

单词 hole
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONDITION〕She wore shabby black clothes, with holes in the elbows of her jacket. 她穿着破破烂烂的黑衣服,夹克肘部有洞眼。朗文写作活用〔Eisenmenger syndrome〕Babies with Eisenmenger Syndrome often have a hole between the two pumping chambers of the heart.患有艾森门格综合征的婴儿的两个心室之间通常有一个洞。剑桥高阶〔FLOW〕Oil gushed from the hole in the ship's hull. 石油从船身的一个洞内喷出。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕The gang holed up in a cheap hotel for a few weeks. 这个犯罪团伙在一家廉价旅店里躲了几星期。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕A fox had dug a hole under our garden fence. 一只狐狸在我们花园的篱笆下面挖了一个洞。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕I can't wear my green shirt -- it has a hole in it. 我的绿衬衫不能穿了—上面有个洞。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕They stared at the gaping hole in the wall. 他们盯着墙上的那个大洞。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕To plant the tree you need to dig out a hole about 20 cm wide and 30 cm deep. 种树前,你要先挖一个约20厘米宽、30厘米深的洞。朗文写作活用〔Jarlsberg〕A trademark used for a mild, pale-yellow, hard Norwegian cheese with large holes.嘉士伯:商标名,用于挪威的一种适中的淡黄色硬奶酪,内有大孔美国传统〔a square peg in a round hole〕She felt like a square peg in a round hole at the new school until she made some new friends.在交上一些新朋友以前,她觉得自己无法融入新学校的环境。韦氏高阶〔ace〕The mayor's popularity among elderly voters gives him an ace in the hole for the coming election.市长深得老年选民的喜爱,这是他应对即将到来的选举的一张王牌。韦氏高阶〔auger〕A tool for boring holes in wood or ice.螺旋钻,木螺钻:一种用于在木头或冰上钻孔的工具美国传统〔a〕There was a hole in the fence.篱笆上有一个洞。朗文当代〔backfill〕Dig a large hole for the plant, then backfill with soil and compost.给植物挖一个坑,然后用泥土和肥料回填。剑桥高阶〔bend〕She'd cut a jagged hole in the tin, bending a knife in the process.她在罐头上曲里拐弯地划了个口,其间还弄弯了一把小刀。柯林斯高阶〔bite〕The mouse bit a hole in the bag.老鼠在袋上咬了一个洞。英汉大词典〔blast〕Earlier two holes were blasted in the ship's hull.早些时候在船体炸开了两个洞。外研社新世纪〔blowout〕The hole made by such a rupture.爆裂口:这种爆炸形成的洞美国传统〔bogey〕He bogeyed the 18th hole.他对第18穴打出超过规定球次数的一击。21世纪英汉〔bogey〕One golf stroke over par on a hole.比标准分数多一分:高尔夫球中超过标准杆数的一击美国传统〔borable〕Jack used a drill to bore a hole in the wall above the fireplace.杰克用钻子在壁炉上方的墙上钻孔。21世纪英汉〔bore〕Get the special drill bit to bore the correct-size hole for the job.做这个活儿要拿特殊的钻头来钻个大小合适的孔。外研社新世纪〔bore〕To make a hole in or through something with or as if with a drill.钻孔,打洞:用或似用钻打洞或穿孔美国传统〔brick up〕He bricked up the hole in the wall.他用砖堵住墙洞。21世纪英汉〔bung〕The waste bunged up the hole.废物把洞填满了。21世纪英汉〔carrier〕A charge-carrying entity, especially an electron or a hole in a semiconductor.带电体:带电体,尤指一个半导体中的电子或孔穴美国传统〔chew up〕Every spring the ozone is chewed up, and the hole appears.每年春天, 臭氧层都会遭到破坏, 出现漏洞。外研社新世纪〔chink〕I chinked the holes in the walls.我堵塞了墙上的洞。英汉大词典〔chop〕The fireman chopped a hole in the wall.消防队员在墙上砍了一个洞。21世纪英汉〔cup〕Sports A golf hole or the metal container inside a hole.