

单词 at a discount
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Treasury bill〕A short-term obligation of the U.S. Treasury having a maturity period of one year or less and sold at a discount from face value.短期国库券:美国财政部发行的一种短期债券,一年或少于一年到期,以票面价值打折的形式出售美国传统〔book club〕A commercial organization that sells books to its members on a regular, usually monthly, basis and typically at a discount.购书会:一种商业性的组织,按期(通常是按月)卖书给会员,常以优惠价出卖美国传统〔cooperate〕When buyers cooperate, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.如果购买者联合起来,他们可以打折扣买大批的批发商品美国传统〔demo〕A product, such as an automobile, used for demonstration and often sold later at a discount.示范样品:用于产品宣传并通常在后来折价出售的产品,例如小轿车美国传统〔discount〕All tickets are now available at a discount.低于正常价格;打折扣麦克米伦高阶〔discount〕Books about the war are at a discount just now.有关那场战争的书眼下卖不出去。英汉大词典〔discount〕He used to be a popular entertainer, but somehow, he is now at a discount.以前他是个走红的艺人,但是现在不知怎么不受欢迎了。英汉大词典〔discount〕Honesty was rather at a discount in those days.在那种年代,诚实很不吃香。英汉大词典〔discount〕In view of these restrictions, you would have to sell oil at a discount.鉴于这些限制,你将不得不削价出售石油。英汉大词典〔discount〕Their unity is at a discount now.他们的联合现在不受重视了。外研社新世纪〔discount〕They are often available at a discount.它们经常进行打折销售。外研社新世纪〔discount〕Tickets are available to members at a discount.会员可以优惠价购票。牛津搭配〔imperfect〕A piece of merchandise having a minor flaw that does not impair its use, usually sold at a discount.处理品,瑕疵品:有小缺陷但不影响其使用的商品,通常打折出售美国传统〔overstock〕At the end of the season, the overstock is sold off at a discount.季末,存货打折出售。韦氏高阶〔speedy〕I'll sell at a discount in return for a speedy sale.为了尽快售出,我会打折销售。柯林斯高阶〔trade〕People who work in the trade can buy their books at a discount.同行购书可以打折。剑桥高阶Books about the war are at a discount now. 有关那次战争的书现在没什么销路。译典通Honesty will never be at a discount. 诚实永远是受欢迎的。译典通People who work in the trade (= the same business or industry) can buy their books at a discount.同行人购书可以打折扣。剑桥国际The company should continue trading at a discount to the rest of the industry.公司应该继续以低于该行业其他企业的价钱进行交易。牛津商务The gilts were offered at a discount of 10%.这些金边证券以低于票面值 10% 的价格出售。牛津商务The new shares were issued at 131¢, at a discount of 14.5% to yesterday's closing price.新股票以 131 分的价格发行,比昨天的收盘价低了 14.5%。牛津商务They are selling old-fashioned clothes at a discount. 他们正在削价出售过时服装。译典通They were forced to sell their old stock at a discount (= at reduced prices).他们被迫降价出售原有的存货。牛津商务




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