是指脑力活动后在脑海中出现的表像。美国传统〔imagination〕These nouns refer to the power of the mind to form images, especially of what is not present to the senses.这些名词都指在头脑中形成印象的能力,尤其是对于无法通过感官觉察的事物。美国传统〔importance〕These nouns refer to the state or quality of being significant, influential, or worthy of note or esteem.这些名词是指重要的、有影响的或者值得注意或尊敬的状况或性质。美国传统〔inflect〕Nouns inflect for number, gender and case in German.在德语中, 名词有数、性和格的屈折变化。外研社新世纪〔inflect〕Most nouns in English are inflected for plural use by adding “-s” or “-es.” 英语中大多数名词都要在词尾加上-s或-es,构成复数形式的屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔inflect〕Most nouns in English inflect for plural use by adding “-s” or “-es.” 英语中大多数名词都要在词尾加上-s或-es,构成复数形式的屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔insanity〕These nouns denote conditions of serious mental disability.这些名词表示严重精神失常的状况。美国传统〔intention〕These nouns refer to what one intends to do or achieve.这些名词都指人想要做或达到的东西。美国传统〔join〕Nouns join to form compounds.名词和名词结合构成复合词。英汉大词典〔joke〕These nouns refer to something that is said or done in order to evoke laughter or amusement.这些名词表示为了引人发笑或逗乐而说的话或做的事。美国传统〔knowledge〕These nouns refer to what is known,as by having been acquired through study or experience.这些名词都是指已经了解的东西,比如通过学习或经验获得的。美国传统〔lawyer〕These nouns denote persons who practice law.这些名词都指运用法律的人。美国传统〔lethargy〕These nouns refer to a deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity.这些名词都是指精神或者肉体警觉和活动效力的丧失。美国传统〔likeness〕These nouns denote agreement or conformity, as in character, nature, or appearance between persons or things.这些名词显示了人或物之间在性格、天性或处表上的相似或一致性。美国传统〔livelihood〕These nouns denote the means needed to provide the necessities of life.这些名词表示用于提供生活需求的种种手段。美国传统〔love〕These nouns denote feelings of warm personal attachment or strong attraction to another person.这些名词表示对另外一个人的温暖的个人依恋或强烈的吸引力。美国传统〔masculine〕Actor and tiger are the masculine nouns for actress and tigress.actor 和 tiger 是与 actress 和tigress相应的阳性名词。英汉大词典〔memory〕These nouns denote the act or an instance of remembering, or something remembered.这些名词都是指记忆的行动、一具体记忆例子或记住的事件。美国传统〔mercy〕These nouns mean kind, forgiving, or sympathetic and humane treatment of or disposition toward others.这些名词都表示仁慈的、宽容的、同情的以及对他人的人道对待方式。美国传统〔method〕These nouns refer to the plans or procedures followed to accomplish a task or attain a goal.这些名词指为完成某一任务或达到某一目标而遵循的计划或步骤。美国传统〔mind〕These nouns denote the faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge.这些词都表示思考、推理、获取或运用知识的能力。美国传统〔mirth〕These nouns denote a state of joyful exuberance.这些名词都指示洋溢着欢乐的状态。美国传统〔misfortune〕These nouns all refer to a state or an instance of ill fortune or bad luck.这些名词都指示一种坏运气或倒霉的状态或事件。美国传统〔mixture〕These nouns refer to a combination produced by mixing.这些名词是指通过混合产生的组合。美国传统〔modify〕Adjectives usually modify nouns, and adverbs usually modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.形容词通常修饰名词,副词通常修饰动词、形容词和其他副词。韦氏高阶〔mood〕These nouns refer to a temporary state of mind or feeling.这些名词指一种暂时的精神或感情状态。美国传统〔multitude〕These nouns all denote a very great number of people or things.所有这些名词都意味着大量的人或者事物。美国传统〔name〕These nouns all denote the word or words by which someone or something is called and identified.这些名词都指称呼或确定某人或某物的一个词或多个词。美国传统〔need〕These nouns denote a condition in which something essential is required or wanted; they also refer to that which is required or wanted.这些名词都指处于对必需品的要求和需求的一种状况;它们也指需要的或要求的东西。美国传统〔neuter〕Neuter nouns must take neuter adjectives, pronouns, and articles.中性名词必须跟中性的形容词、代词和冠词。外研社新世纪〔noise〕These nouns refer to loud, confused, or disagreeable sound or sounds.这些名词指高声的、混乱的或不喜欢的声响或声音。美国传统〔normally〕Such nouns are not normally used in the plural.这类名词通常不用复数。英汉大词典〔noun〕English nouns are not usually inflected.英语名词通常没有屈折变化。牛津搭配〔noun〕Most English plural nouns end in an 's'.英语中大多数复数名词以 s 结尾。牛津搭配〔noun〕Most feminine nouns in Polish end in the letter 'a'.波兰语中的大多数阴性名词以字母 a 结尾。牛津搭配〔noun〕Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.专有名词以大写字母开头。牛津搭配〔obligation〕These nouns refer to a course of action that is demanded of a person, as by law or conscience.这些名词指法律或良心等要求一个人的行为。