

单词 aromatic
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SMELL〕Thai basil is fast growing and wonderfully aromatic. 泰国罗勒生长快,气味宜人。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕This kind of massage is a gentle treatment using aromatic oils. 这种按摩方法要用香油,是一种轻柔的治疗方法。朗文写作活用〔aromaticity〕Aromatic quality or character, especially the distinctive structure or properties of the aromatic chemical compounds.芳香特性:芳香特性或特征,尤指芳香化学化合物的特殊结构和特性美国传统〔aromatic〕An aromatic beef stew waited on the stove.炉子上放着香味四溢的炖牛肉。柯林斯高阶〔aromatic〕An aromatic plant or substance, such as a medication.有香味的植物或物质,如药物美国传统〔aromatic〕The company said it would reduce olefins, aromatics, benzene, and sulphur in the gas blend.公司说将减少气体混合物中的烯烃、芳族化合物、苯、硫黄等。外研社新世纪〔aromatize〕Chemistry To subject to a reaction that converts a substance into an aromatic compound.【化学】 芳构化:使某物质经过反应转变为芳香化合物美国传统〔balm of Gilead〕A poplar tree of hybrid origin, with sticky, aromatic, resinous buds and heart-shaped leaves, cultivated as a shade tree.白壳杨:一种普通的杂交树,有粘的、芳香的、树脂状的芽和心形的叶子,做为遮荫树养植美国传统〔balm〕A pleasing aromatic fragrance.芳香:令人愉快的香味美国传统〔balm〕An aromatic salve or oil.香膏,香油美国传统〔balsamic vinegar〕An aromatic vinegar of Modena, Italy, made from white Trebbiano grape juice that is heated and aged in wooden barrels for several years.意大利香醋:将特雷比亚诺白葡萄汁加热后在木桶中放置几年变陈,然后制成的意大利摩德纳香醋美国传统〔balsam〕Any of various trees, especially the balsam fir, yielding an aromatic resinous substance.香脂冷杉:一种能产生芳香脂类物质的树木,尤指胶杉美国传统〔banana〕The elongated, edible fruit of these plants, having a thick yellowish to reddish skin and white, aromatic, seedless pulp.香蕉:这些植物的长的、可食用果实,有从浅黄色到浅红色的厚皮和白色的、有香味的无籽果肉美国传统〔basmati rice〕An aromatic long-grain rice from India.印度香米:印度产的长谷粒香稻米美国传统〔bay〕Any of certain other trees or shrubs with aromatic foliage, such as the California laurel.月桂树:一种叶子有芳香气味的树木或灌木,如加利福尼亚的月桂树美国传统〔bouquet〕Herbs were used to give an especially aromatic bouquet to the wine.使用香草给葡萄酒添加一种特殊的芳香。外研社新世纪〔calamus〕The aromatic, underground stem of the sweet flag, yielding an oil used in perfumery.菖蒲根:甜菖蒲的芳香的地下茎,可产生一种用于香水之中的油美国传统〔cedar〕The durable, aromatic wood of any of these plants, especially that of the red cedar, often used to make chests.雪松木:这些植物的耐久的、带香味的木材,尤指红雪松的木材,常用于制作箱子美国传统〔chai〕Enjoy a chai latte - our blend of black tea with aromatic spices made with steamed milk and honey.请享用印度奶茶,我们用加香料的黑茶烹制,配以牛奶和蜂蜜。剑桥高阶〔citronella〕A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repellents and commercial flavorings.亚香茅油:从这种植物获得的淡黄色到棕色的芳香油,主要用于香水和一些驱虫剂及商用调味品美国传统〔clove oil〕An aromatic oil obtained from the buds, stems, or leaves of the clove tree, used in flavoring and perfumery, and as a temporary anesthetic for toothaches.丁香油:一种从丁香树的花苞、树干或叶子中提取的芳香油,用于调味品和香水及牙痛时作为暂时的麻醉剂美国传统〔conditioning〕This aromatic conditioning shampoo promotes the healthiest hair and scalp possible.这款香气四溢的护理型洗发露可以打造出极致健康的头发和头皮。外研社新世纪〔copal〕Any of several brittle, aromatic, yellow to red resins of recent or fossil origin, obtained from various tropical trees and used in certain varnishes.珂巴脂:任一种新鲜的或陈旧的易碎、芳香、呈黄色到红色的树脂,可从各种热带乔木中提取,用于某些清漆中美国传统〔diazo〕Relating to or containing a pair of bonded nitrogen atoms, one of which is also bonded to an aromatic hydrocarbon.重氮的:关于或含有一对结合的氮原子的,其中一个还结合一个芳(旋)烃美国传统〔elixir〕A sweetened aromatic solution of alcohol and water, serving as a vehicle for medicine.甘香洒剂:一种甜的芳香的酒精与水的溶液,用作药物的赋形剂美国传统〔herb〕Any of various often aromatic plants used especially in medicine or as seasoning.芳草:各种芳香的植物,尤指可作药用或调味的芳草美国传统〔hydroforming〕A process in which naphthas are converted to high-octane aromatics in the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst under pressure and heat.