

单词 lightness
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ballon〕Buoyancy or lightness in movement that allows a dancer to rise and fall smoothly.轻快优雅:动作的弹跳能力或敏捷轻盈,舞者可藉此平稳地跳跃和落下美国传统〔brilliant〕Color Relating to or being a hue that has a combination of high lightness and strong saturation.【色彩】 鲜明的,鲜艳的:一种高亮度和强饱和度结合的色彩的或与之相关的美国传统〔brown〕Any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation.棕色,褐色:一组介于红黄间的颜色,亮度由适中到低,色彩的饱和度由低到适中美国传统〔buoyancy〕Lightness of spirit; cheerfulness.轻快,快乐;高兴美国传统〔dizziness〕The dizziness passed and an extraordinary lightness and clarity seemed to possess me.眩晕过后我似乎感到无比轻松和明晰。外研社新世纪〔dryness〕It combines the dryness of red wine with the fresh lightness of white.它融合了红葡萄酒的无甜味与白葡萄酒的清新淡雅。外研社新世纪〔ethereal〕Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; intangible.轻飘的,虚空的;无形的美国传统〔feathery〕Resembling or suggestive of a feather, as in form or lightness.似羽毛的:结构上或轻度上象羽毛的,使人联想起羽毛的美国传统〔gossamer〕Gossamer lightness made the scherzo newly refreshing.轻盈的旋律使那首谐谑曲令人耳目一新。外研社新世纪〔gray〕Color An achromatic color of any lightness between the extremes of black and white.【色彩】 灰色:介于极度黑色和白色之间的任何亮度的一种无色差的颜色美国传统〔gray〕Color Of or relating to an achromatic color of any lightness between the extremes of black and white.【色彩】 灰色的:属于或关于一种介于极度黑色和白色之间的任何亮度的无色差的颜色美国传统〔illusion〕Glass bricks in the bathroom gave the illusion of lightness and space.浴室里的玻璃砖营造出一种明亮感和空间感。麦克米伦高阶〔levity〕Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity.轻浮,轻率:举止或言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合;轻佻美国传统〔lightness〕A lightness of spirit was evident within the dressing-room after this accomplished 6-1 victory.在取得了这个6比1的胜利后, 更衣室里的气氛明显十分轻松愉快。外研社新世纪〔lightness〕Boris Johnson was deserted for once by his normal lightness of touch, in an oddly pompous column in the Daily Telegraph last week.上个星期鲍里斯•约翰逊竟一改其惯常的轻松笔触, 在《每日电讯报》上发表了一篇异常虚夸的专栏文章。外研社新世纪〔lightness〕It brings together the flavours of Chinese food with the lightness of Japanese dishes.它将中餐的风味和日式菜肴的清淡结合在一起。外研社新世纪〔lightness〕It is made of steel for lightness and strength.为了分量轻、强度大, 制造时使用了钢。外研社新世纪〔lightness〕She danced with lightness and grace.她轻盈优美地跳着舞。外研社新世纪〔lightness〕The dark green spare bedroom is in total contrast to the lightness of the large main bedroom.这间深绿色的备用卧室与宽大主卧的浅淡色调形成鲜明的对照。外研社新世纪〔lightness〕The toughness, lightness and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses.鲸须的韧性、轻度和弹性使它具有广泛的用途。外研社新世纪〔light〕Having a greater rather than lesser degree of lightness.亮度较大的美国传统〔lilt〕To move with lightness and buoyancy.轻快活泼地移动美国传统〔olive green〕A green-yellow hue of low to medium lightness and low to moderate saturation.橄榄绿:一种低至中等亮度和低至中等饱合度的绿黄色调美国传统〔olive〕Color A yellow green of low to medium lightness and low to moderate saturation.【色彩】 橄榄色:一种低到中等尖亮度和低至中等饱和度的黄绿色美国传统〔pale〕Having high lightness and low saturation.很淡的,不浓的美国传统〔pink〕Color Any of a group of colors reddish in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation.【色彩】 粉红色:色彩中略带红色的颜色中的一组,亮度中到高等,彩度饱和度从低到中等美国传统〔profundity〕The profundity of this book is achieved with breathtaking lightness.本书以极为轻快的行文表达了深刻的思想。外研社新世纪〔profundity〕The profundity of this book is achieved with breathtaking lightness.这本书极为深入浅出。柯林斯高阶〔proof〕To work (dough) into proper lightness.发酵:把(干面团)做成合适软度的美国传统〔property〕One of the properties of helium is its lightness.氦的属性之一是轻。韦氏高阶He marvelled at the lightness (= gracefulness) of her step.他为她的脚步如此轻盈而赞叹不已。剑桥国际He moved with quickness and lightness. 他动作敏捷、轻盈。译典通Such lightness of conduct is not to be permitted in church. 做礼拜时,不允许这种轻浮行为。译典通That gave one sense of lightness. 它给人一种轻松感。译典通The lightness of the sky showed that the rain was really over. 天空明亮表示雨确已停了。译典通The metal is valued for its lightness and strength.这种金属因其重量轻、强度高而倍受珍视。牛津商务The quality that distinguishes our product from the competition is its lightness.轻巧是我们的产品有别于竞争者产品的特征。牛津商务The reader who does not detect the seriousness under the lightness often misreads him. 没有意识到轻松掩盖下的严肃性的读者常常会误解他。译典通This metal is valued for its comparative lightness.这种金属因为相对较轻而有特殊用途。剑桥国际




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