

单词 measuring
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brix scale〕A hydrometer scale for measuring the sugar content of a solution at a given temperature.白利糖度:测量一定温度下溶液中糖含量的比重计标度美国传统〔HIT〕The device works by bouncing sound waves off objects and measuring the time it takes for the sound to return. 这个装置的工作原理是让声波碰到物体反弹,然后测定声音返回所需的时间。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕Get me a measuring tape - I'll show you how long I want the skirt. 给我拿皮尺来—我量给你看我要多长的裙子。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕Surgeons use a laser with a beam measuring less than the width of a human hair. 外科医生使用一种激光器,其光束的宽度还不及人的头发。朗文写作活用〔Richter Scale〕The area suffered a major earthquake, measuring 7.5 on the Richter Scale.该地区发生了里氏7.5级的大地震。麦克米伦高阶〔Richter scale〕An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter Scale struck California yesterday.昨天加利福尼亚发生了里氏6.1级地震。柯林斯高阶〔SIZE〕Put the soil into a sack measuring 50 centimetres across. 把泥土装入一个50厘米宽的麻袋里。朗文写作活用〔SPEED〕This instrument is used for measuring wind velocity. 这个仪器用于测风速。朗文写作活用〔Secchi disk〕A disk, divided into black and white quarters, used to gauge water clarity by measuring the depth at which it is no longer visible from the surface.透明度盘:分为黑白两色四等份的圆盘状物,借着测量从水表不可见的深度来测定水的清澈度美国传统〔alkalimeter〕An apparatus for measuring alkalinity.碱量计:用来测定碱含量的仪器美国传统〔anemometer〕An instrument for indicating and measuring wind force and velocity.风速计:表示及测量风力和风速的仪器美国传统〔barometer〕Abbr. bar.An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in weather forecasting.缩写 bar.气压表,气压计:测量大气压力的仪器,尤用于天气预报美国传统〔baseline〕You'll need such information to use as a baseline for measuring progress.你会需要这些信息作为衡量进展的基准。柯林斯高阶〔baseline〕You'll need such information to use as a baseline for measuring progress.你会需要这种信息作为衡量进展情况的基点。外研社新世纪〔basis point〕One one-hundredth of a percent, used in measuring yield differences among bonds.基点,点:万分之一点,用来测量票据间收益差值美国传统〔board rule〕A measuring stick for determining board feet.测量木材用的板尺美国传统〔bridge〕Any of various instruments for measuring or comparing the characteristics, such as impedance or inductance, of a conductor.电桥:用来测量、比较导体的特征的仪器,如电阻、感应器美国传统〔by〕The house has a spacious dining room, measuring 18 feet by 15.这座房子有很宽敞的餐厅,长18英尺宽15英尺。麦克米伦高阶〔caliper〕A large instrument having a fixed and a movable arm on a graduated stock, used for measuring the diameters of logs and similar objects.测径器:一种大仪器,在一刻度盘上有固定且可动的测脚,用于测量圆木和类似物体的直径美国传统〔calorimeter〕An apparatus for measuring the heat generated by a chemical reaction, change of state, or formation of a solution.量热计:一种装置,用于测定化学反应、状态变化或一溶解过程所产生的热量美国传统〔cephalometer〕A device for measuring the head.头测量器:测量头颅的仪器美国传统〔chainman〕Either of the two persons who hold a surveyor's measuring chain.测链员:两个持测量员用测链的人中的任一个美国传统〔coulometer〕A device for determining the amount of a substance released during electrolysis by measuring the electrical charge.电量计:借着测量电荷来决定电解时所释放物质的量的仪器美国传统〔cryometer〕A thermometer capable of measuring very low temperatures.低温计:一种能够测量极低温度的温度计美国传统〔cuff〕Medicine An inflatable band, usually wrapped around the upper arm, that is used along with a sphygmomanometer in measuring arterial blood pressure.