

单词 make a habit of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔habit〕Make a habit of noting down any telephone messages.要养成记下电话内容的习惯。牛津搭配〔habit〕I don't make a habit of calling on clients unannounced.我没有不事先打招呼就突然拜访客户的习惯。麦克米伦高阶〔habit〕I don't mind being woken up once or twice in the middle of the night by my flatmate so long as she doesn't make a habit of it (= do it frequently).我不介意半夜里被同屋吵醒一两次,只要她不经常这样就行。剑桥高阶〔habit〕I'd prefer you not to make a habit of it.我希望你不要习以为常。牛津高阶〔habit〕Yes, you can leave work early today, but don't make a habit of it.好的,你今天可以早点下班,但是不能老这样。韦氏高阶〔habit〕You can phone me at work as long as you don't make a habit of it.你可以上班时给我打电话,只要别一来二去打上瘾了就成。柯林斯高阶〔habit〕You can phone me at work as long as you don't make a habit of it.你可以在上班时给我打电话, 只要别习以为常就行。外研社新世纪〔habit〕You're ten minutes late. I hope you're not going to make a habit of this.你迟到了十分钟。 我希望你不要养成迟到的习惯。朗文当代〔make〕Don't make a habit of it.别养成习惯。牛津高阶〔naked〕I suggest you don't make a habit of going around half naked.我建议你不要养成半裸着身子四处走动的习惯。牛津搭配I don't mind being woken up once or twice in the middle of the night by my flatmate so long as she doesn't make a habit of it (=do it frequently).我不介意在半夜被与我同住公寓的人吵醒一次或两次,只要她不经常这样就可以了。剑桥国际




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