

单词 neolithic
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Lipari Islands〕A group of volcanic islands of Italy off the northeast coast of Sicily in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The islands have been inhabited since the Neolithic Period.利帕里群岛,风鸣岛:意大利的火山岛群,位于第勒尼安海中西西里岛东北海岸外。该群岛自新石器时代就有人居住美国传统〔Neolithic〕Neolithic culture新石器时代文化外研社新世纪〔Neolithic〕Neolithic man/tribes/cave painters 新石器时代人/部落/洞穴画家韦氏高阶〔TIME〕This chapter will focus primarily on the Neolithic period in Europe. 这一章将主要叙述欧洲的新石器时代。朗文写作活用〔chamber tomb〕A Neolithic tomb consisting of a chamber built out of large upright stones with one or more capstones, buried in an earthen mound.墓室:埋于土墩中,包含直立大石和一至数块盖顶石的穴室的新石器时代坟墓美国传统〔cist〕A Neolithic stone coffin.石棺:新石器时期的一种石棺美国传统〔court tomb〕A Neolithic tomb found chiefly in the British Isles consisting of a chamber tomb adjoined by an open space marked off by large standing stones.法院石墓:多在英伦群岛上发现的新石器时代坟墓,包括一个墓室,与一个被大的直立石头所做记号的宽广空间相连美国传统〔man〕Try to imagine what life must have been like for Neolithic man 10,000 years ago.想象一下1万年前新石器时代人的生活是什么样子。剑桥高阶〔neolithic〕Neolithic settlements 新石器时代的聚落牛津高阶〔neolithic〕Neolithic stone axes 新石器时代的石斧牛津高阶〔neolithic〕The neolithic period is sometimes called the new stone age.新石器时代(the neolithic period)有时被称为 new stone age。剑桥高阶〔neolith〕A stone implement of the Neolithic Period.新石器:新石器时代的石头器具美国传统〔wedge tomb〕A Neolithic chamber tomb found chiefly in the British Isles that narrows from the entrance to the back.楔形墓穴:主要是在英伦群岛所发现的新石器时代墓室,由入口处向后方逐渐变窄美国传统This area has been used as a burial ground since neolithic times.这地区从新石器时代起一直被用作墓地。剑桥国际Try to imagine what life must have been like for Neolithic man (= all the people who lived in the Neolithic period) 10 000 years ago.试想一下1万年前新石器人的生活。剑桥国际




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