

单词 lamented
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔drained〕He lamented that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to his groin.他痛惜他四年的生活就因大腿根部的伤被毁掉了。柯林斯高阶〔failure〕He lamented his failure to formulate a satisfactory theory.他为自己未能创立令人满意的理论而痛惜不已。牛津搭配〔fall asleep〕After a brief season of useful labour there,she fell asleep in Jesus,lamented by all who knew her.在那儿经过短暂的有益劳动后,她长眠天国,所有熟悉她的人都哀悼她。21世纪英汉〔lament〕He lamented his thoughtless acts.他非常懊悔自己轻率的举动美国传统〔lament〕He lamented to me about long-range dangers of the layoffs.他向我哀叹解雇会引起的长远危险。英汉大词典〔lament〕My grandmother, as usual, lamented the decline in moral standards in today's society.和往常一样,我奶奶对当今社会世风日下深感痛惜。剑桥高阶〔lament〕She lamented over the loss of her best friend.她为失去了最好的朋友而悲痛。韦氏高阶〔lament〕She lamented the fact that manufacturers did not produce small packs for single-person households.她抱怨厂商没有生产供单人家庭使用的小包装。朗文当代〔lament〕She lamented the fact that the number of children born out of wedlock had reached 31 per cent.她对非婚生子的比率达到31%这一事实感到痛心。外研社新世纪〔lament〕Steiner lamented the lack of public interest in the issue.斯坦纳抱怨公众不关心这个问题。朗文当代〔lament〕The late lamented (= dead and remembered with love) Frank Giotto used to live here.已故的受人爱戴的弗兰克‧焦托曾在此居住。剑桥高阶〔lament〕The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.该国在哀悼这位伟大的战争领袖之死。朗文当代〔monument〕Her recordings of the complete Preludes and Fugues are the finest monuments to a much lamented artist.她录制的完整版《前奏曲与赋格曲》是她作为一位令人无比缅怀的艺术家最上乘的不朽之作。外研社新世纪〔naturally〕He naturally lamented his mother's death.他对于母亲的去世当然悲恸。文馨英汉〔offstage〕It's almost one o'clock!' lamented the off-stage voice.“快一点钟了!”从幕后传来一声悲叹。柯林斯高阶He lamented over the death of his wife. 他为妻子的去世而悲痛。译典通My grandmother, as usual, lamented the decline in moral standards in today's society.我奶奶如往常一样悲叹今天社会的道德堕落。剑桥国际She lamented to us about her wretched lot. 她向我们哀叹自己悲惨的遭遇。译典通The late lamented (= dead and remembered with affection) Frank Giotto used to live here.与世长辞者弗兰克·吉奥托曾居于此。剑桥国际The widow lamented the death of her only child. 寡妇为她独生子的死而悲痛。译典通




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