【体育运动】 球洞:高尔夫球的球洞或球洞内的金属容器美国传统〔cut〕Firemen had to cut a hole in the car roof to get him out.消防员只得在车顶上凿一个洞把他救出来。麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕If he doesn't birdie this hole, he'll miss the cut.如果这一洞他不能打出小鸟球,就会被淘汰。韦氏高阶〔cut〕The thieves cut a hole in the fence.盗贼在篱笆上割了个洞。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕They cut a hole in the wall for the new window.他们在墙上凿出一个洞,留作新窗户。韦氏高阶〔darn〕She still darns the holes in her socks.她还穿补过的袜子。剑桥高阶〔derrick〕A tall framework over a drilled hole, especially an oil well, used to support boring equipment or hoist and lower lengths of pipe.钻架:竖在钻井(尤指油井)之上的支架,用来支撑钻孔设备或提升和下放钻管美国传统〔dig〕Dig a hole and hammer the stake in.挖个洞, 用锤子把木桩敲进去。外研社新世纪〔dig〕Dig a hole three feet deep.挖一个三英尺深的洞。韦氏高阶〔dogleg〕Sports A golf hole in which the fairway is abruptly angled.【体育运动】 拐形击球区:高尔夫球座和球洞之间有急折路径的击球区美国传统〔drilling〕I drilled five holes at equal distance.我钻了 5 个等间距的孔。柯林斯高阶〔drill〕An implement with cutting edges or a pointed end for boring holes in hard materials, usually by a rotating abrasion or repeated blows; a bit.钻:带切割刃或尖端的工具,用于在坚硬材料上钻孔,一般靠旋转磨损或反复击打实现钻孔;钻头美国传统〔drill〕Drill a series of holes in the frame.在构架上钻一串孔。牛津高阶〔drill〕He drilled a hole in the back of the cabinet.他在橱柜背面钻了个孔。韦氏高阶〔drill〕I drilled five holes at equal distance.我钻了五个等间距的洞。外研社新世纪〔drive〕His blow drove a hole in the wall.他一拳在墙上打出个洞。英汉大词典〔drive〕The nail drove a hole in the tire.钉子在车胎上扎了个洞美国传统〔drop〕Sports To hurl or strike (a ball) into a basket or hole.【体育运动】 投球入篮或击球入穴美国传统〔drop〕You can drop it in through the hole.你可以把它从洞里塞进去。英汉大词典〔elbow〕He wore a tattered coat with holes in the elbows.他穿着一件破旧的上衣,肘部已经磨穿。英汉大词典〔enable〕A series of holes in the side panels enables the position of the shelves to be adjusted.通过侧板上的一系列小孔可以对隔板位置进行调整。外研社新世纪〔enable〕A series of holes in the side panels enables the position of the shelves to be adjusted.通过侧板上的一系列小孔可以对隔板位置进行调整。柯林斯高阶〔entice〕The animal refused to be enticed from its hole.那只动物怎么引诱也不肯出洞。牛津高阶〔exciton〕An electrically neutral excited state of an insulator or semiconductor, often regarded as a bound state of an electron and a hole.激子:由于吸收光子在固体中产生的可移动的束缚的电子-空子对美国传统〔extrude〕Plastic material is extruded through very small holes to form fibres.塑料从微孔挤压出来形成纤维。英汉大词典〔eye〕Chiefly Southern U.S. The round flat cover over the hole on a wood-burning stove.【多用于美国南部】 炉盖:一种圆形的扁平盖,盖在烧木头的炉口上美国传统〔fast〕Our downhill birdie putts accelerated past the hole on the fast surface.我们下山的小鸟推杆加速越过了快速面上的球洞。外研社新世纪〔feedhole〕One of a noninformational series of holes in a paper tape that engages a driving sprocket to carry the tape through a reading or punching device.导孔,馈送孔:纸带上无信息的一连串孔之一,啮合滚动链齿以便从阅读装置或打孔装置上带动纸带美国传统〔fill in〕He filled the hole in with soil.他用土把洞填上了。外研社新世纪〔fill〕Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.填补小洞要用颜色匹配的木材填料。外研社新世纪〔fill〕The hole has been filled in.洞已填平。牛津高阶〔forth〕Water gushed forth from a hole in the rock.水从岩洞里涌出。