

单词 night sky
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕They threw some dry wood onto the bonfire and it flared up, showering sparks into the night sky. 他们往篝火里丢了几块干柴,火焰一下蹿了起来,火花迸入了夜空中。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕A seemingly endless supply of fireworks lit up the clear night sky. 一连串似乎无穷尽的烟火照亮了清朗的夜空。朗文写作活用〔LIGHT〕Fireworks lit up the night sky. 烟花照亮了夜空。朗文写作活用〔Milky Way〕The galaxy containing the solar system, visible as a broad band of faint light in the night sky.银河:包括太阳系的星系,在夜空中呈现为发淡光的宽带美国传统〔billion〕A billion stars shone in the night sky.夜空中繁星闪烁。朗文当代〔climb〕We watched the smoke climb [=rise] into the night sky.我们看着那烟徐徐升上夜空。韦氏高阶〔drone〕Above him a plane droned through the night sky.在他头顶上一架飞机嗡嗡地飞过夜空。外研社新世纪〔drone〕Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky.在他头顶上一架隐形飞机嗡嗡地飞过夜空。柯林斯高阶〔eject〕The fire ejected yellow flames into the night sky.大火向夜空喷出黄色的火焰。美国传统〔equate〕The constellations in the night sky cannot be directly equated with the heroes of Greek mythology.夜空中的星座不能直接与希腊神话中的英雄相等同。牛津搭配〔flare〕Flares lit up the night sky.照明弹照亮了夜空。牛津搭配〔flash〕A flash of lightning lit up the night sky.一道闪电照亮夜空。朗文当代〔gorgeous〕The night sky was gorgeous with billions of stars.无数的星星使夜空显得绚烂多彩。英汉大词典〔infinity〕The night sky was filled with an infinity of stars.夜空中布满了无数的星星。韦氏高阶〔lift off〕The plane lifted off and climbed steeply into the night sky.飞机起飞了, 陡直爬升到夜空中。外研社新世纪〔light pollution〕Illumination of the night sky by electric lights, as in an urban area, that interferes with astronomical observation.光害,光污染:电灯对夜晚天空形成的照明,会干扰天文观测,如在都市中美国传统〔lightning〕Lightning lit up the night sky.闪电照亮了夜空。牛津搭配〔light〕Fireworks were lighting up the night sky.烟火照亮了夜空。麦克米伦高阶〔look up〕He looked up at the night sky.他抬头望向夜空。外研社新世纪〔meteoric〕The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.夜空中突然出现的亮光是一颗流星火球引起的。剑桥高阶〔moon〕The full moon hung high in the night sky.一轮满月高悬夜空。牛津搭配〔porfiler〕The huge trees were profiled against the night sky.在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。21世纪英汉〔probe〕Searchlights probed the night sky.探照灯扫视着夜空。牛津高阶〔rakable〕The searchlights raked the night sky.探照灯的灯光横扫夜空。21世纪英汉〔rear〕The great bulk of the building reared up against the night sky.夜幕下,巨大的高楼显得阴森森的。牛津高阶〔rip〕Lightning ripped the cloudy night sky.闪电划破乌云密布的夜空。英汉大词典〔set〕The night sky was set with myriads of stars.无数星星点缀着夜空。英汉大词典〔silhouette〕The silhouette of a bird crossed the night sky.一只鸟的影子掠过夜空。麦克米伦高阶〔sky glow〕Illumination of the night sky by electric lights, as in an urban area.天空照明:电灯对夜晚天空形成的照明,例如在都市区美国传统〔sky〕The night sky was filled with stars.夜晚的/夏天的/北方的天空麦克米伦高阶〔sky〕The night sky was lit up by flashes of light.一道道灯光照亮了夜空。柯林斯高阶〔spangle〕He gazed out at the star-spangled night sky.他凝望着外面星光闪烁的夜空。英汉大词典〔split〕A lightning bolt split the night sky.一道闪电划破夜空美国传统〔studded〕The night sky was studded with stars.夜空满布著星星。文馨英汉〔twinkle〕Stars twinkle in the night sky.星星在夜空中闪烁。韦氏高阶〔twinkle〕Stars twinkled in the night sky.星星在夜空闪烁。21世纪英汉〔wink〕The stars winked in the night sky.夜空中繁星闪烁。韦氏高阶〔world〕Astronomers across the world will be watching the night sky.全世界的天文学家都将观测夜空。牛津搭配The stars flashed in the night sky. 夜空中群星闪烁。译典通The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.夜空中的突然闪光是由一颗流星火球造成的。剑桥国际They watched as the missile described a curve across the night sky.他们注视着导弹横贯夜空,画出一条弧形。剑桥国际Venus is sometimes called the morning or evening star because it is the most brilliant of all the objects in the night sky.金星有时被叫作启明星或长庚星,因为它是夜空中所有物体中最为明亮的。剑桥国际We saw a meteor streak across the night sky.我们看见一颗流星划过夜空。剑桥国际




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