

单词 a bomb
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPENSIVE〕The divorce cost me a bomb. 离婚让我花了一大笔钱。朗文写作活用〔EXPLODE〕A bomb exploded in a crowded metro station this morning, killing five people. 今天早晨,一颗炸弹在一个拥挤的地铁站里爆炸,造成五人死亡。朗文写作活用〔MIDDLE〕A bomb has exploded in the crowded business district in the centre of the old city. 一颗炸弹在旧城区中心拥挤的商业区爆炸了。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The house is worth a bomb at today's prices. 按今天的价格算起来,这房子值一大笔钱。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕You won't make a bomb, but it's worth doing. 赚大钱是不可能的,但这事值得一做。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕A bomb went off in the city center and 19 people were killed. 一枚炸弹在市中心爆炸,有19个人遇难。朗文写作活用〔anonymous〕Police said an anonymous caller warned that a bomb was about to go off.警方说有人打来匿名电话,警告一枚炸弹即将爆炸。剑桥高阶〔as〕The house was in such a mess – it looked as though a bomb had dropped on it.房子这么乱七八糟的,仿佛是遭到了炸弹的轰炸。麦克米伦高阶〔blow up〕The soldiers blew up the bridge with a bomb.士兵们用炸弹将桥炸毁了。韦氏高阶〔blow〕A bomb like that could blow you to bits.那样一颗炸弹可以把你炸得粉碎。朗文当代〔bomb site〕His bedroom was a bomb site.他的卧室非常凌乱。麦克米伦高阶〔bomb site〕The house is such a bomb site and I'm so desperate for some help.这座房子一片狼藉, 我急需有人帮忙收拾。外研社新世纪〔bomb〕He made a bomb trading shares online.他在网上炒股赚了大钱。外研社新世纪〔bomb〕I'm looking for a new computer that doesn't cost a bomb.我想买台不太贵的新电脑。韦氏高阶〔bomb〕She paid a bomb for the car.她买车花了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔bomb〕The terrorists had planted a bomb near the police station.恐怖分子在警察局附近安放了一枚炸弹。剑桥高阶〔compound〕The embassy compound has been closed to the public because of a bomb threat.因受到炸弹威胁,使馆区停止对公众开放。剑桥高阶〔defuse〕Police have defused a bomb found in a building in London.警方已经拆除了一枚在伦敦一所大楼内发现的炸弹的引信。柯林斯高阶〔disruption〕The city suffered some disruption due to a bomb scare.因炸弹引发恐慌,市内出现了一些混乱。牛津搭配〔distance〕A bomb exploded some distance away.一颗炸弹在一段距离外爆炸。牛津搭配〔dud〕A bomb, shell, or explosive round that fails to detonate.哑弹:未爆炸的炸弹,炮弹或整发子弹美国传统〔empty〕Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat.由于炸弹的威胁,警方奉命将人撤离这栋大楼。牛津高阶〔fall〕A bomb fell on the church and destroyed it.一颗炸弹落在教堂上,把教堂炸毁了。剑桥高阶〔fuse〕A bomb was deactivated at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit.导火索在要点燃炸弹的最后一刻被拆除。外研社新世纪〔glass〕A bomb went off, and many people were injured by flying glass.炸弹爆炸了,许多人被飞溅的玻璃碎片划伤。牛津搭配〔go (like/down) a bomb〕Your fruit punch went down a bomb.你的水果潘趣酒大受欢迎。剑桥高阶〔go like a bomb〕His new car goes like a bomb.他的新汽车跑起来飞快。剑桥高阶〔go〕A bomb went off.炸弹爆炸了。牛津同义词〔happy〕I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.我一直想找个满意的折中办法,使家里既不会像被炸过那样乱,也不会像有洁癖似的过分齐整。朗文当代〔nerve〕It takes a lot of nerve to be a bomb disposal expert.当拆弹专家需要极大的勇气。剑桥高阶〔package〕A package containing a bomb was delivered to her home.一个装有炸弹的包裹送到了她家。朗文当代〔place〕A bomb had been placed under the seat.座位下面放了一枚炸弹。牛津高阶〔plant〕Terrorists planted a bomb in the bus station.恐怖分子在公交车站安放了一枚炸弹。韦氏高阶〔refuge〕They took refuge in a bomb shelter.他们在防空洞中避难。柯林斯高阶〔rip apart〕Last night a bomb ripped apart the train in which we had been travelling.昨天夜里一颗炸弹将我们乘坐的火车炸得四分五裂。21世纪英汉〔rip〕Their minibus was ripped apart by a bomb.他们的面包车被炸弹炸得粉碎。柯林斯高阶〔rubble〕A bomb reduced the houses to rubble.将某物毁成瓦砾麦克米伦高阶〔screener〕Airline screeners found a suspicious package in his luggage which turned out to be a bomb.机场安检人员在他的行李中发现一件可疑包裹,最终查明是枚炸弹。韦氏高阶〔shake〕Houses shook as a bomb exploded in the neighbourhood.炸弹在附近爆炸时,房屋震得直摇晃。麦克米伦高阶〔shock〕Our windows were shocked into pieces by the explosion of a bomb.我们的窗子被一颗炸弹的爆炸震得粉碎。21世纪英汉〔smoke bomb〕A bomb designed to give out thick smoke upon exploding, used especially to mark a target or to create a smoke screen.烟雾弹:用来通过爆炸产生大量烟雾的炸弹,主要用来标明目标或制造烟雾屏障美国传统〔tail〕The vaned rear portion of a bomb or missile.尾部:一枚炸弹或导弹舵的末尾部分美国传统〔take〕The building was taken out by a bomb.这座建筑被炸弹炸毁了。朗文当代A bomb exploded at one of London's busiest railway stations this morning.今晨一枚炸弹在伦敦最繁忙的火车站爆炸。剑桥国际Security at the airport has been enhanced following the discovery of a bomb there.在机场发现一枚炸弹后,其安全措施已予加强。剑桥国际She was an innocent dupe who had been tricked into carrying a bag containing a bomb.她被骗而携带装有炸弹的包,她是个无辜的受骗者。剑桥国际Some late news (= news of something which happened after the news programme started) has just come in -- a bomb has exploded in central London.刚刚收到的消息----一枚炸弹在伦敦市中心爆炸。剑桥国际The terrorists retaliated against the government with a bomb attack.恐怖主义者用炸弹袭击来报复政府。剑桥国际There's an agitated man on the phone insisting that a bomb is about to go off.电话中一个焦虑的男子坚持说有一枚炸弹将要爆炸。剑桥国际Two weeks after the police relaxed security at the airports, there was a bomb attack.警察放宽机场安全措施后两个星期发生了一起炸弹袭击。剑桥国际




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