美国传统〔obstacle〕All of these nouns refer to something that prevents action or slows progress.所有这些名词都指阻止行动或延缓进步的事物,美国传统〔occurrence〕These nouns all refer to something that takes place or comes to pass.这些名词均指发生或即将过去的事情。美国传统〔offense〕These nouns are related in denoting a violation or an infraction of a moral, social, or legal code.这些名词都与对道德、社会或法律规范的违反或打破有关。美国传统〔opinion〕These nouns signify something a person believes or accepts as being sound or true.这些名词意思是某人相信或接受已成的声音或事实。美国传统〔opportunity〕All these nouns refer to a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.所有这些名词都指一种有利的环境或多种因素。美国传统〔origin〕These nouns signify the point at which something originates.这些名词意指某物的起源。美国传统〔passion〕These nouns all denote powerful, intense emotion.这些名词都表示强烈的、激烈的感情。美国传统〔patience〕These nouns all denote the capacity to endure hardship, difficulty, or inconvenience without complaint.这些名词都含有毫无怨言地忍受苦难、困难或不便的能力。美国传统〔period〕These nouns refer to a portion or length of time.这些名词均指时间的一部分或长度。美国传统〔perseverance〕Each of these nouns means steadfast singleness of purpose, as in the pursuit of a goal, despite difficulties or obstacles.这些名词都表示当在追求目标过程中遇到了困难或障碍时意向坚定、专一的意思。美国传统〔phase〕These nouns refer to a particular or possible way of viewing something, such as an object, a situation, or a process.这些名词均指观察某些事物,如一个物体、一种情形或一个过程的特殊的或可能的方式。美国传统〔pity〕These nouns signify sympathetic, kindly concern aroused by the misfortune, affliction, or suffering of another.这些名词都表示对别人的不幸、痛苦或困难表示同情或善意的关注。美国传统〔pleasure〕These nouns denote a pleasant feeling, as of happiness or personal satisfaction, evoked by something that is to one's liking.这些名词表示高兴的感觉,如由某人喜爱的东西而引起的快乐或个人的满足。美国传统〔plurality〕Use 's' or 'es' to show plurality in count nouns.用s或es来表示可数名词复数。外研社新世纪〔pluralize〕Certain nouns, such as "guilt", cannot be pluralized.某些名词,例如 guilt, 没有复数形式。剑桥高阶〔plural〕Most plural nouns in English end in ‘s’.英语中多数复数名词以 s 结尾。牛津高阶〔poet〕These nouns denote persons who write verse.这些名词表示写诗的人。美国传统〔price〕These nouns signify an amount given or asked for in payment for goods or services.这些名词都指为得到货物或服务而付出或要求付出的数目。美国传统〔proper noun〕Examples of proper nouns in English are Joseph, Vienna, and the White House.英语中专有名词的例子有约瑟夫、维也纳和白宫。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕These nouns are compared as they mean aesthetic arrangement, as in a design, marked by proper distribution of elements.当这些名词指美学的排列时可进行比较,如在设计中,并以各元素之间成比例的分布为特点。美国传统〔prudence〕These nouns are compared as they refer to the exercise of good judgment and common sense, especially in the conduct of practical matters.当这些名词意指良好的判断和常识的运用时,常把它们进行比较,尤其是指对实际事务的处理。美国传统〔qualified〕Adjectives qualify nouns.形容词描述名词。21世纪英汉〔qualify〕Adjectives qualify nouns.形容词修饰名词。韦氏高阶〔quality〕These nouns all signify a feature that distinguishes or identifies someone or something.这些名词都表示区别或辨认一个人或物的特点。美国传统〔qualm〕These nouns denote a feeling of uncertainty about the fitness or correctness of an action.这些名词意味着对于行为的合适程度或正确程度的不确定而产生的感觉。美国传统〔reason〕These nouns refer to the intellectual faculty by means of which human beings seek or attain knowledge or truth.这些名词都指人类通过追求或获取知识或真理的方式而得到的智力。美国传统〔rebellion〕These nouns denote acts of violence intended to change or overthrow an existing order or authority.这些名词指那些想要改变或推翻现存秩序或权威的暴力行为。美国传统〔regard〕These nouns refer to a feeling based on perception of and a measure of approval for the worth of a person or thing.这些名词指基于对一个人或物的价值肯定的感受及衡量而建立的感情。美国传统〔regret〕All of these nouns denote mental distress.所有这些名词都指精神上的痛苦。美国传统〔remainder〕These nouns are compared as they denote what is left after a part has been used or subtracted.这些名词在指一部分被用掉或减去后留下的东西时,通常进行相互比较。美国传统〔reparation〕All of these nouns refer to something given in compensation for loss, suffering, or damage.这些名词都可指作为对损失、苦难或损害的补偿而给予的东西。美国传统〔rest〕All of these nouns mean freedom or relief from labor, responsibility, or strain.所有这些名词意味着从劳动、责任或劳累中解脱、解放出来。美国传统〔rhythm〕These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.当这些名词意为有规律地形式化的重读与非重读音节的降低和升高时,尤其在音乐、演说或韵文中,它们有所区别。美国传统〔right〕These nouns apply to something, such as a power or possession, to which one has an established claim.