临氢重整:在高温高压下,在氢和催化剂的作用下石油精转化为高辛烷值的芳烃的过程美国传统〔incense〕An aromatic substance, such as wood or a gum, that is burned to produce a pleasant odor.香:燃烧时产生好闻气味的芳香物质,如树木或树胶美国传统〔latakia〕An aromatic Turkish tobacco.拉塔其亚烟草:土耳其产的芳香烟草美国传统〔lemon〕The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp.柠檬(果):这种树的果实,有黄色芳香的外皮和多汁的酸果肉美国传统〔mace〕An aromatic spice made from the dried, waxy, scarlet or yellowish covering that partly encloses the kernel of the nutmeg.肉豆蔻衣:一种香料,由干燥的、蜡状的、猩红或黄色的果皮制成,这层皮部分地包住了肉豆蔻核美国传统〔mastic〕The aromatic resin of the mastic tree, used especially in varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, and condiments and as an astringent.乳香树脂:乳香黄连木的带芳香味的树脂,多用于作清漆、中国漆、粘合剂、辛辣调味品以及收敛剂美国传统〔nectarine〕A variety of aromatic peach of ancient origin, having a smooth, waxy skin.油桃:古代起源的芳香的桃中的一种,具有光滑的,柔软的皮美国传统〔nutmeg〕The hard, aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice when grated or ground.肉豆蔻种子:这种树硬而带香味的种子,磨碎或碾碎后作香料用美国传统〔pastille〕A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air.芳香剂:含有香料,燃烧后可用来进行空气消毒或防嗅的片剂美国传统〔phenol〕Any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring.酚,羟基类化合物:一种芳香的有机化合物,至少含有一个与苯子不直接相连的羟基组美国传统〔quince〕The aromatic, many-seeded fruit of this plant, edible only when cooked.榅桲果:这种植物味香的多籽果实,煮过之后方可食用美国传统〔red cedar〕The reddish, aromatic, durable wood of either of these trees.柏木,桧木:这些树之中任一种红色、有香味、耐用的木材美国传统〔redolent〕Having or emitting fragrance; aromatic.芬芳的:具有或释发出香气的;芬芳的美国传统〔rich〕The wine has a rich aromatic flavour.这种葡萄酒味道馥郁浓醇。剑桥高阶〔saffron〕The dried aromatic stigmas of this plant, used to color foods and as a cooking spice and dyestuff.干藏红花柱头:这种植物的干的芳香柱头,用作给食物添色、烹调香料和染料美国传统〔saloop〕A hot drink, sometimes used medicinally, made from salep, sassafras, or similar aromatic herbs.瑟卢普茶:一种热饮,有时药用,由兰根粉、黄樟或相似的香草制成美国传统〔seed cake〕A sweet cake or cookie containing aromatic seeds.香子蛋糕:含有芳香种子的甜糕饼或曲奇饼美国传统〔smoke〕To preserve (meat or fish) by exposure to the aromatic smoke of burning hardwood, usually after pickling in salt or brine.熏制:通过在硬树木燃烧后产生的芳香性烟雾上熏烤,来保存用盐或盐水腌制后的肉或鱼美国传统〔spicery〕The aromatic or pungent quality of spices.香气,香味:香料芳香的或刺激的气味美国传统〔spice〕Any of various pungent, aromatic plant substances, such as cinnamon or nutmeg, used to flavor foods or beverages.辛香料:一种具有刺鼻香味的植物产品,例如桂皮或肉豆蔻,用来在食物中作加香调料或作饮料的加香调料美国传统〔spikenard〕An ointment of antiquity, probably prepared from this aromatic plant of India.甘松香膏:古代一种香膏,可能是用印度的这种芳香植物提制而成的美国传统〔stuffy〕Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose.芳香胶囊对缓解鼻塞有奇效。柯林斯高阶〔sweet gum〕The aromatic resin obtained from this tree.美国枫香树香脂美国传统〔tacamahac〕Any of several aromatic resinous substances used in ointments and incense.塔柯胶:任一种用作油膏和软膏、且带有香味的树脂状物质美国传统〔tangelo〕A hybrid citrus tree derived from grapefruit and tangerine, having aromatic fruit with a thin, smooth, moderately loose rind.橘柚:一种由葡萄柚和柑橘杂交而成的柑橘属果树,结有香味的果实,其果皮光滑薄嫩,且较为松软美国传统〔tea〕An aromatic, slightly bitter beverage made by steeping tea leaves in boiling water.茶:通过将茶叶浸泡在沸水中制成的有香味微苦的饮料美国传统〔vermouth〕A sweet or dry wine flavored with aromatic herbs and used chiefly in mixed drinks.味美思酒,苦艾酒:用芳香植物调味的并主要用于混合饮料中的一种甜而不含水的酒美国传统〔vinaigrette〕A small decorative bottle or container with a perforated top, used for holding an aromatic preparation such as smelling salts.香料嗅瓶:小装饰瓶或容器,瓶顶上有小孔可用作撒调味料(如嗅盐)美国传统He uses a lot of aromatic herbs in his cooking.他烹调时用了多种芳香药草。剑桥国际Properly fried chicken should be golden, aromatic (=with a pleasant smell) and tasty.炸得恰到好处的鸡应是色泽金黄、香味诱人、滋味鲜美。剑桥国际The wine has a rich aromatic flavour.该葡萄酒有一股馥郁芬芳的味道。剑桥国际




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