

单词 anything goes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accountable〕If anything goes wrong I will hold you personally accountable! 如果出现差错,我会追究你个人的责任!韦氏高阶〔action〕Ambulance crews are ready to spring into action if anything goes wrong during the race.救护车急救人员随时准备出动,以防比赛出现意外。朗文当代〔anything and everything〕She dresses conservatively at work, but on the weekends, anything goes. [=anything is acceptable; there are no rules that have to be followed] 上班时她穿着很保守,但到了周末,她穿着就很随便了。韦氏高阶〔anything〕From what other people were wearing, it looked like anything goes.从其他人的衣着来看,好像穿什么都可以。朗文当代〔anything〕If anything goes wrong, the manager always gets the blame.如果有什么事出错,经理总是受到指责。麦克米伦高阶〔blame〕If anything goes wrong, I'll take the blame.出了问题我负责。剑桥高阶〔externalize〕These are people who tend to externalize blame when anything goes wrong at work.这是些工作中一出现问题就往往归诸外因的人。柯林斯高阶〔externalize〕These are people who tend to externalize blame when anything goes wrong at work.这些人在工作中一出现问题往往就推脱责任。外研社新世纪〔go〕Anything goes here.这儿干什么都行。英汉大词典〔go〕Almost anything goes these days.这个年月几乎是无奇不有。牛津高阶〔go〕If anything goes wrong, you can call our emergency hotline free of charge.如出现任何问题,你可以拨打我们的免费紧急热线。剑桥高阶〔go〕My parents don't worry too much about what I am up to, and most of the time anything goes (= I can do what I want).我做什么我父母都不是太担心,所以大多数情况下我都能做自己想做的事。剑桥高阶〔here〕Oh, here we go again. Why do I always get blamed when anything goes wrong? 嗨,又来了。为什么一出问题挨骂的总是我?麦克米伦高阶〔name〕If anything goes wrong, your name will be mud.要是出了任何问题,你就会声名狼藉。朗文当代〔pick on〕They always pick on him when anything goes wrong.一旦有什么事出了差错,他们总是找他的岔子。21世纪英汉〔responsible〕If anything goes wrong, I will hold you personally responsible .要是哪里有问题,我唯你是问。朗文当代〔stripe〕If anything goes flooey, it'll mean my stripes.要是出了什么岔子,我就要挨揍。英汉大词典〔whenever〕Larry always blames me whenever anything goes wrong.每每有什么事情出现问题,拉里总是责怪我。朗文当代I will hold you personally responsible (= I will blame you) if anything goes wrong in this project.如果这个项目出了任何差错,我将唯你是问。剑桥国际If anything goes wrong you can call our emergency hotline free of charge.如果出什么问题,你可以打我们免费的应急热线。剑桥国际If anything goes wrong, I'll take the blame (= I will state that it is my fault).如果有什么差错的话我来承担责任。剑桥国际My parents don't worry too much about what I get up to, and most of the time anything goes (= I can do what I want).我父母并不担忧我会怎样,大多数时间我可以做我想做的。剑桥国际




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