牛津高阶〔gape〕The aircraft took off with a gaping hole in its fuselage.飞机起飞了,机身上有一个裂开的口子。柯林斯高阶〔gape〕The front door was missing. A hole gaped in the roof.前门不翼而飞,屋顶豁开了一个洞。柯林斯高阶〔gimlet〕A small hand tool having a spiraled shank, a screw tip, and a cross handle and used for boring holes.手钻:一种小的手工工具,有螺旋尖头,带槽纹的钻身,横装的手柄,作钻孔用美国传统〔godforsaken〕I can't stand living in this godforsaken hole.住在这么个破地方,我受不了。牛津高阶〔golf〕The eighth at Banff is one of the world's great golf holes.班夫的第八球洞是世界上最棒的高尔夫球洞之一。牛津搭配〔gouge〕He took a knife and gouged a hole in the bottom of the boat.他拿了一把刀,在船底凿了一个洞。朗文当代〔heel〕Having holes in one's socks or shoes.鞋袜上有洞美国传统〔hole out〕He holed out in one for 3 times to the fifth hole.打到第五穴时他共击出3个“爱司”球。21世纪英汉〔holey〕Having holes or full of holes.有洞或多洞的美国传统〔hole〕Armed robbers broke into the jeweller's through a hole in the wall.持枪劫匪钻过墙洞闯进珠宝店里。外研社新世纪〔hole〕He fixed the hole in the roof.他补好了屋顶的漏洞。韦氏高阶〔hole〕He had worn a hole in the knees of his jeans.他牛仔裤的膝盖处磨出了洞。牛津搭配〔hole〕He tried to find holes in the testimony.他试图在证言中找出破绽。英汉大词典〔hole〕He'll hole up now and move again tomorrow, after dark.他现在将躲起来,等明天天黑以后再动身。牛津高阶〔hole〕Her putt rolled right into the hole.她推杆进洞。韦氏高阶〔hole〕His story is full of holes.他的报道漏洞百出。英汉大词典〔hole〕I am not going to bring up my child in this hole.我不会在这个鬼地方养育孩子的。牛津高阶〔hole〕I made an extra hole in my belt.我在腰带上又打了一个眼儿。牛津搭配〔hole〕I uprooted the tree and filled the hole with earth.我把树连根拔起,然后用土把坑填平。牛津搭配〔hole〕If you have holes in your game, work on them.假如你在比赛技巧方面有问题,要努力解决掉。朗文当代〔hole〕My jumper's got a hole in it.我的套头衫上破了个洞。剑桥高阶〔hole〕She holed a 25 foot putt.她打了一个 25 英尺远的推杆进洞。牛津高阶〔hole〕She holed a long putt for a birdie.她推长杆打了一记小鸟击。韦氏高阶〔hole〕She holed out from 25 feet.她在 25 英尺处把球推进洞中。牛津高阶〔hole〕She already has too many shoes. She needs another pair like a hole in the head.她已经有太多的鞋子了,完全不需要新的。韦氏高阶〔hole〕She won the first hole.她在第一洞时领先。牛津高阶〔hole〕The builders had cut holes into the soft stone to support the ends of the beams.建筑工人在软石上挖了洞以支撑梁端。外研社新世纪〔hole〕The children climbed through a hole in the fence.孩子们从栅栏的缺口处爬了过去。牛津高阶〔hole〕The escapee was holed up in his top floor suite.逃亡者藏在他的顶层套间内。英汉大词典〔hole〕The gunmen are still holed up in the town.那几个持枪歹徒仍然躲在镇里。朗文当代〔hole〕The new proposal has several holes in it.那项新提案有几处漏洞。剑桥高阶〔hole〕The ship was holed below the waterline.船在吃水线下被撞出窟窿。麦克米伦高阶〔hole〕The shot holed his hat.枪弹在他帽子上打了个洞。英汉大词典〔hole〕The snake disappeared down a hole.蛇消失在一个洞里。牛津搭配〔hole〕There are plenty of holes in the theory.这个理论有不少漏洞。韦氏高阶〔hole〕There is an obvious hole in the law covering pension funds.退休基金的相关法律有明显的漏洞。麦克米伦高阶〔hole〕These socks are full of holes.这双袜子满是破洞。朗文当代〔hole〕We climbed through the hole.我们从洞里爬了过去。牛津搭配〔incentive〕It seems that this incentive system has a big hole in it.看来这种奖励制度本身有很大的漏洞。英汉大词典〔indirect〕The observation of black holes in space must rely on indirect methods.对太空中黑洞的观察必须依靠间接方法。麦克米伦高阶〔knee〕Her jeans had holes at the knees.她的牛仔裤膝盖处有窟窿。