

单词 king arthur
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arthurian〕Of or relating to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的:亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的有关亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的美国传统〔Avalon〕In Arthurian legend, an island paradise in the western seas to which King Arthur went at his death.阿渥伦:亚瑟王传奇中的天堂岛,在西海,亚瑟王终老于此美国传统〔Camlan〕In Arthurian legend, the battlefield where King Arthur was mortally wounded.克穆伦:在亚瑟王传奇中,它是亚瑟王遭受致命创伤的战场美国传统〔Excalibur〕In Arthurian legend, the sword belonging to King Arthur.艾克思开里伯:亚瑟王传说中属于亚瑟王的神剑美国传统〔Gareth〕In Arthurian legend, a nephew of King Arthur and one of the Knights of the Round Table.加雷斯:在有关亚瑟家族的传说中,他是亚瑟王的一个侄子,圆桌骑士之一美国传统〔Gawain〕In Arthurian legend, a nephew of King Arthur and a Knight of the Round Table.高文:在亚瑟王传奇中,亚瑟王的一个侄子,圆桌骑士之一美国传统〔Guinevere〕The wife of King Arthur and lover of Lancelot according to Arthurian legend.格温娜维尔:亚瑟王传说中亚瑟王的妻子和兰斯洛特的情人美国传统〔Kay〕In Arthurian legend, the foster brother and steward of King Arthur.凯:亚瑟王传奇中,亚瑟王的义兄弟和理事美国传统〔Lancelot〕In Arthurian legend, a Knight of the Round Table whose love affair with Queen Guinevere resulted in a war with King Arthur.兰斯洛特:亚瑟王传说中的一位圆桌骑士,他与王后格温娜维尔的恋情导致了他与亚瑟王之间的战争美国传统〔Merlin〕In Arthurian legend, a magician and prophet who served as counselor to King Arthur.梅林:亚瑟王传说中亚瑟王的顾问,是一个魔术师和预言家美国传统〔Morgan le Fay〕In Arthurian legend, the sorceress sister and enemy of King Arthur.摩根:在亚瑟王的传说中,是亚瑟王的敌人和女巫妹妹美国传统〔TRADITION〕According to folklore, King Arthur will one day return to become King of Britain. 根据民间传说,亚瑟王有一天会回来当英国国王。朗文写作活用〔capture〕King Arthur himself captures the beast and cuts off its head.亚瑟王亲自捉住怪物,并砍下它的头。柯林斯高阶〔enchanted〕King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.亚瑟王将他的财宝藏在这里,墨林对洞穴施了魔法,这样永远不会有人找到那些财宝。柯林斯高阶〔enchant〕King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.亚瑟王把金银财宝藏在洞里, 墨林对洞穴施了魔法, 这样永远不会有人找到那些财宝。外研社新世纪〔historical〕Was King Arthur a real historical figure? 亚瑟王是真实的历史人物吗?朗文当代〔inextricable〕In the case of King Arthur, legend and truth are often inextricable.说起亚瑟王,传说和真相常常交织在一起。剑桥高阶〔legendary〕Was King Arthur a real or a legendary character? 亚瑟王是确有其人还是一个传说中的人物?剑桥高阶〔legend〕The story is part of the ancient legend of King Arthur.这个故事是亚瑟王的古老传说的一部分。牛津搭配〔magician〕Merlin was the magician in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.墨林是“亚瑟王和圆桌骑士”故事中的巫师。剑桥高阶〔olden〕King Arthur lived in olden times of knights and armour.亚瑟王生活在往昔骑士和甲胄的时代。英汉大词典〔redress〕King Arthur tried to redress wrongs in his kingdom.亚瑟王设法纠正他国内的弊端。21世纪英汉〔roundtable〕In Arthurian legend, the circular table of King Arthur and his knights.圆桌:亚瑟王传奇中,亚瑟王和他的骑士们就座时免于席次之争而命人制的大圆桌美国传统〔roundtable〕The knights of King Arthur considered as a group.亚瑟王的骑士们美国传统〔tournament〕King Arthur held a tournament.亚瑟王举行了一次马上比武大会。英汉大词典〔tradition〕The story of King Arthur became part of oral tradition.亚瑟王的故事成为口头传说的一部分。柯林斯高阶I've been reading a book about the adventures of King Arthur and his knights (in armour).我一直在读一本关于亚瑟王和他(披挂盔甲的)骑士们的冒险故事的书。剑桥国际Merlin was the magician in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.梅林是“阿瑟王和圆桌骑士”故事中的魔法师。剑桥国际Tintagel Castle, the reputed birthplace of King Arthur, is being excavated professionally for the first time in more than 50 years.丁塔吉尔堡,有名的阿瑟王出生地,50多年来第一次被由专业人员挖掘。剑桥国际




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