

单词 archaeological
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abbevillian〕Of or relating to the earliest Paleolithic archaeological sites in Europe, characterized by bifacial stone hand axes.阿布维利文化的:有关欧洲早期旧石器考古遗址的,标志为双面手工石斧美国传统〔DECIDE〕From archaeological evidence we can reasonably infer that these people used stone cutting tools. 根据考古证据,我们有理由推断这些人是使用石器的。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕New archaeological discoveries prove the existence of an ancient civilization in the Indus Valley. 新的考古发现证明印度河谷有过古代文明。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕We can infer from the archaeological evidence that there was slavery in Carthage. 我们可以从考古学的证据推断出迦太基有蓄奴现象。朗文写作活用〔MODERN〕Using state-of-the-art technology, scientists are able to pinpoint the exact age of archaeological finds. 使用最先进的技术,科学家能够确定考古发现的确切年代。朗文写作活用〔Olduvai Gorge〕A ravine in northern Tanzania west of Mount Kilimanjaro. It contains archaeological sites rich in fossils and Paleolithic implements.奥杜瓦伊峡谷:坦桑尼亚北部的一个峡谷,位于乞力马扎罗山以西。它有一些考古学遗址,在这些遗址内有许多的化石和旧石器时代的工具美国传统〔RISK〕With so many new offices being built in London, a lot of important archaeological remains are under threat. 伦敦要兴建那么多新的办公场所,大量的重要考古遗迹都受到了威胁。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The exhibit includes numerous hands-on activities, including several archaeological dig stations. 展览会上有许多实践活动,其中包括几个考古挖掘站。朗文写作活用〔artifact〕An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, a weapon, or an ornament of archaeological or historical interest.人工制品:人工生产或仿制的物品,尤指工具,武器,或带有考古或历史趣味的装饰品美国传统〔authenticity〕Archaeological evidence may help to establish the authenticity of the statue.考古证据可能有助于确定该塑像的真伪。朗文当代〔away〕Thousands of archaeological treasures are being kept hidden away.数千件考古珍宝被藏了起来。朗文当代〔clue〕Archaeological evidence will provide clues about what the building was used for.考古证据将为这幢建筑的用途提供线索。朗文当代〔code〕Every item found on the archaeological dig is given a code number .考古发掘时发现的每一件物品都给了编号。朗文当代〔decay〕Most archaeological finds are broken, damaged, or decayed.大部分考古发现物都已破裂、损坏或腐烂了。朗文当代〔dig〕An archaeological excavation.考古挖掘美国传统〔discovery〕This is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the century.这是本世纪最重大的考古发现之一。麦克米伦高阶〔ethnohistory〕The scientific study of the development of human cultures, as through systematic analysis of archaeological findings.人种历史学:一门研究人类文化发展的学科,对发现的古代文物进行系统的考释美国传统〔method〕This field course gives an overview of archaeological method.这个实地考察课展示了考古学的研究方法全貌美国传统〔potsherd〕A fragment of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological excavation.陶器碎片:尤指考古挖掘中发现的破碎的陶器碎片美国传统〔relic〕During the dig, the archaeological team found some relics from the Stone Age.在发掘过程中,考古队发现了一些石器时代的遗迹。剑桥高阶〔retrieve〕Many archaeological relics were retrieved from the site.从那个遗址取回很多考古遗物。韦氏高阶〔shard〕A piece of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig; a potsherd.陶器碎片:一片破碎的陶器块,尤指在考古发掘中发现的;陶器碎片美国传统〔treasure house〕The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics.这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。牛津高阶〔type-site〕An archaeological site regarded as definitively characteristic of a particular culture and whose name is often applied to the culture.古遗址:被认为具有特定文化定义性的古遗址,其地名常常被用于这种文化中美国传统Archaeological studies of the tombs have shown the heterogeneity of religious practices in the region.墓穴的考古研究证明这地区有各种宗教习俗。剑桥国际That was a great archaeological find. 那是一次了不起的考古发现。译典通There are many archaeological sites in southern England.英格兰南部有很多古迹。剑桥国际There's an archaeological dig going on at the site of a 4000-year-old settlement.在有4000年历史的居民点上正在进行考古挖掘。剑桥国际




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