

单词 in theory
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTUALLY〕The law seemed like a good idea in theory, but in practice it has proved far too expensive. 这条法律从理论上来看是个很好的设想,但实际实施起来却是代价太大了。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕In theory, the Net should make things quicker, but that isn't always the case. 理论上,互联网能提高效率,但事情往往不是这样。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the executive. 从理论上讲,文职部门是政府行政机关的非政治性职能部门。朗文写作活用〔ahem〕It can be a dangerous course of action which might be sound in theory but – ahem – is perhaps a trifle risky in practice.这可能是一种危险的做法, 在理论上也许可靠, 但是, 呃哼, 在实践中大概有些风险。外研社新世纪〔ahem〕It can be a dangerous course of action which might be sound in theory but — ahem — perhaps a trifle risky in practice.这可能是一次危险的行动,在理论上听着无缝可击,但——呃哼——真做起来却可能有点冒险。柯林斯高阶〔at〕In theory, women can still have children at the age of 50.理论上说,妇女到了50岁仍可以生育。剑桥高阶〔breast〕In theory, having made a clean breast of it, Sam should have felt purer and lighter of heart.理论上说, 萨姆供认之后应该会从内心中感到更加纯净和轻松。外研社新世纪〔broadly〕The idea that software is capable of any task is broadly true in theory.认为软件能够处理任何任务的观念从理论上说基本是正确的。柯林斯高阶〔called〕In theory I'm on call day and night.从理论上说,我现在昼夜待命。柯林斯高阶〔call〕In theory I'm on call day and night.理论上, 我不管白天晚上随叫随到。外研社新世纪〔carrot and stick〕In theory, providing carrots and sticks to get mums and dads off welfare and back to work sounds admirable.从理论上来说, 通过奖惩并用让为人父母者不吃救济重返工作岗位这个办法听起来好极了。外研社新世纪〔conduit〕In theory, the media are no more than conduits of information and views.理论上来说, 媒体仅仅是信息和观点的渠道。外研社新世纪〔fine〕In theory, the scheme sounds fine.理论上,这个计划听起来不错。朗文当代〔ideally〕In theory or imagination; theoretically.理论上地:理论上地或想象中地、空想地美国传统〔in theory〕In theory, the reading skills of the students should improve.从理论上讲,学生的阅读技巧应该会有所提高。韦氏高阶〔in theory〕I agree with you in theory, but realistically I don't think we have the time to do that.从理论上讲我同意你的看法,但实际上我觉得我们没有时间这么做。韦氏高阶〔in〕The idea works in theory, but not in practice.这个想法在理论上可行,但在实践中无法操作。韦氏高阶〔matter〕They've agreed in theory, but now we need to discuss practical matters.他们在理论上是同意了,但现在我们需要讨论实际问题。牛津搭配〔practicality〕Your suggestion is appealing in theory, but it lacks practicality.你的建议理论上很吸引人,但不切实际。剑桥高阶〔practice〕The idea sounds fine in theory, but would it work in practice? 这种想法理论上好像不错,但是做起来行得通吗?牛津搭配〔seller〕In theory, the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out.理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次测试。柯林斯高阶〔sport〕In theory, basketball is a non-contact sport.理论上讲,篮球是一种无身体接触的体育项目。牛津搭配〔theory〕In theory, anything could happen.从理论上讲,什么事都可能发生。麦克米伦高阶〔theory〕In theory, everyone will have to pay the new tax.理论上讲,每个人都得缴纳这项新税。朗文当代〔theory〕In theory, the journey should take three hours, but in practice it usually takes four because of roadworks.按理说行程应该只要3小时,但由于道路施工,实际上通常会需要4小时。剑桥高阶〔theory〕In theory, these machines should last for ten years or more.从理论上讲,这些机器应能用十年以上。牛津高阶〔theory〕In theory, these machines should last for ten years.理论上,这些机器应该能用 10 年。牛津搭配〔theory〕A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.照理说,学校也有牙医诊所,可实际上,里面的牙医寥寥无几。柯林斯高阶〔theory〕That sounds fine in theory, but have you really thought it through? 这话听起来很有道理,但是你真正全面考虑过没有?牛津高阶〔theory〕Your plan is good in theory, but I doubt if it'll work in practice.你的计划在理论上是不错的,但我看实行起来未必能行。英汉大词典〔traceable〕In theory, most phone calls should be traceable.从理论上说,大多数电话应该是可以查出其来源的。剑桥高阶〔veto〕In theory the British government could use its veto to block this proposal.理论上英国政府可以利用否决权来阻止这项议案通过。剑桥高阶〔well〕In theory as well as in practice, the idea is unsound.这个主意在理论上和实践中都站不住脚。英汉大词典〔work〕The idea sounds good in theory, but it will never work in practice.这个主意听上去很合理,但实际上根本行不通。韦氏高阶In theory (= According to the facts), the journey ought to take three hours, but in practice (= when it happens) it usually takes four because of roadworks.按理说旅行只需要三小时,但由于道路施工实际上用了四小时。剑桥国际In theory capital punishment is the ultimate deterrent.理论上讲,死刑是对犯罪的终极威慑。剑桥国际In theory the British government could use its veto to block this proposal.从理论上说英国政府可以利用它的否决权阻止这一议案的通过。剑桥国际In theory there is full labour mobility within the EU.理论上欧盟内劳动力有充分的流动性。牛津商务In theory, Dr Frampton is in charge, but for all practical purposes (= in reality) her assistant runs the office because she's away so much.理论上说,是弗兰普顿博士负责,但由于她经常不在办公室,实际上是她的助手在管。剑桥国际In theory, most telephone calls should be traceable (= it should be possible to discover where they have come from).理论上说,大多数电话都应该是可查出其来源的。剑桥国际In theory, these machines can last up to ten years.理论上讲,这些机器最多可运行十年。牛津商务In theory, women can still have children at (the age of ) 50.从理论上讲,女人在50岁时仍能生育孩子。剑桥国际The idea sounds fine in theory, but will it work in practice? 这个想法听起来不错,但在实践中行得通吗?牛津商务This all sounds fine in theory, but would it work in practice? 这话听起来都有道理,但是在实践中是否可行?牛津商务Your suggestion is appealing in theory, but it lacks practicality.你的建议理论上很吸引人,但不切实际。剑桥国际




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