韦氏高阶〔knot〕Push through the hole in the beads, and tie a knot at both ends.从珠孔穿出, 并在两端打结。外研社新世纪〔latchstring〕A cord attached to a latch and often passed through a hole in the door to allow lifting of the latch from the outside.栓锁带:活栓锁上的带子,通常由一个小洞通到门里以便从外边拉开活栓锁美国传统〔lollop〕A herd of elephants lolloped across the plains towards a watering hole.一群大象缓慢而笨拙地穿过平原,朝水潭走去。柯林斯高阶〔make〕The bullet made a hole right through his chest.子弹射穿了他的胸膛。剑桥高阶〔massive〕The explosion made a massive hole in the ground.爆炸在地面留下了一个巨大的坑。牛津高阶〔match play〕A method of scoring golf games by counting only the number of holes won by each side rather than the number of strokes taken.穴数记分:按进穴数而不按挥击次数决定胜负的高尔夫球比赛计分法美国传统〔mend〕Could you mend this hole in my shirt? 你能把我衬衫上的这个洞补一下吗?剑桥高阶〔nothing〕Nothing remains of the old house but the cellar hole.老房子除了这个狭小简陋的酒窖之外什么也没留下美国传统〔open〕Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument.不用手指按压的:不用手指按住而通过弦或小孔结束的美国传统〔outhouse〕A small, enclosed structure having one or two holes in a seat built over a pit and serving as an outdoor toilet.户外厕所:一种用作户外厕所的封闭的小型建筑,其下是一个大坑,上有一个坑位,该坑位上有一两个洞美国传统〔par〕He made/scored par on the ninth hole.他在第九洞打出了标准杆数。韦氏高阶〔par〕She finished the 18th hole three strokes under/over par.她以低/高于标准杆三杆的成绩完成了第18洞。韦氏高阶〔patch up〕We can patch up those holes.我们可以修补这些破洞。柯林斯高阶〔patch〕He put a patch over the hole in the tire tube.他将轮胎内胎上的洞补起来。韦氏高阶〔peck〕A bird had pecked a hole in the sack.一只鸟把袋子啄了个洞。牛津高阶〔peck〕A mark or hole made by such a stroke.啄痕,(啄出的)小洞:这样轻击出的痕迹或洞美国传统〔peck〕Larger birds may come and peck holes in their eggs.大一点的鸟可能会过来, 把它们的蛋壳啄破。外研社新世纪〔peck〕The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree.那只啄木鸟在那棵树上啄了一个洞。文馨英汉〔peekaboo〕Decorated with embroidered holes or eyelets.用绣的孔或孔眼装饰的美国传统〔perforated〕Having a hole or holes, especially a row of small holes.有孔的或多孔的,尤指有一排小孔的美国传统〔pinwrench〕A wrench having a projection designed to fit a hole in the object to be turned.销扳手:一种有销的扳手,被设计可插入孔中转动物体美国传统〔pit with〕The surface of the wood was pitted with holes made by insects.木头的表面布满了虫子咬的洞眼。21世纪英汉〔pitted〕Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes.无论哪里, 建筑物表面都满是炮弹和子弹打出的洞。外研社新世纪〔pit〕A natural or artificial hole or cavity in the ground.坑,洞:一个地上天然的或人工的洞或穴美国传统〔plug〕Chet tore off his shirt and used it to plug the hole in the canoe.切特从衬衫上扯下一块布用来堵住独木舟的洞。外研社新世纪〔poke in〕He poked a hole in a paper screen.他在纸屏上捅了个洞。21世纪英汉〔poke〕Defense attorneys tried to poke holes in Rodger's story.辩护律师试图找出罗杰陈述中的漏洞。朗文当代〔poke〕He poked his finger into the hole.他把手指插入孔中。柯林斯高阶〔poke〕The kids poked holes in the ice with sticks.孩子们用棍子在冰上戳洞。牛津高阶〔posthole〕A hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post.埋桩子的洞:在地上所挖的用来放置栅栏栏杆的洞美国传统〔potential〕That hole in the road is a potential danger.路上的那个坑是个潜在的危险。英汉大词典〔pour in〕Then I saw water pouring in through a hole in the back.然后我看到水从后面的破洞里涌进来。外研社新世纪〔prick〕He pricks holes in the foil with a pin.他用大头针在锡箔纸上扎了些孔。