

单词 in shape
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIT/NOT FIT〕He's good at badminton but plays handball to keep in shape. 他很擅长打羽毛球,但他打手球以保持强健。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕I'll start playing basketball with you as soon as I'm in shape. 我身体状况一好就和你一起打篮球。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕Walking to and from work helps me to stay in shape. 走路上下班有助于我保持良好的身体。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕Edam cheeses are small and spherical in shape. 荷兰埃丹干酪的形状又小又圆。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕Some of the tables are oval in shape and some are round. 有些桌子是椭圆形的,有些是圆形的。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The fruits are similar in shape and size to plums. 那种水果的形状和大小跟李子差不多。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The leaves of most trees are symmetrical in shape. 多数树木的叶子形状都是对称的。朗文写作活用〔aerodynamic〕These planes are becoming increasingly aerodynamic in shape.这些飞机的外形变得越来越呈流线型。英汉大词典〔basket〕An item resembling such a container in shape or function.篮形物:形状或用途与篮相似的物品美国传统〔bay〕An area of land, such as an arm of prairie partially enclosed by woodland, that resembles in shape or formation a partially enclosed body of water.山坳:一片陆地区域,其中一部分为森林所围绕的大草原,它与一部分被围绕的水域在外形相似美国传统〔biomorph〕A nonrepresentational form or pattern that resembles a living organism in shape or appearance.生物形态:在形状或外观上类似活生物体的抽象形式或模式美国传统〔blockish〕Resembling a block, as in shape.木头似的,迟钝的:在形状上象木头一样美国传统〔bullet〕An object resembling a projectile in shape, action, or effect.弹丸:在形状,作用或效果上和射弹相似的东西美国传统〔cheek〕Something resembling the cheek in shape or position.两侧相对的物体:在形状或位置上象脸颊的东西美国传统〔coccobacillus〕A bacillus that is short and oval in shape.球虫菌:短小的卵形牙孢杆菌美国传统〔comb〕An implement, such as a card for dressing and cleansing wool or other fiber, that resembles a hair comb in shape or use.梳棉机:一种工具,如梳洗羊毛或其他纤维的梳棉机,在外形或用途上很像梳子美国传统〔corkscrew〕Spiral in shape.螺旋状的美国传统〔crown〕Something resembling a diadem in shape.王冠状物:形状象王冠的东西美国传统〔cylindrical〕It is cylindrical in shape.它是圆柱形的。柯林斯高阶〔dart〕An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.外形似镖的事物:物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体美国传统〔different〕The two cars are different in shape.这两辆车的外形不同。麦克米伦高阶〔drum〕Something resembling a drum in shape or structure, especially a barrellike metal container or a metal cylinder wound with cable, wire, or heavy rope.鼓状物:形状或结构上象鼓的东西,尤指桶状金属容器或缠满电缆、电线或粗绳的金属圆柱美国传统〔fishtail〕Resembling or suggestive of the tail of a fish in shape or movement.鱼尾状的:在形状或行动上与鱼尾相似的美国传统〔funnel〕Something resembling this utensil in shape.漏斗状物:外形象漏斗的物体美国传统〔identical〕The boxes were identical in shape.这些盒子形状相同。韦氏高阶〔irregular〕The cells are slightly irregular in shape.这些细胞的形状略微有些不规则。牛津搭配〔keel〕The principal structural member of an aircraft, resembling a ship's keel in shape and function.飞机的龙骨:飞机上的主要结构部件,在形状和功能上类似船的龙骨美国传统〔leg〕A supporting part resembling a leg in shape or function.假腿,义腿:在形状或功能上与腿类似的支撑部分美国传统〔make a virtue (out) of necessity〕When he lost his driver's license, he made a virtue out of necessity and got in shape by riding his bike to work.他的驾照丢了,只得骑自行车去上班,倒把身体锻炼好了。韦氏高阶〔nail〕Something resembling a nail in shape, sharpness, or use.钉状物:在形状、锋利度或应用上类似指甲的东西美国传统〔nose〕Something, such as the forward end of an aircraft, a rocket, or a submarine, that resembles a nose in shape or position.鼻形物:某些在形状和位置上类似于鼻子东西,例如飞机、火箭或潜水艇的前端美国传统〔oval〕The handle is oval in shape.把手是椭圆形的。牛津搭配〔pyramid〕Anatomy A structure or part suggestive of a pyramid in shape.【解剖学】 角锥性器官:形状象角锥的结构和部分美国传统〔semispherical〕Somewhat spherical in shape.半球体的:形体上略呈半球型的美国传统〔shape〕He likes to stay in shape.他喜欢保持身体健康。外研社新世纪〔shape〕Our table is oval in shape.我们的饭桌是椭圆形的。剑桥高阶〔shape〕Plenty of physical exercise will help you keep in shape.大量的体育锻炼将有助于保持身体健康。英汉大词典〔shape〕She likes to stay in shape.她喜欢保持健康的状态。牛津搭配〔shape〕She runs six miles every day to help keep herself in shape.她每天跑6英里以保持健康。剑桥高阶〔shape〕She stays/keeps in shape by exercising daily and eating well.为了保持良好的身材,她每天锻炼,合理饮食。韦氏高阶〔shape〕The buds are conical or pyramidal in shape.蓓蕾呈圆锥形或金字塔形。外研社新世纪〔shape〕The island is roughly circular in shape.该岛大致呈圆形。牛津搭配〔shape〕The island was originally circular in shape.这个岛原先为圆形。牛津高阶〔shape〕These exercises will help you get in shape.这些锻炼会帮助你保持良好的健康状况。外研社新世纪〔sugar loaf〕Something, such as a mountain, that resembles a loaf of sugar in shape.塔糖状物:外貌象圆锥体塔糖的东西,如一座大山美国传统〔tamburitza〕A Serbo-Croatian stringed instrument similar to a mandolin in shape and sound.坦姆布里扎琴:形状和音质上都类似曼陀林的一种塞尔维亚-克罗地亚弦乐器美国传统〔the〕The longer you have been in shape in the past, the quicker you will regain fitness in future.过去健美身形保持的时间越长,将来身材恢复得就越快。柯林斯高阶〔tooth〕A projecting part resembling a tooth in shape or function, as on a comb, gear, or saw.类齿物:在形状或功能上与牙齿相近的突出部分,例如梳子、齿轮或锯子上的美国传统〔tri-〕It was triangular in shape.它是三角形的。柯林斯高阶〔weight lifting〕I stay in shape by weight lifting.我靠举重保持身材。韦氏高阶




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