

单词 in dealing with
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIENDLY〕Brown was affable and sympathetic, but also firm and decisive in dealing with the problems presented to him. 布朗亲切友好而富于同情心,但遇到问题需要他处理时则又坚决果断。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Speaking to Congress, the President appealed for cooperation in dealing with the sagging economy. 总统在对国会的演讲中呼吁携手合作对付疲弱的经济。朗文写作活用〔abdicate〕The government has largely abdicated its responsibility in dealing with housing needs.该政府在很大程度上推卸了满足住房需求的责任。朗文当代〔aplomb〕He showed/demonstrated great aplomb in dealing with the reporters.在和记者打交道时,他表现得镇定自如。韦氏高阶〔come up against〕We came up against a great deal of resistance in dealing with the case.办这个案子的过程中,我们遇到了很多阻力。柯林斯高阶〔competence〕He demonstrated thorough competence in dealing with the issues.他在处理这些问题时彻底体现出他的能力。麦克米伦高阶〔deal with〕In dealing with suicidal youngsters, our aims should be clear.在对待有自杀倾向的青少年时,我们的目标应当很明确。柯林斯高阶〔dilatory〕The government has been dilatory in dealing with the problem of unemployment.政府迟迟未解决失业问题。牛津高阶〔diplomacy〕I thought you showed great diplomacy in dealing with him.我认为你在跟他打交道的过程中显得极为得体练达。牛津搭配〔diplomat〕One who uses skill and tact in dealing with others.善交际者:在同其它人打交道使用技能和技巧的人美国传统〔discretion〕We should show proper discretion in dealing with the problem.在处理该问题时,我们应该表现出适度的谨慎。文馨英汉〔dispute〕Police have difficulties in dealing with domestic disputes.警方很难处理家庭纠纷。牛津搭配〔double standard〕She argued that society applies a double standard in dealing with women who commit adultery.她认为社会以双重标准对待有通奸行为的妇女。韦氏高阶〔enterprise〕He was criticized for his lack of enterprise in dealing with the crisis.在处理危机的过程中,他由于缺乏进取心而受到了批评。韦氏高阶〔experienced〕She's experienced in dealing with difficult customers.她在应对难缠的顾客方面很有经验。麦克米伦高阶〔help〕Aircraft medical kits aren't much help in dealing with a collapsed lung.飞机医疗箱对肺萎陷没有多大用处。麦克米伦高阶〔help〕The organization offers practical help in dealing with paperwork.这个机构提供文件处理方面的实际帮助。牛津高阶〔ineffective〕The law proved ineffective in dealing with the problem.事实证明这条法规未能真正解决问题。牛津高阶〔instance〕She cited an instance where their training had been a marvelous help in dealing with problems.她举了一个所受训练为解决问题帮了大忙的实例。柯林斯高阶〔masterly〕He was masterly in dealing with people.他处理人际关系的本领可绝了。英汉大词典〔penny-wise〕Careful in dealing with small sums of money or small matters.小数目上节约的或小事上精明的美国传统〔precedent〕An act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances.先例:在处理今后类似事件时可用作示范的行为或事例美国传统〔professional〕He deals with the customers in a very professional way. = He is very professional in dealing with the customers.他很专业地与客户打交道。韦氏高阶〔prompt〕Staff should be prompt in dealing with complaints.员工们应该迅速处理投诉。麦克米伦高阶〔prudence〕You should have prudence in dealing with such matters.你在处理这种事情时要慎重。文馨英汉〔reputed〕They employed him because of his reputed skill in dealing with the press.他们聘用他是因为普遍认为他善于应对新闻界。剑桥高阶〔resilience〕The rescue workers showed remarkable resilience in dealing with the difficult conditions.这些救援人员在应对困境时表现出了惊人的适应能力。韦氏高阶〔ruthlessly〕The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.在处理任何内部政治分歧的苗头时,总统都毫不留情。柯林斯高阶〔scorn〕He scorned the government's record in dealing with crime.他抨击政府处理犯罪问题的记录。朗文当代〔sensitivity〕She is not known for her sensitivity in dealing with complaints.她并不擅长处理投诉。牛津搭配〔singleness〕He showed great singleness of mind in dealing with the problem.他在解决这个问题时表现得极为专注。剑桥高阶〔tactfully〕He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question.他在处理这个财务问题时很有分寸。柯林斯高阶〔tactful〕She had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question.他在处理这个财务问题时很有分寸。外研社新世纪〔tact〕Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.机敏:对于在与别人交往时如何合适和得体的高度敏感,包括不冒犯他人地说话或行动的能力美国传统〔tact〕He showed tact in dealing with their embarrassment.他处理他们的困难时显得很得体。牛津同义词〔test〕Employers will use this agreement as a test in dealing with future wage claims.雇主将用此协议作为处理日后工资要求的准则。英汉大词典〔urge〕He urged restraint in dealing with the protesters.他强调在应对抗议者时要保持克制。麦克米伦高阶〔useful〕She was very useful in dealing with foreign visitors.她很善于同外国访客打交道。牛津搭配In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme. 他在处理这个问题时谨慎得过分了。译典通He showed great singleness of mind / purpose (= attention to one thing) in dealing with the problem.在解决问题时,他表现得十分专心致志。剑桥国际I have difficulty in dealing with the abstract --let's get down to some particulars.我考虑抽象概念有些困难,让我们处理一些具体事情吧。剑桥国际I'm afraid I don't have much patience in dealing with fractious teenagers.恐怕我没有多少耐心应付脾气急躁的十几岁的孩子们。剑桥国际She showed great sangfroid in dealing with the panic-stricken victims of the accident.在处理惊惶失措的事故受害者时,她表现得极其镇定。剑桥国际The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people. 管理一个大企业需要与人相处的技巧。译典通The newspapers accused local police of laxity in dealing with gamblers. 报纸指责当地警察在对付赌徒方面执法不严。译典通The young nurse showed great tact in dealing with worried parents.这年轻的护士对待忧心忡忡的家长很有办法。剑桥国际They employed him because of his reputed skill in dealing with the press.由于他与报界交往的出名技巧,他们聘用了他。剑桥国际They have attempted to take the initiative in dealing with the problem.他们试图首先采取行动来处理这个问题。剑桥国际They're usually fairly prompt in dealing with enquiries.他们处理查询通常都相当迅速。剑桥国际We apologize for being so dilatory in dealing with your enquiry.对答复您的咨询如此缓慢,我们表示道歉。剑桥国际




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