

单词 homologous
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔asynapsis〕The failure of homologous chromosomes to pair during meiosis.不联会:在减数分裂期间同源染色体不联会成对美国传统〔bivalent〕A pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes associated together during meiosis.二价染色体:在成熟分裂时联在一起的一对同源、联会染色体美国传统〔bivalent〕Biology Consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes, as occurs during meiosis; double.【生物学】 二价染色体的:由一对同源,联会染色体组成的,如在成熟分裂时出现的;双的美国传统〔brachium〕An arm or a homologous anatomical structure, such as a flipper or wing.臂的同源结构:臂或同源的解剖结构,如鳍状肢或翅膀美国传统〔clade〕A group of organisms, such as a species, whose members share homologous features derived from a common ancestor.进化枝,分化枝:一个有机体群体,其成员有从一个共同祖先获得的同源特征,如一个物种美国传统〔clitoris〕A small, elongated erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva, homologous with the penis.阴蒂,阴核:一种位于阴门前部的能伸长勃起的小器官,与阴茎相类似美国传统〔crossing over〕The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes that occurs during meiosis and contributes to genetic variability.交换:一种发生在减数分裂期间的、有助于遗传变异的同源染色体之间的遗传物质的交换美国传统〔crossover〕A characteristic resulting from the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis.交换特征:由减数分裂期内同源染色体之间的遗传物质的交换而产生的特征美国传统〔disjunction〕Genetics The separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.【遗传学】 在减数分裂过程中同源染色体的分离美国传统〔dyad〕Biology One pair of homologous chromosomes resulting from the division of a tetrad during meiosis.【生物学】 二分体:一对由四分体在成熟分裂过程中形成的同源染色体美国传统〔hallux〕A homologous digit of a bird, a reptile, or an amphibian. In birds, it is often directed backward.后趾:鸟、爬行动物或两栖动物类似的一个趾头,对鸟而言它通常向后美国传统〔hand〕A homologous or similar part in other animals, as the terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates.类似手形的事物:别的动物身上与之相应的或类似的器官,比如某些截肢动物前肢的终端美国传统〔heterozygote〕An organism that has different alleles at a particular gene locus on homologous chromosomes.杂合体:在同源染色体的某一特定基因位点上有不同的等位基因的有机体美国传统〔hip〕A homologous posterior part in quadrupeds.四足动物的类似的后部美国传统〔homological〕Homologous.同源的,相应的美国传统〔homologize〕To make homologous.使一致美国传统〔homologize〕To show to be homologous.显示出…同系美国传统〔homologous〕The seal's flipper is homologous with the human arm.海豹的鳍肢与人类的手臂同源。牛津高阶〔homologous〕The wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous structures.蝙蝠的翅膀和人类的手臂是相应的同源结构。剑桥高阶〔homologous〕The wing of a bird and the foreleg of a horse are homologous.鸟的翅膀和马的前腿是同源的。英汉大词典〔homologous〕The wing of a bird and the foreleg of a horse are homologous.鸟的翅膀和马的前腿(两器官)是同原的。文馨英汉〔homologue〕Something homologous; a homologous organ or part.同源物,同源器官或部分美国传统〔homology〕A homologous relationship or correspondence.相应关系或对应美国传统〔homology〕The quality or condition of being homologous.相应的性质或状态美国传统〔homology〕The relation of the organic compounds forming a homologous series.同系列:构成同系列的有机化合物的关系美国传统〔homozygote〕An organism that has the same alleles at a particular gene locus on homologous chromosomes.纯合子:在同源染色体上某一特定基因座有相同等位基因的生物体美国传统〔homozygous〕Having the same alleles at a particular gene locus on homologous chromosomes.纯合的:在同源染色体上某一特定基因座有相同等位基因的美国传统〔maxilla〕A homologous bone of the skull in other vertebrates.其他脊椎动物头盖骨中的相应骨头美国传统〔multivalent〕Genetics Of or relating to the association of three or more homologous chromosomes during the first division of meiosis.【遗传学】 多价的:属于在第一时期成熟分裂时三个或者更多的同源染色体的联合的、或与之有关的美国传统〔pachytene〕The third stage of the prophase of meiosis during which the homologous chromosomes become short and thick and divide into four distinct chromatids.粗线期:在同周期的染色体群变短变粗并分裂为四个不同的染色单体过程中减数分裂前期的第三个阶段美国传统〔penis〕The male organ of copulation in higher vertebrates, homologous with the clitoris. In mammals, it also serves as the male organ of urinary excretion.阴茎:高等脊椎动物与阴蒂相对应在雄性哺乳动物里的雄性性交器官, 也作为排尿器官美国传统〔spleen〕A homologous organ or tissue in other vertebrates.脾脏:其他脊椎动物的相似组织或器官美国传统〔synapsis〕The side-by-side association of homologous paternal and maternal chromosomes during the early prophase of meiosis.接合,联合:在成熟分裂的前期时父方染色体与母方同源染色体的等同的联会美国传统〔tetrad〕A group of four chromatids formed from each of a pair of homologous chromosomes that split longitudinally during the prophase of meiosis.四分体:一组来自减数分裂中相互垂直分裂的一对同源染色体的四个染色单体美国传统〔univalent〕Genetics Of or relating to a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis.【遗传学】 单价染色体的:属于或有关一种染色体的,在染色体结合过程中不与它的对等染色体配对或结合美国传统〔zygotene〕The stage in prophase of meiosis during which homologous chromosomes become paired. 偶线期:减数分裂的前期阶段,在此期间异体同型的染色体配对美国传统




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