

单词 mixer
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕They passed a cement mixer that was being operated by two men in dusty overalls. 他们走过一台水泥搅拌机,那机器正由两个身穿满是灰尘的工作服的男人操作着。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕You can add ice or additional mixer to alcoholic drinks make them last longer. 酒精饮料加冰或加别的调酒饮料可以喝得更久一些。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕In a bakery, the bread is rarely kneaded by hand but by large mechanical mixers. 在面包房里,揉面这工作很少用手来做,而是由大型机械搅拌器来完成的。朗文写作活用〔earth-moving〕The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle.运土卡车和混凝土搅拌机闲置着。柯林斯高阶〔good mixer〕For a politician, she was not a very good mixer.作为政治人物,她不是很擅于交际。韦氏高阶〔good mixer〕He was shy and a poor mixer.他性格腼腆,不擅交际。韦氏高阶〔increase〕Increase the speed of the mixer and whip until the cream begins to thicken.加快搅拌器的速度, 不停搅打直到奶油开始变稠。外研社新世纪〔mixer〕Cooper was a good mixer, he was popular.库珀擅长交际,人缘很好。柯林斯高阶〔mixer〕Cooper was a good mixer, he was popular.库珀是个交际能手, 人缘很好。外研社新世纪〔mixer〕He's a king mixer.他是捣蛋大王。英汉大词典〔mixer〕Media people need to be good mixers and good talkers.传媒工作者要善于交际,还要能说会道。朗文当代〔mixer〕Orange juice is her favorite mixer.橙汁是她最喜欢的调酒饮料。韦氏高阶〔mixer〕She's outgoing and a good mixer.她是一个杰出的爱交际的人美国传统〔mixer〕The school always holds a mixer on the second week of the term.学校通常在学期开始的第二周举行舞会。剑桥高阶〔mixer〕We can use tonic water or orange juice as mixers.我们可以用奎宁水或橙汁来调酒。朗文当代〔mixer〕We have ginger ale, tonic water, and various other mixers.我们有姜味汽水、奎宁水和其他各种调酒饮料。剑桥高阶〔mixer〕You get to know lots of people at college if you're a good mixer.如果你善于交际,在大学里会认识许多人。剑桥高阶〔pour into〕Mixers poured cement into hundreds of blue barrels.搅拌机将水泥倒进上百个蓝色桶里。外研社新世纪〔producer〕He's been a top producer and mixer for the past decade.在过去的 10 年中他是一位顶级制片人和后期制作人。牛津搭配〔setup〕Often setups Informal The collective ingredients, such as ice, mixers, and glasses, necessary for serving various alcoholic drinks. 常作 setups 【非正式用语】 (调酒所用的)材料:调制各种不同的酒精饮料所必须的相同的因素,如冰、搅拌器和玻璃杯美国传统〔sound mixer〕Julie is a sound mixer.朱莉是名混音师。外研社新世纪〔textured〕This kind of mixer produces light, silky, even-textured batters.这种搅拌机能搅拌出稀薄、柔滑、质地均匀的面糊。柯林斯高阶〔toy〕The food mixer is her latest toy.这个食品搅拌器是她最近的“玩具”。朗文当代Sound recording is supervised by the floor mixer, while the boom operator positions the microphone during shooting.拍摄期间在操作话筒吊杆的人摆动话筒同时,录音由舞台调音员监督。剑桥国际The school always holds a mixer on the second week of the term.学校总是在学期的第二周举行交谊舞会。剑桥国际To speed matters up, you can prepare the dough in a (food) mixer.为了加快做事速度,你可以用搅拌器准备生面团。剑桥国际We have tonic or orange juice if anyone wants mixers with their vodka.如果有人想给他们的伏特加酒加点饮料,我们有奎宁水和桔子汁。剑桥国际You'll get to know lots of people at college if you're a good mixer--bad mixers have a difficult time.如果你是个善于交际的人你会在大学里结交许多人,不善于交际的人会吃苦头的。剑桥国际




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