

单词 inducte
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔day〕The day (on which) he was inducted, he was not feeling well.被征入伍那天,他身体不大舒服。英汉大词典〔inaugural〕A speech given by a person being formally inducted into office.就职演说:某人正式任职时的就职演说美国传统〔inductee〕One who is inducted, especially a person newly admitted to military service.被征召入伍者:被征入军队的人,尤指刚入伍的人美国传统〔induction〕A ceremony or formal act by which a person is inducted, as into office or military service.就职,就职仪式:就任官职或士兵入伍的仪式或正规行为美国传统〔induct〕Barry was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1987.巴里于 1987 年被列入篮球名人堂。朗文当代〔induct〕He was inducted into a literary society.他被正式接纳为文学学会会员。21世纪英汉〔induct〕He was inducted into the German Foreign Ministry.他曾在德国外交部就职。外研社新世纪〔induct〕He was inducted into the army.他被征召入伍。韦氏高阶〔induct〕He was inducted into the office of governor.他正式就任州长之职。英汉大词典〔induct〕He was formally inducted into the office of governor.他正式就任州长之职了。21世纪英汉〔induct〕Her son refused to be inducted into the Army.她儿子曾拒绝应征入伍。外研社新世纪〔induct〕His father inducted him into the secrets of the trade.他父亲教给他做生意的秘诀。21世纪英汉〔induct〕I'm going to have my medical in a few days, and I expect I'll be inducted pretty soon.我准备最近几天去体检, 预计很快就会应征入伍。外研社新世纪〔induct〕In December he was inducted into the army.12 月他应征入伍了。柯林斯高阶〔induct〕Li Xiannian was inducted into the Politburo in 1956.李先念于1956年进入政治局。剑桥高阶〔induct〕Most traditional societies have transition rites at puberty when boys are inducted into the world of men.大多数传统社会会在男孩子们由青春期长大成人时为其举行成人礼。外研社新世纪〔induct〕She was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame.她入选篮球名人堂。韦氏高阶〔induct〕She was inducted into the ways of the legal profession.她被引进法律这一行美国传统〔induct〕Six new members have been inducted into the Provincial Cabinet.6 名新成员已经正式加入省内阁班子。柯林斯高阶〔induct〕Six new members have been inducted into the Provincial Cabinet.6名新成员已经正式加入省内阁班子。外研社新世纪〔induct〕The Baseball Hall of Fame has inducted six new members.棒球名人堂吸收了6名新成员。外研社新世纪〔induct〕The new president was inducted into office last year.新总统去年正式就职。韦氏高阶〔induct〕They were inducte d into the skills of magic.他们获得传授魔术。牛津高阶〔president-elect〕A person who has been elected president but has not yet been inducted into office.当选总统:已当选的总统,但还尚未宣誓就职美国传统He saw university as a community of scholars, where students were inducted by teachers into an appreciation of different philosophical approaches.他把大学看作学者聚集的团体,在那里老师引导学生正确评价不同的哲学观。剑桥国际He was inducted into the Grand Order of Water Rats, the celebrities’charity organization, at the Hilton Hotel.他在希尔顿饭店被吸收为名人慈善组织“麝鼠总会”的会员。剑桥国际Li Xiannian was inducted into the Politburo and secretariat in 1956 and 1958.李先念于1956年和1958年进入政治局和书记处。剑桥国际The Reverend Phillip Foster was inducted as minister of the local Baptist church in 1992.菲利浦·福斯特牧师于1992年正式就任为当地浸礼会教派教堂的牧师。剑桥国际




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