外研社新世纪〔puncher〕I took a ballpoint pen and punched a hole in the carton.我拿了一支圆珠笔,在纸盒上戳了一个洞。柯林斯高阶〔puncher〕Make two holes with a hole punch.用打孔器打两个孔。柯林斯高阶〔punch〕Have you seen the hole punch anywhere? 你看到打孔器在哪里了吗?剑桥高阶〔punch〕The machine punches a row of holes in the metal sheet.机器在金属薄板上冲出一排孔。牛津高阶〔reamer〕Any of various tools used to shape or enlarge holes.扩孔钻:一种用于整造或扩大孔膛的工具美国传统〔reeve〕To pass (a rope or rod) through a hole, ring, pulley, or block.将杆穿过,将绳穿过:用(绳或杆)穿过孔、环、滑轮或一大块料美国传统〔rip〕The force of the explosion ripped a hole in the wall.爆炸的威力把这面墙炸开了一个洞。韦氏高阶〔robber〕Armed robbers broke into a jeweller's through a hole in the wall.持械抢劫者通过墙上的一个洞闯进了一家珠宝店。柯林斯高阶〔rosette〕An ornamental, circular band surrounding the central hole of an acoustic guitar.玫瑰花结:一种环绕在原声吉它中心音洞周围的装饰性圆形束带美国传统〔sew〕Could you sew up this hole in my trousers? 你能补好我裤子上的这个洞吗?朗文当代〔shot hole〕A hole made in wood by an insect.蛀孔:昆虫在木头上穿的孔美国传统〔sink〕I was convinced they were about to burn holes through their boats and sink without trace.我确信他们会在船底烧几个洞, 然后彻底消失。外研社新世纪〔slump〕The waggon slumped into a hole.大车陷进了小坑。英汉大词典〔smack〕There was a hole smack in the middle of the floor.地板正中央有个洞。朗文当代〔spout〕Water spouted through the hole.水由洞里喷出。牛津同义词〔sprue〕The hole through which molten material is chanelled into a mold.浇口,注入口:将熔化的材料导入铸模的开孔美国传统〔star〕You can thank your lucky stars you didn't fall in the hole.你没掉到洞里去真是运气。英汉大词典〔stave〕He stove the condensed milk from a hole on the tin.他在罐头上凿了个孔,往出倒炼乳。21世纪英汉〔stitch〕You ought to stitch up that hole in your jeans.你应当把牛仔裤上的洞缝补上。麦克米伦高阶〔stop〕A hole on a wind instrument.管乐器的音孔美国传统〔stop〕A device such as a key for closing the hole on a wind instrument.按键:堵住管乐器孔的装置,例如按键美国传统〔sufficiently〕The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.这些洞很大, 足够作鸟巢用。外研社新世纪〔tear〕The blast tore a hole in the wall.墙被炸开了个洞。牛津高阶〔tee off〕We watched her tee off at the ninth hole.我们看她在第九洞开球。韦氏高阶〔through〕Her knees had gone through(= made holes in)her jeans.她的膝盖把牛仔裤磨破了。牛津高阶〔through〕I bored a hole so that the bolt would pass through.我钻了个孔, 好让螺栓穿过去。外研社新世纪〔toe〕Maria's shoes had got holes in the toes.玛丽亚的鞋尖处破了几个洞。外研社新世纪〔trickle〕Sand trickled from a hole in the bag.沙从袋子的一个小孔中泄出。英汉大词典〔truck〕Nautical A small piece of wood placed at the top of a mast or flagpole, usually having holes through which halyards can be passed.【航海】 桅(旗)杆帽:放在桅杆或旗杆顶端的一小木片,通常带有小孔,可让旗绳或扬帆绳穿过美国传统〔tunnel〕They tunnelled a hole in the wall.他们在墙上挖了个洞。外研社新世纪〔unerring〕With unerring judgment (aim) he threw the ball through the hole.他凭着准确无误的判断(瞄准),把球一扔过洞。英汉大词典〔water key〕A lever covering a small hole on certain brass instruments, such as the trombone, that is pressed to drain saliva that has accumulated in the instrument.乐器排水口:盖住诸如长号等某些铜管乐器上小孔的杆状物,可以压下,以排出乐器中积下的口水美国传统〔water〕There was water dripping from a hole in the ceiling.水从天花板的窟窿中滴下来。牛津搭配〔waylay〕She was forever waylaying him in odd holes and corners of the hotel.她总是在酒店的犄角旮旯里截住他。