【医学】 橡皮箍袖带:一种可充气的箍带,通常裹在前臂上,与血压计一起使用以测量出动脉的血压美国传统〔cusec〕A volumetric unit for measuring the flow of liquids, equal to one cubic foot per second.立秒:一种测量液体流量的体积单位,等于立方英尺每秒美国传统〔deflection〕The deviation of an indicator of a measuring instrument from zero or from its normal position.偏转角:测量工具的指针从零位置或它的正常位置的偏转美国传统〔densitometer〕An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.(光)密度计:测量材料,例如相片感光纸光密度的器械美国传统〔density〕These instruments are used for measuring the density of the atmosphere.这些仪器是用来检测大气密度的。韦氏高阶〔dioptometer〕An instrument used for measuring ocular refraction.屈光计:用于测量眼睛折射度的仪器美国传统〔dipstick〕A graduated rod for measuring the depth or amount of liquid in a container, as of oil in a crankcase.量杆:一个测量刻度杆,如曲轴箱中油深度的有刻度的棒美国传统〔dry measure〕A system of units for measuring dry commodities such as grains, fruits, and vegetables.干量:称量谷物、水果与蔬菜等干货物的衡制美国传统〔earthquake〕An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale struck southern California on June 28.6 月 28 日加州南部地区发生了里氏 6.1 级地震。朗文当代〔echo sounder〕A device for measuring depth of water by sending pressure waves down from the surface and recording the time until the echo returns from the bottom.回声测深器:一种通过向水面发射压力波,并记录水底反射回波到达原发射地的时间来测量水深的仪器美国传统〔electrometer〕An instrument for measuring voltage.静电计:测量电压的仪器美国传统〔ergograph〕A device for measuring the work capacity of a muscle or group of muscles during contraction.测力器:用来测量在收缩中某一块肌肉或一组肌肉做功能力的装置美国传统〔ergometer〕An instrument for measuring the amount of work done by a muscle or group of muscles.测力计,测功计:用来测量某一肌肉或一组肌肉所作功的装置或设备美国传统〔extend〕The carpenter extended the measuring tape as far as it would go.木匠把卷尺拉长到不能再拉为止。21世纪英汉〔fiduciary〕Of, relating to, or being a system of marking in the field of view of an optical instrument that is used as a reference point or measuring scale.参照的:属于、关于或作为光学仪器视野中的标点系统的,该系统用作参照点或衡量尺度美国传统〔filar〕Having fine threads across the field of view for measuring small distances, as in the eyepiece of a telescope.视域里画有丝纹的:有用于测量小距离的通过视野的细线的,如在望远镜的目镜片中美国传统〔flow meter〕An instrument for monitoring, measuring, or recording the rate of flow, pressure, or discharge of a fluid, as of a gaseous fuel.流量计:一种用于监视、测量或记录汽态燃料等液体的流量、压力或排放的仪器美国传统〔fluorometer〕An instrument for detecting and measuring fluorescence.荧光计:一种用来检查或测量荧光的仪器美国传统〔folio〕Law A specific number of words used as a unit for measuring the length of the text of a document.【法律】 单位字数:用来计算文件的文章长度的单位字数美国传统〔fringe〕Scientists were measuring temperatures at the outer fringes of the atmosphere.科学家正在测量大气外层边缘的温度。韦氏高阶〔gasometer〕An apparatus for measuring gases.气体贮存计量器:用来测量气体的一种工具美国传统〔gauge〕An instrument for measuring or testing.测量仪器:测量或检验用的仪器美国传统〔goniometer〕An optical instrument for measuring crystal angles, as between crystal faces.测角器:一种光学仪器,用来测量晶体两个面之间的角度美国传统〔graduate in〕The measuring cup is graduated in ounces.这只量杯是盎司刻度的。21世纪英汉〔horology〕The science of measuring time.测时法:测量时间的科学美国传统〔ill〕Not measuring up to recognized standards of excellence, as of behavior or conduct.不符标准的,不完美的:表现或行为未达到公认的完美标准的美国传统〔indication〕The degree indicated by a measuring instrument.指示器读数:用于测量的器械的读数或指针所标示的读数美国传统〔infer〕By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.通过测量星团中星系的运动, 天文学家可以推断出该星团的质量。外研社新世纪〔infer〕By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.