

单词 newfoundland
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Atlantic Provinces〕The eastern Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.宾大西洋诸省:加拿大东部省份,新不伦瑞克,爱德华太子岛,新斯科舍和纽芬兰美国传统〔Avalon Peninsula〕A large, irregularly shaped peninsula of southeast Newfoundland, Canada. Most of the province's population resides here.阿瓦朗半岛:加拿大纽芬兰岛东南部一个面积大,形状不规则的半岛。该省的大部分人口居住于此美国传统〔Belle Isle〕A channel between southeast Labrador and northwest Newfoundland, Canada. It is the northern entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence.贝尔岛:位于加拿大拉布拉多东南部和纽芬兰西北部之间的一条海峡,是通往圣·劳伦斯湾的北入口美国传统〔Cabot Strait〕A channel between southwest Newfoundland and northern Cape Breton Island, Canada, connecting the Gulf of St. Lawrence with the Atlantic Ocean.卡伯特海峡:加拿大纽芬兰岛西南部和布雷顿角岛北部之间的一个海峡,它将圣·劳伦斯湾和大西洋连接起来美国传统〔Labrador Peninsula〕A peninsula of eastern Canada between Hudson Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It is divided between Quebec and Newfoundland provinces.拉布拉多半岛:加拿大东部的一个半岛,位于哈得孙湾和大西洋之间。它被分为魁北克和纽芬兰两个省美国传统〔Melville〕A saltwater lake of Newfoundland, Canada, in southeast Labrador. It receives the Churchill River in Goose Bay, its southwest arm.梅尔维尔湖:加拿大白苏兰的一盐水湖,位于拉希拉多尔东南部,与丘吉尔河汇合于古斯贝西南部美国传统〔Miquelon〕A French island in the Atlantic Ocean off the southern coast of Newfoundland, Canada. It is part of the overseas department of St. Pierre and Miquelon.密克隆岛:大西洋中靠近加拿大纽芬兰南部海岸的法属岛屿,为圣皮埃尔岛和密克隆岛海外省的一部分美国传统〔Newfoundland〕Any of a breed of large, strong dog developed in Newfoundland and having a thick, usually black coat.纽芬兰犬:产于纽芬兰的一种大型、强壮的狗,具有厚厚的、不寻常的黑毛美国传统〔Race〕A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula.莱思角:加拿大纽芬兰省东南部一海角,位于亚法隆半岛沿岸美国传统〔Ray〕A promontory of extreme southwest Newfoundland, Canada, on Cabot Strait.雷角:加拿大的纽芬兰西南顶端卡伯特海峡的一个突出部美国传统〔banker〕One engaged in cod fishing off Newfoundland.捕鳕鱼者,鳕渔船:纽芬兰沿海的从事捕鳕鱼的渔民或渔船美国传统〔shipwreck〕They were shipwrecked off the coast of Newfoundland.他们的船在纽芬兰海岸附近失事了。剑桥高阶〔sink〕The ship sank off the coast of Newfoundland during a storm.在一次风暴中,这艘船在纽芬兰附近的海域沉没了。麦克米伦高阶Explorers of the New World such as John Cabot, discoverer of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, sailed from Bristol.新大陆的探险家们,如纽芬兰岛和新斯科舍省的发现者约翰·卡伯特,从布里斯托尔开始航行。剑桥国际They were shipwrecked off the coast of Newfoundland.他们的船在纽芬兰的海岸外失事了。剑桥国际




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