

单词 honourable
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD〕It would not be honourable for me, as a solicitor, to reveal my client's business to anyone. 我作为一名事务律师,把当事人的事务透露给别人是不道德行为。朗文写作活用〔Right Honourable〕I'm afraid my Right Honourable friend is mistaken.恐怕我的朋友阁下弄错了。麦克米伦高阶〔TALK〕Silence! Will you please let the honourable Member finish what he is saying. 安静!请大家让尊敬的委员把话讲完。朗文写作活用〔courtesy〕My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.人们称我为, 当然只是出于礼貌, 尊敬的阿马利娅•洛弗尔夫人。外研社新世纪〔courtesy〕My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.人们称我为,当然只是出于礼貌,尊敬的阿马利娅·洛弗尔夫人。柯林斯高阶〔elevation〕He was overjoyed at his elevation to that honourable post.他因晋升荣衔而欣喜万分。英汉大词典〔exception〕With a few honourable / honorable exceptions, politicians kept quiet about the corruption.除了几位值得尊敬的政治家外,其他政界人士对腐败缄口不提。牛津搭配〔firefighting〕Firefighting is justifiably seen as a most honourable calling.消防工作被公认为最崇高的职业。外研社新世纪〔honourable〕All work is honourable.工作无贵贱之分。英汉大词典〔honourable〕Brutus is an honourable man.布鲁特斯是个品行高洁的人。英汉大词典〔honourable〕He is honourable in his dealings.他做买卖很规矩。英汉大词典〔honourable〕He received an honourable discharge from the army.他获准体面退伍。牛津高阶〔honourable〕His intentions were honourable.他(求婚)的意愿是一片诚心。英汉大词典〔honourable〕However, their intentions are honourable.然而,他们的初衷是高尚的。柯林斯高阶〔honourable〕I believe he was an honourable man, dedicated to the people and his union.我认为他是个品行高洁的人,一心奉献于人民和工会的事业。柯林斯高阶〔honourable〕I believe he was an honourable man.我坚信他是一个品行高洁的人。外研社新世纪〔honourable〕I did my best, it was an honourable defeat.我已经尽力了, 虽败犹荣。外研社新世纪〔honourable〕If my Honourable Friend would give me a chance to answer,… 如果我的朋友阁下能给我答辩的机会…牛津高阶〔honourable〕It is honourable to earn a living with your hands.靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。英汉大词典〔honourable〕My intentions were entirely honourable.我的意图是完全光明磊落的。牛津搭配〔honourable〕The Honourable (或Hon.) William Spencer 威廉·斯宾塞阁下英汉大词典〔honourable〕The only honourable thing to do was to say nothing.唯一能做的体面的事就是什么都不说。麦克米伦高阶〔honourable〕Their intentions were honourable.他们的初衷是高尚的。外研社新世纪〔honourable〕They managed an honourable 2–2 draw.他们奋力打成了 2:2 平局,值得敬佩。牛津高阶〔honourable〕They urged her to do the honourable thing and resign.他们力劝她辞职以保全名节。牛津高阶〔honourable〕With a few honourable exceptions, the staff were found to be incompetent.除了几个优秀的人以外,其他职员都不能胜任工作。牛津高阶〔honourable〕Your father was an honourable man.你的父亲是个高尚的人。麦克米伦高阶〔hubris〕This is a tale of how an honourable man pursuing honourable goals was afflicted with hubris and led his nation towards catastrophe.这个故事讲述一个追求崇高目标的磊落君子是如何因自高自大而将自己的国家引向灾难。外研社新世纪〔mention〕An honourable mention too for the latest hybrid car.荣誉奖同样颁发给最新混合动力汽车。外研社新世纪〔mention〕Even though Dave takes the prize, Harry White deserves honourable mention.虽然是戴夫荣膺奖项, 哈利•怀特获荣誉提名也是当之无愧。外研社新世纪〔pay〕It is not honourable to pay court to more than one lady at the same time.同一时间追求几个女人不是什么光彩的事。外研社新世纪〔politics〕Is politics an honourable profession? 从政是体面的职业吗? 英汉大词典〔speaker〕Mr Speaker, my honourable friend has failed to consider the consequences of his proposal.议长阁下,我尊敬的朋友没有考虑到他的提案的后果。剑桥高阶〔thing〕Carrington did the honourable thing and resigned.卡林顿作出了令人敬佩的举动,辞了职。柯林斯高阶He is an honourable man. 他是个高尚的人。译典通He was honourable in word and in deed. 他言行诚信可敬。译典通He was given an honourable burial. 他的葬礼很体面。译典通I'm not sure he has honourable intentions.我不确定他是否有结婚的诚意。剑桥国际It is honourable to earn a living with your hands. 靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。译典通Mr Speaker, my honourable friend has failed to consider the consequences of his proposal.议长阁下,我尊敬的朋友没能考虑到他这项提议的后果。剑桥国际The committee will be chaired by the Right Honourable Sarah Bast, MP.委员会将由尊贵的萨拉·巴斯特议员阁下主持。剑桥国际




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