通过测量星系在一个星系团内的运动,天文学家们可以推定这个星系团的质量。柯林斯高阶〔instrument〕A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system.仪表,仪器:用于记录、测量或拉制的装置,特别是作为控制系统部分的此类装置美国传统〔line〕A cord or tape used, as by builders or surveyors, for measuring, leveling, or straightening.测量尺:建筑工或检测者使用的绳带或卷尺,用来测量、水准测量或较直美国传统〔magnetometer〕An instrument for measuring the intensity and direction of a magnetic field.磁强计:测量磁场的强度和方向的工具美国传统〔man-year〕A unit measuring the work of one person in a year, based on a standard number of man-days.一人年工作量:以标准工作日数目来衡量一个人一年内所做工作量的单位美国传统〔manometer〕An instrument used for measuring the pressure of liquids and gases.压力计:用来测量液体和气体压力的一种工具美国传统〔measure out〕He was on the front lawn, measuring out two circles.他在前面的草坪上丈量并标记出两个圆圈。柯林斯高阶〔measure up〕You'll find him on top of the ladder, measuring up.你将见他正在梯子上测量呢。21世纪英汉〔measurement〕The act of measuring or the process of being measured.量,测量,度量:测量过程或行为美国传统〔measure〕A device used for measuring.计量仪器美国传统〔measure〕The act of measuring.测量,度量美国传统〔measure〕There is no way of measuring the damage done to morale.对士气造成的负面影响无法估量。剑桥高阶〔measure〕We spent the morning measuring up and deciding where the furniture would go.我们花了一上午量来量去,决定家具怎么摆。牛津高阶〔measuring cylinder〕Pour exactly 100 ml of sulphuric acid into a measuring cylinder.向量杯中准确注入100毫升硫酸。剑桥高阶〔mensuration〕The act, process, or art of measuring.测量:测量的行为、过程或方法美国传统〔neotectonics〕A technique for predicting earthquakes that involves measuring the rate of slippage of landmarks along faults.新地体构造学:以测量断层地标滑动率来预测地震的技术美国传统〔nonverbal〕Measuring low on a scale of verbal ability.语言表达能力程度低的美国传统〔olfactometer〕An apparatus for measuring the acuity of the sense of smell.嗅觉器:用以测量嗅觉灵敏度的仪器美国传统〔osmometer〕A device for measuring osmotic pressure.渗压计:测量渗透压力的仪器美国传统〔oximeter〕A device for measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood.血氧定量仪:用来测量动脉血氧和度的仪器美国传统〔peck〕A container holding or measuring a peck.一配克容量的容器或量器美国传统〔penetrometer〕A device for measuring the penetrability of semisolids.硬度测量计:一种用于测量半固体硬度及可穿透度的仪器美国传统〔penetrometer〕A device for measuring the penetrating power of radiation, especially x-rays.透光计,渗透度仪:一种用于测量射线特别是X射线贯穿力的仪器美国传统〔photometer〕An instrument for measuring a property of light, especially luminous intensity or flux.光度计:用来测量光的性质、尤其是光的强度和通量的仪器美国传统〔piezometer〕An instrument for measuring pressure, especially high pressure.压力计,压强计:用来测量压力、尤其是高压的工具美国传统〔pneumatometer〕An instrument for measuring the force or volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.呼吸气量测定器;肺活量计:用以测量肺部吸入或呼出空气的力量或体积的一种仪器美国传统〔pointer〕A scale indicator on a watch, balance, or other measuring instrument.指针:手表,天平,或其它测量仪器上的一个指针美国传统〔point〕A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring.单位:一种单位,如计数、测试或测量中所用的单位美国传统〔potentiometer〕An instrument for measuring an unknown voltage by comparison to a standard voltage.电势计,电位计:通过与标准电压相比较而来测定未知电压的仪器美国传统〔poverty line〕The most common way of measuring poverty today is to use an income-based poverty line and ascertain the numbers below it.如今衡量贫困最常用的方法是划定一条基于收入的贫困线, 并确定有多少人收入在此之下。外研社新世纪〔pressure gauge〕A device for measuring the pressure of a gas or liquid.压力计,压强计:用来测量气体或液体压力的设备美国传统〔pressure gauge〕A device for measuring the pressure of explosions.