这些名词指某人享有既定的所有权的东西,例如权力或财产。美国传统〔series〕These nouns denote a number of things placed or occurring one after the other.这些名词表示一个接一个地放置或发生的很多事物。美国传统〔servitude〕These nouns signify a state of subjugation to an owner or a master.这些名词表示对所有人或主人的隶属状态。美国传统〔shelter〕These nouns refer to places affording protection, as from danger, or to the state of being protected.这些名词都指提供保护的场所,如防止危险或被保护的状态。美国传统〔sign〕These nouns are compared as they denote an outward indication of the existence or presence of something not immediately evident.这里比较的名词,都含有某物存在或在场的外在指示,而这个事物本身不是立即可见的。美国传统〔smile〕These nouns denote facial expressions, as those indicating amusement, in which the mouth is curved upward slightly at the corners.这些名词都指一种嘴角向上微翘,表示愉快的面部表情。美国传统〔solitude〕These nouns denote the state of being alone.这些名词都表示处于单独一人的状态。美国传统〔state〕These nouns denote the mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing.这些名词都表示人或事物存在的形式或方式。美国传统〔strength〕These nouns are compared as they denote the capacity to act or work effectively.当这些名词指有效地行动或工作的能力时,它们之间可作比较。美国传统〔subject〕These nouns denote the principal idea or point of a speech, a piece of writing, or an artistic work.这些名词表示演讲、文章或艺术作品的主要思想或要旨。美国传统〔summit〕These nouns all mean the highest point.这些名词的意思都是最高点。美国传统〔surrender〕These nouns denote the act of giving up one's person, one's possessions, or people under one's command to the authority, power, or control of another.这些名词意指把某人自身、财产或领导之下的人移交给他人的权威、权力或控制权之下。美国传统〔tact〕These nouns denote the ability to deal with others with skill, sensitivity, and finesse.这些名词都指巧妙地、敏感地和有策略地与他人打交道的能力。美国传统〔tag on〕All these compound nouns consist of an adjective tagged on to a noun.所有这些复合名词都包含一个附加在名词上的形容词。外研社新世纪〔temerity〕These nouns refer to striking, often aggressive boldness.这些名词都指令人震惊的,常常是咄咄逼人的冒失。美国传统〔tendency〕These nouns are compared as they refer to the direction or course of an action or a thought.当这些名词都指一种行为或思想方向或过程时它们可以互相比较。美国传统〔terminate〕The letter “s” terminates most plural nouns.大多数复数名词以字母“S”结尾。21世纪英汉〔tool〕These nouns refer to devices used in the performance of work.这些名词都指用于进行工作的器具。美国传统〔trace〕These nouns denote a visible sign or perceptible indication of the passage or former presence of something.这些名词都意指一可见的标记或可觉察到的某物先前通过或存在的指示物。美国传统〔trust〕These nouns denote a feeling of certainty that a person or thing will not fail.这些名词包含着确信某人或某事不会失败的情感。美国传统〔truth〕These nouns refer to the quality of being in accord with fact or reality.这些名词指符合事实或现实的性质。美国传统〔uncertainty〕These nouns all refer to the condition of being unsure about someone or something.这些名词均表示对人或事不确定状态。美国传统〔unity〕These nouns denote the condition of accord resulting from an identity or coincidence of interests, purposes, or sympathies among the members of a group.这些名词表示一致的条件,得自识别或符合一群的成员中的兴趣、目的或同情,美国传统〔verbalization〕It is a language in which nouns are freely verbalized.它是名词随意可以变成动词的一种语言。21世纪英汉〔victory〕These nouns denote the fact of winning or the state of having won in a war, struggle, or competition.这些名词包含了获胜的事实或者在战争、斗争或竞争中取得胜利。美国传统〔way〕These nouns refer to paths leading from one place or point to another.这些名词都指从一地引向另一地的路。美国传统〔wit〕These nouns are compared as they denote forms of expression that elicit amusement or laughter.这些名词在这里表示能引人兴味和发笑的表达方式的意思时是可被比较的。美国传统〔work〕These nouns refer to physical or mental effort expended to produce or accomplish something.这些名词用来指花费体力或脑力的努力来产生或完成某事。美国传统In English, nouns can be singular or plural. 英语中,名词有单复数之分。译典通In English, the possessive singular of nouns is formed with 's.英语中,单数名词的所有格由誷构成。剑桥国际Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter. 专有名词用大写字母。译典通Sometimes common nouns change into proper nouns. 有时普通名词会转变成专有名词。译典通The capitalization of all nouns in German can be very confusing when you are just starting to learn the language.当你刚开始学德文时,名词的一律大写会令你十分迷惑。剑桥国际The president's utterances, with their twisted syntax, missing nouns and pronouns, have long been a source of amusement.董事长讲起话来句子结构拗口,缺漏名词和代词,一向是引人发笑的材料。剑桥国际The suffix -er is added to verbs to form nouns. 字尾-er加到动词之后构成名词。译典通




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