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕A hole wore in the floor where my heel rested in front of the accelerator.我的鞋跟总踩在油门踏板前, 把那儿磨出了一个坑。外研社新世纪〔wear〕I always seem to wear a hole in the left elbow of my sweaters.我似乎老是会把毛线衫的左肘处磨出洞来。剑桥高阶〔wear〕I've worn a hole in the knee of my jeans.我把牛仔裤的膝盖处磨出了一个洞。外研社新世纪〔wear〕The waterfall has worn out a hole in the stone.瀑布在石头上冲蚀出一个洞。英汉大词典〔yard〕He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们家的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树。柯林斯高阶After selling all its assets and paying its depositors, the bank was still half a million dollars in the hole.银行在出售了它全部资产、支付了存款者之后,仍然负债五十万美元。剑桥国际Chimpanzees use tools to obtain food in the wild -- they use twigs to fish termites out of holes.黑猩猩用工具在野外获得食物----用嫩枝把白蚁勾出洞穴。剑桥国际He fell through a hole onto the floor below.他从一个洞里掉到了下面的地上。剑桥国际He knows something about the boss--that's his ace in the hole.他知道老板的一些情况----这是他的王牌。剑桥国际He wore a shabby old overcoat, dirty and full of holes.他穿着一件破旧的大衣,又肮脏又满是破洞。剑桥国际He wore an old jacket riddled with (= full of) holes.他穿了一件布满窟窿的旧夹克衫。剑桥国际His hair was wild (= long and untidy) and his clothes full of holes.他的头发乱蓬蓬的,衣服上全都是洞。剑桥国际I couldn't wear these earrings because my ears aren't pierced/I haven't got pierced ears (= my ears haven't had the necessary holes made in them).我不能戴这些耳环,因为我的耳朵没穿眼。剑桥国际If you punch some holes in these sheets of paper you'll be able to keep them in your ring binder.要是你在这些纸上打几个洞,你就能把它们放在活页夹里了。剑桥国际It must take ages to lace boots with so many holes.靴子这么多眼,穿鞋带一定要很长时间。剑桥国际It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.那是一条崎岖的山路,充满了石头和大坑。剑桥国际Palmer putted the ball straight into the hole.帕尔默直接把球推入洞中。剑桥国际Put a bucket under the hole in the drain pipe to catch any overflow (= any water which flows out of it).在排水管的那个洞下放个水桶接住漏出的水。剑桥国际The hole is so deep you can't see the bottom.这个洞太深看不见底。剑桥国际The child scraped a hole in the sand. 这孩子在沙中刨了一个洞。译典通The dog was furiously digging a hole to hide its bone in.狗在拚命地挖洞,好藏它啃的骨头。剑桥国际The fireman chopped a hole in the wall. 消防队员在墙上砍出一个洞。译典通The hospital bills made a hole in his savings. 生病住院花去了他大量的存款。译典通The rooster clawed a hole in the earth. 那只公鸡在地上扒出个洞来。译典通There are several small holes in the fence at ground level.栅栏的地面部分上有几个小洞。剑桥国际There is a hole in the wall. 墙上有一个洞。译典通They cut a hole in the metal door with an oxyacetylene lamp/torch.他们用一支氧乙炔灯/炬在金属门上钻了个洞。剑桥国际Various ecological issues have come to the fore since the discovery of the hole in the Earth's ozone layer.自从发现地球臭氧层的空洞以来,各种各样的生态问题受到了公众关注。剑桥国际We were shocked to see smoke pouring out of a hole in our roof.我们惊惧地看到我们家屋顶上一个洞孔冒出滚滚浓烟。剑桥国际We'd better find some shelter and hole up until the storm passes.我们最好找个藏身地避一避,直到风暴过去。剑桥国际When he discovered holes in the school fence, he reported them to the council in a spirit of good citizenship.他发现校园围墙上的洞后出于良好的市民义务的精神报告了市政会。剑桥国际




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