膛压表,膛压计:测量炸药爆炸压力的装置美国传统〔probe〕The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can't measure on the earth.“先驱者号”太空探测器上装有紫外线仪器,能够对在地球上探测不到的光进行测量。柯林斯高阶〔protractor〕Mathematics A semicircular instrument for measuring and constructing angles.【数学】 量角器:一种半圆形的量角和画角的工具美国传统〔psychometric〕Psychometric testing is simply a way of measuring people's individual talents and capabilities.心理测试只是一种测量个体才智和能力的方式。柯林斯高阶〔pycnometer〕A standard vessel used in measuring the density or specific gravity of materials.比重瓶:一种标准容器,用于测量物质的密度或比重美国传统〔pyrometer〕Any of various thermometers used for measuring high temperatures.高温计:一种用于测量高温的温度计美国传统〔quarter section〕A land unit equal to a quarter of a section and measuring ½ of a mile on a side.约四分之一平方公里的地:相当于¼平方英里土地单位,每边长为½英里美国传统〔rainfall〕Her work includes measuring the local rainfall.她的工作包括测量当地的降雨量。牛津搭配〔reflectometer〕An instrument for measuring the reflectance of a surface.反射计:测量表面反射比的器具美国传统〔rem〕A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays.雷姆:度量被吸收的辐射数量单位,相当于一伦琴的X光射线或伽码射线美国传统〔respirometer〕An instrument for measuring the degree and nature of respiration.呼吸计:测量呼吸量及性质的设备美国传统〔rheometer〕An instrument for measuring the flow of viscous liquids, such as blood.流变计:测量粘滞液体的流动的仪器,例如血液美国传统〔rod〕A measuring stick.测量用的棒美国传统〔scalogram〕A scale for measuring attitude or opinion in which agreement with a given item implies agreement with the items lower in rank.程度检验表:一种检验态度或意见的表格,其中对某一给定项目的认可即暗示对较低层次上项目的认可美国传统〔sector〕A measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged together at one end.尺规:一种将两个标有刻度的尺臂接合一端而形成的测量工具美国传统〔sensitometer〕A device used for measuring the sensitivity of photographic film to light.曝光表:用于测量摄影用的胶片对光的感光度的设备美国传统〔sensitometer〕A similar device for measuring the sensitivity of eyes to light.感光计:测量眼睛对光的感光度的相似的设备美国传统〔shallow〕Measuring little from bottom to top or surface; lacking physical depth.浅的:从底部向顶部或表面度量很少的;缺少实质深度的美国传统〔sound ranging〕A method for locating a source of sound, such as an enemy gun, by measuring the travel time of the sound wave to microphones at known positions.声波测距法:一种确定某一声源位置的方法,如测敌人的枪声位置,其方法是通过测量声波到达某些预知位置的麦克风时所用的时间美国传统〔sour〕Not measuring up to the expected or usual ability or quality; bad.不合格的:没有达到期望的或通常能力或质量的;坏的美国传统〔span〕To encircle with the hand or hands in or as if in measuring.以手围绕测量类似测量美国传统〔spectrometer〕A spectroscope equipped with scales for measuring wavelengths or indexes of refraction.分光计,(光)谱仪:装有测量折射波长或折射率的标尺的分光镜美国传统〔spherometer〕An instrument for measuring the curvature of a surface, as of a sphere or cylinder.球面曲率计:一种测量球体或圆柱体表面曲率的仪器美国传统〔spirometer〕An instrument for measuring the volume of air entering and leaving the lungs.肺活量计:用来测定肺部吸入和呼出的空气容量的仪器美国传统〔square measure〕A system of units used in measuring area.平方单位制:用于量度面积的平方单位制美国传统〔stadia〕The technique of measuring distances with this instrument.用这种仪器测量距离的技术美国传统〔standard〕The metre is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.米是国际单位制中衡量长度的标准单位。剑桥高阶〔subpar〕Not measuring up to traditional standards of performance, value, or production.不够标准的:低于工作情况、价值或生产之常规标准的美国传统〔telemeter〕A measuring, transmitting, and receiving device used in telemetry.遥测器:在遥测技术中测量、发送和接收所使用的装置美国传统〔tellurometer〕A surveying instrument that measures distance by measuring the round-trip travel time of reflected microwaves.