

单词 middle age
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dark Age〕The entire period from the end of classical civilization to the revival of learning in the West; the Middle Ages.欧洲中世纪:从古典文化的结束到西方的文艺复兴的整个时期;中世纪美国传统〔David〕Patron saint of Wales. His shrine at St. David's in southwest Wales was an important place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages.圣戴维:威尔士的守护神,他在威尔士西南部的圣戴维圣地是中世纪时期朝圣的重要地点美国传统〔MAGIC〕We only have limited knowledge about the practice of magic in the Middle Ages. 我们对中世纪时施用魔法的情况所知有限。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕Throughout the Middle Ages, the bulk of the population lived in the country rather than in towns. 整个中世纪大部分人口都居住在农村而不是在城镇。朗文写作活用〔Marrano〕A Spanish or Portuguese Jew who was forcibly converted to Christianity in the late Middle Ages but who continued to practice Judaism in secret.马拉诺:西班牙或葡萄牙境内的犹太人,在中世纪晚期被迫改信基督教,但他却在暗地里继续信奉犹太教美国传统〔Mudéjar〕A Moslem who remained in Spain after it had been reconquered by the Christians in the Middle Ages.穆德哈尔人:指中世纪时期在基督教徒收复西班牙后仍留在西班牙的穆斯林美国传统〔Neo-Platonism〕A revival of Neo-Platonism or a system derived from it, as in the Middle Ages.新柏拉图主义:新柏拉图主义的复兴或由它发展而来的体系,如在中世纪时期美国传统〔age〕He was almost boyishly handsome even in middle age.甚至到了中年他几乎还像个美少年。英汉大词典〔antiquity〕Ancient times, especially the times preceding the Middle Ages.古代:古代,尤指中世纪以前的时代美国传统〔back〕The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages.这个村子的历史可追溯至中世纪。牛津高阶〔benefit of clergy〕Exemption from trial or punishment in a civil court, given to the clergy in the Middle Ages.豁免权:在中世纪,教士享有的在民事法庭免受处罚的权利美国传统〔burn〕Women were burned as witches in the middle ages.妇女在中世纪时被当成女巫烧死。柯林斯高阶〔choler〕Archaic One of the four humors of the body thought in the Middle Ages to cause anger and bad temper when present in excess; yellow bile.【古语】 胆汁:四种体液之一,在中世纪时被认为当分泌过多时会导致愤怒和暴躁脾气;黄胆汁美国传统〔crop〕In the Middle Ages, years of crop failure were always followed by terrible disease.中世纪时,庄稼连年歉收后总会出现严重的疫情。柯林斯高阶〔crop〕In the Middle Ages, years of crop failure were always followed by terrible disease.在中世纪, 粮食连年歉收总是会出现严重的病患。外研社新世纪〔cultural〕In the later Middle Ages, Prague was an important cultural centre (=a place, usually a big city, where a lot of artistic and musical events happen) .在中世纪的后期,布拉格是一个重要的文化中心。朗文当代〔cusp〕I am sitting on the cusp of middle age.我将步入中年。柯林斯高阶〔deep〕They lived deep in the Middle Ages.他们生活在遥远的中世纪。英汉大词典〔fear〕The plague was greatly feared in the Middle Ages.在中世纪时,这种瘟疫十分可怕。21世纪英汉〔flourish〕The game only started to flourish in Europe during the middle ages.这种游戏在中世纪才开始在欧洲盛行。英汉大词典〔freemason〕A member of a guild of skilled itinerant masons during the Middle Ages.石匠协会成员:中世纪由技术熟练的巡回石匠组成的行会的成员美国传统〔fret〕A headdress, worn by women of the Middle Ages, consisting of interlaced wire.网状头饰:一种中世纪妇女常戴头饰,由镶嵌线组成美国传统〔identity〕My father experienced an identity crisis in middle age.我父亲在中年时经历了一次身份危机。朗文当代〔mangonel〕A military engine used during the Middle Ages for hurling stones and other missiles.军用射石机:中世纪时军队用于投掷石头或其它发射物的器具美国传统〔medievalism〕Devotion to or acceptance of the ideas of the Middle Ages.对中世纪信仰的爱好:热衷于或接受中世纪的观点美国传统〔medievalism〕The spirit or the body of beliefs, customs, or practices of the Middle Ages.中世纪精神:中世纪时的信仰、制度或习俗之精神或其实体美国传统〔mellow〕He is now mellowing into middle age.他现在正缓缓步入中年。外研社新世纪〔mellow〕Her personality became more mellow as middle age approached.人到中年,她的性格变得更加成熟了。英汉大词典〔middle age〕He feared the approach of middle age.他害怕步入中年。韦氏高阶〔middle age〕He's reached middle age.他已到中年。外研社新世纪〔middle age〕The patient was in late middle age.这位患者五十好几了。韦氏高阶〔middleage〕He mellowed in middle age.步入中年后他变得成熟起来。牛津搭配〔middleage〕She had her first child well into middle age.她初为人母时早已步入了中年。牛津搭配〔neume〕A sign used in the notation of plainsong during the Middle Ages, surviving today in transcriptions of Gregorian chants.纽姆符号:中世纪教堂音乐的一种乐谱符号,现存于罗马教皇格利高里赞美诗中美国传统〔overlap〕The Renaissance overlapped the later Middle Ages.文艺复兴时期与中世纪后期有一段时间互相交接。英汉大词典〔persecutor〕The clergy were the main persecutors of witches in the Middle Ages.在中世纪,教会的神职人员是迫害“女巫”的主要力量。剑桥高阶〔persist〕These practices persisted into the Middle Ages.这些做法一直延续到中世纪。牛津搭配〔phlegmatic〕The taxi driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request.那位出租车司机人到中年,遇事沉着,对这一要求毫不惊讶。朗文当代〔poleax〕A battle-ax used in the Middle Ages consisting of a long shaft ending in an ax or a combination of an ax, a hammer, and a pick.长柄战斧:在中世纪使用的一种战斧,由末端为一把斧头或是斧头、锤和凿的结合物的一根长杆构成美国传统〔prime〕Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude.如果心态正确,中年会是人一生中的全盛时期。剑桥高阶〔reign〕Venice reigned as the major sea power of the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages.中世纪时,威尼斯以地中海的主要海上力量而称雄。英汉大词典〔religious〕The cathedral at Chartres is an expression of the religious fervor of the Middle Ages.在查特雷斯的大教堂是中世纪时期宗教热情的表现之一。美国传统〔seat〕The university has been a seat of learning since the Middle Ages.自中世纪以来,大学就是求学的场所。韦氏高阶〔sizzle〕You've reached middle age, and your marriage has lost its sizzle.你们已步入中年,你们的婚姻业已失去了激情。英汉大词典〔surcoat〕A tunic worn in the Middle Ages by a knight over his armor.外衣:中世纪时骑士等穿在铠甲外的无袖锃甲罩袍美国传统〔thud〕Baby boomers hit middle age with a thud.生育高峰期的那代人突然发现自己已到中年。英汉大词典〔verse〕Written in verse, the play was set in the Middle Ages.那个剧本是用韵文写的,以中世纪为背景。朗文当代By middle age, osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee problems.到了中年,骨关节炎是引起膝盖不适的最普通的疾病。剑桥国际In the Middle Ages, knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.中世纪时,武士要向君主宣誓效忠。剑桥国际This film is the latest incarnation of a fairy tale that dates back to the Middle Ages.这部影片是始于中世纪的一个神话故事的最新体现。剑桥国际




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