

单词 inhuman
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕Police described the crime as wicked and inhuman. 警方形容这宗罪案极其凶残和冷血。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Amnesty International is protesting against the inhumane treatment of these political prisoners. 大赦国际抗议这些政治犯受到不人道的待遇。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕The government has been accused of using artificial and inhuman criteria to decide which refugees should be deported. 政府被指控使用野蛮的人为标准来决定哪些难民应该被驱逐出境。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕The prison conditions in this country are inhuman. 该国监狱的环境缺乏人性。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕This method of slaughtering chickens is now regarded by many as inhumane. 这种杀鸡方法现在被许多人认为是不人道的。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕The government's new asylum bill seems inhumane, and smacks of racism. 政府新的政治庇护议案显得不近人情,还带有种族歧视的味道。朗文写作活用〔bayonet〕The soldiers were ordered by their inhuman officers to bayonet every man they could find.毫无人性的军官们命令士兵见人就刺。柯林斯高阶〔bayonet〕The soldiers were ordered by their inhuman officers to bayonet every man they could find.毫无人性的军官命令士兵用刺刀刺杀他们所能找到的每一个人。外研社新世纪〔bleeding heart〕I'm all for flogging, though bleeding hearts will cry that it's inhumane.我完全赞成鞭刑, 虽然心肠软的人会大叫这样不人道。外研社新世纪〔inhumane〕Conditions for prisoners were described as inhumane.犯人所处的环境被描述为惨无人道。剑桥高阶〔inhumane〕He got his first insight into how inhumane employers can be.他对雇主的冷酷无情第一次有了深刻认识。柯林斯高阶〔inhumane〕He got his first insight into how inhumane employers can be.他第一次深刻认识到了雇主们有多么冷酷无情。外研社新世纪〔inhumane〕He was kept under inhumane conditions.他的关押环境惨无人道。柯林斯高阶〔inhumane〕He was kept under inhumane conditions.他被拘禁在非人的环境当中。外研社新世纪〔inhumane〕I was shocked by the inhumane conditions.我对这非人的条件感到震惊。朗文当代〔inhumane〕Many people believe factory farming is inhumane.许多人认为工厂化农场经营是不人道的。剑桥高阶〔inhumanity〕An inhuman or cruel act.不人道的做法:一项非人的、残暴的行动美国传统〔inhuman〕He let out an inhuman moan.他发出了一种不像人发出的呻吟声。韦氏高阶〔inhuman〕It would be inhuman not to feel relief.如果不感到宽慰,那就太不近人情了。英汉大词典〔inhuman〕Most people feel that there is something almost inhuman about perfection.大多数人认为完美几乎可以说是凡人难以企及的。剑桥高阶〔inhuman〕Only an inhuman mother would desert her child.只有铁石心肠的母亲才会遗弃自己的孩子。文馨英汉〔inhuman〕Only an inhuman mother would desert her child.只有铁石心肠的母亲才会遗弃自己的孩子。英汉大词典〔inhuman〕Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.战俘们受到了非人的待遇和侮辱。剑桥高阶〔inhuman〕She had an almost inhuman desire to succeed.她有一种超出常人的成功欲望。韦氏高阶〔inhuman〕The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要, 也不人道。外研社新世纪〔inhuman〕The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要也不人道。柯林斯高阶〔inhuman〕The daring explorer seemed to have inhuman powers of endurance.这位勇敢的探险家似乎有着超人的韧劲。英汉大词典〔inhuman〕The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions.被拘留者的关押环境常常恶劣严酷、很不人道。柯林斯高阶〔inhuman〕The prisoners were subjected to inhuman treatment.囚犯遭到了极其残酷的虐待。麦克米伦高阶〔inhuman〕The refugees had suffered degrading and inhuman treatment.难民遭受了侮辱性和残酷的待遇。朗文当代〔inhuman〕There was a strange inhuman sound.有一种不像人发出的奇怪声音。牛津高阶〔inhuman〕We regard their treatment of the prisoners as inhuman.我们觉得他们对待囚犯很不人道。牛津搭配〔monster〕What sort of inhuman monster could do such a thing? 什么样的野蛮怪物才能做出这样的事?牛津搭配〔profoundly〕It's profoundly inhuman.那真是太不人道了。英汉大词典〔regard〕Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.死刑过去被认为是非人道且不道德的。牛津高阶〔self-control〕His self-control, reserve and aloofness were almost inhuman.他自制、矜持和冷漠得几乎有些不近人情。柯林斯高阶〔subject〕Innocent civilians are being arrested and subjected to inhumane treatment.无辜的平民正被逮捕并遭受非人的虐待。柯林斯高阶〔treatment〕He claims he suffered inhumane treatment at the hands of prison officers.他声称自己在狱警那儿受到了虐待。牛津搭配〔turn away〕Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action.拒绝收容难民是不人道的行为。柯林斯高阶〔uncivilized〕They are kept in conditions that are, quite simply, uncivilized and inhumane.简而言之,他们一直被迫生活在野蛮和非人的条件下。英汉大词典〔unnatural〕In violation of natural feelings; inhuman.变态的:违背自然的情感的;不人道的美国传统〔unnecessarily〕The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.屠杀鲸鱼是没有必要的也是不人道的。柯林斯高阶〔unnecessary〕The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.屠杀鲸既不必要也不人道。外研社新世纪〔weird〕She began to make weird inhuman sounds.她开始发出可怕的非人的声音。牛津高阶A sinister inhuman scream rang out across the moors. 沼泽地里突然响起不像是人的不祥的尖叫声。译典通Conditions for prisoners with psychiatric illnesses were described as inhumane.患有精神病的犯人所处的环境被描述为是不人道的。剑桥国际He received all kinds of inhumane treatment during his three-month stay in prison. 他在监狱里待了三个月,受尽了不人道的待遇。译典通Many people believe factory farming is inhumane.很多人认为工厂化农业是不人道的。剑桥国际Most people feel that there is something almost inhuman about perfection.大多数人认为完美几乎可以说是是非人的。剑桥国际Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.战犯受到了残忍的、有辱人格的待遇。剑桥国际The inhuman treatment of mental patients shocked the public. 残酷虐待精神病人的行为使公众震惊。译典通The constrictions (=limitations) of prison life were inhuman.监狱生活的约束是不人道的。剑桥国际The ruler of his country for twenty years, he was described as an inhuman monster.他统治国家20年,被描述为一个没有人性的恶魔。剑桥国际




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