

单词 latent
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chauvinism〕It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.它可能也迎合了许多普通人心中的沙文主义情结。柯林斯高阶〔chauvinism〕It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.它还有可能吸引很多潜在盲目爱国的普通人。外研社新世纪〔draw〕The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents.新任务使他潜在的才智充分发挥出来了。英汉大词典〔immune〕Children are far from immune to the cruelty that is latent in all humans.每个人本性中都潜藏着残忍的一面,儿童也不例外。牛津搭配〔latency period〕A latent period.潜伏期美国传统〔latency〕The state or quality of being latent.潜伏:潜在的状态或特征美国传统〔latent〕Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.广告的意图是以公开的信息传达隐含之意。柯林斯高阶〔latent〕Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.广告试图透过其广而告之的信息投射出隐含的意义。外研社新世纪〔latent〕His critical remark immediately awakened all her latent hostility.他的批评立刻引起了她潜在的敌意。美国传统〔latent〕His musical talent remained latent through a lack of training.他的音乐才能由于缺乏训练而未能发挥出来。英汉大词典〔latent〕Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.近来该地区的一些新情况导致民族之间潜在的紧张关系公开化了。剑桥高阶〔latent〕The house they bought had latent defects.他们买的房子存在隐患。韦氏高阶〔latent〕The virus remains latent in the body for many years.这种病毒会在体内潜伏许多年。朗文当代〔latent〕These children have a huge reserve of latent talent.这些孩子蕴藏着极大的潜在天赋。牛津高阶〔latent〕We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realizing it.我们正在努力挖掘许多人自身具有但却没有意识到的潜在艺术才能。剑桥高阶〔masked〕Latent or hidden, as a symptom or disease.潜伏的,潜藏的:潜伏的或潜藏的,如症状或疾病美国传统〔menace〕The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.欧洲国家仍具有威胁英国自身安全的潜在能力。外研社新世纪〔menace〕The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.欧洲国家仍具有威胁英国自身安全的潜在能力。柯林斯高阶〔prophage〕The latent form of a bacteriophage in which the viral genes are incorporated into the bacterial chromosomes without causing disruption of the bacterial cell.原噬菌体:抗菌体的潜在形体,在这种形体中病毒基因和细菌染色体结合,而对细菌细胞不能造成分裂美国传统〔provirus〕The precursor or latent form of a virus that is capable of being integrated into the genetic material of a host cell and being replicated with it.前病毒:一种病毒的母体或潜在形式,能被并入寄主细胞的基因材料,与它一起被复制美国传统〔recalescence〕A sudden glowing in a cooling metal caused by liberation of the latent heat of transformation.再辉:冷却的金属突然发生的强光,其原因是释放变形中潜藏的热量美国传统A new treatment causes the disease to enter a latent phase during which all symptoms disappear, but the sufferer will never be fully cured.新的治疗方法使疾病进入潜伏期,全部症状虽然消失了,但病人将不能完全康复。剑桥国际Look for latent management skills in your staff.在你的工作人员身上寻找潜在的管理技能。牛津商务Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.这个地区最近的事态发展使潜在的民族危机公开化了。剑桥国际The seller will not be liable for any latent defects.卖方对任何潜在缺陷概不负责。牛津商务We estimate a huge latent demand for electronic dictionaries.我们估计,对电子词典有巨大的潜在需求。牛津商务We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realising it.我们试图把许多人拥有的但没有意识到的潜在的艺术才能激发出来。剑桥国际




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