微波测距仪:通过反射的微波来回行程的时间来测量距离的测量仪器美国传统〔tensimeter〕An apparatus for measuring differences in vapor pressure.(蒸汽)张力计:用于测量蒸气压力差的仪器美国传统〔tensiometer〕An instrument for measuring tensile strength.张力计:用于测量张力的仪器美国传统〔thermopile〕A device consisting of a number of thermocouples connected in series or parallel, used for measuring temperature or generating current.热电堆:由许多系列或平行相连的热电偶组成的元件,用于温度测量或产生电流美国传统〔timer〕A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.定时器:一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器美国传统〔time〕Of, relating to, or measuring time.时间的:属于、有关或测定时间的美国传统〔tonometer〕An instrument for measuring hydrostatic pressure within the eyeball, used in the detection of glaucoma.眼压计:一种测量眼球中流体静压力的仪器,用于检查白内障美国传统〔tonometer〕Any of various instruments for measuring pressure or tension.压力计:一种测量压力或张力的仪器美国传统〔try square〕A carpenter's tool consisting of a ruled metal straightedge set at right angles to a straight piece, used for measuring and marking square work.方角尺:木匠工具,由呈直角弯曲的两根金属标尺构成,用于测量和标识方形制作品美国传统〔turbidimeter〕An instrument for measuring the loss in intensity of a light beam through a solution that contains suspended particulate matter.浊度计:测量和比较液体浊度的仪器,其方法是观察通过含有悬浮物质的溶液的光,并测定其亮度的损失美国传统〔urinometer〕A hydrometer for measuring the specific gravity of urine.尿比重计:衡量尿的比重的液体比重计美国传统〔vacuum gauge〕A device for measuring pressures below atmospheric pressure.真空计:测量低于大气压的压强的装置美国传统〔velocimeter〕A device for measuring the speed of sound in water.速度计,速度表:用于测量声音在水中的速度的仪器美国传统〔very〕Quite often the very act of measuring something changes what you are trying to measure.常常正是衡量事物的行为改变了你所要衡量的事物。麦克米伦高阶〔voltammeter〕An instrument for measuring electrical current or potential.电量计:一种用来测量电流或电压的仪器美国传统〔voltmeter〕An instrument, such as a galvanometer, for measuring potential differences in volts.伏特计:一种以伏特为单位测量电位差的仪表,如电压表美国传统〔volumeter〕Any of several instruments for measuring the volume of liquids, solids, or gases.体积计:用于测量液体、固体或气体的各种仪器美国传统〔wanting〕Not measuring up to standards or expectations.不合格的:与标准或期望不符合的美国传统〔wattmeter〕An instrument for measuring in watts the power flowing in a circuit.瓦特计:以瓦特为单位测量电路中功率的仪器美国传统〔yardstick〕A graduated measuring stick one yard in length.码尺:长度为一码的带刻度的测量棒美国传统A good rule of thumb (= a practical and approximate way of doing or measuring something) is that a portion of rice is two and a half handfuls.一个来自经验的好办法即一份米是两把半。剑桥国际Assessments are an effective way of measuring staff performance.评估是衡量员工业绩的有效方法。牛津商务For measuring shipments, the international standard is TEU.用于计算载货量的国际标准是标准箱。牛津商务I need a piece of wood measuring 2″by 2″.我需要一块两英寸见方的木块。剑桥国际In the old way of measuring, a British bushel is equal to eight gallons.在旧的计量方法里,1英式蒲式耳等于8加仑。剑桥国际She was measuring (off) metre lengths of string.她在量出一米一段的绳子。剑桥国际The children's tasks in the lesson included measuring the volume of a cup.孩子们在课上的任务之一是测算杯子的容积。剑桥国际The metre is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.米是国际标准单位制中衡量长度的单位。剑桥国际There is no way of measuring the damage done to morale.士气的损失无法计量。剑桥国际We devised a new method for measuring unemployment.我们设计了一种统计失业率的新方法。牛津商务




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