

单词 a bit of rough
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔a bit of rough〕Jenny's chatting up the barman again. She likes a bit of rough.珍妮又在和酒吧侍者搭讪了。她喜欢比她社会地位低的情人。剑桥高阶〔rough and tumble〕It was just a bit of rough and tumble.那只不过是孩子间的小打小闹。剑桥高阶〔rough trade〕He went to the docks to pick up a bit of rough trade.他到码头上去找搞同性关系的粗汉厮混。剑桥高阶He went to the docks to pick up a bit of rough trade.他到码头去寻找搞同性恋关系的粗汉。剑桥国际




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