

单词 hermes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Daphnis〕A Sicilian shepherd and son of Hermes who was famed as a musician and reputed to be the inventor of pastoral poetry.达佛涅斯:西西里岛的牧神和赫耳墨斯的儿子,以音乐家著称而且被认为是田园诗歌的创始者美国传统〔Hermaphroditus〕The son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who became united in one body with the nymph Salmacis.赫马佛洛狄忒斯:赫尔墨斯与阿佛洛狄忒之子,与仙女萨耳玛西斯结为一体美国传统〔caduceus〕Greek Mythology A winged staff with two serpents twined around it, carried by Hermes.【希腊神话】 蛇杖:赫耳墨斯所持的带有两条互相缠绕的蛇的带翼权杖美国传统〔herma〕A bust, usually one of Hermes mounted on a square stone post.头像方碑:半身塑像,通常为方形石柱上的赫耳墨斯像美国传统〔hermetic〕Of or relating to Hermes Trismegistus or the works ascribed to him.赫尔墨斯·特利斯墨吉斯忒斯(著作)的:赫尔墨斯·特利斯墨吉斯忒斯(著作)的或与其有关的,或归因于他的著作的美国传统〔moly〕A magic herb with black roots and white flowers that was given to Odysseus by Hermes to ward off the spells of Circe.神奇魔草:一种生黑根开白花的野草,赫耳墨斯曾将此草送给奥德赛以抵挡喀耳刻(女巫)的咒语美国传统〔petasos〕Greek Mythology The winged hat of Hermes.【希腊神话】 翼帽:赫耳墨斯的翼帽美国传统〔soul〕The messenger god, Hermes, leads dead souls into the underworld.诸神信使赫尔墨斯接引死去的灵魂进入冥界。牛津搭配〔talaria〕Winged sandals such as those worn by Hermes and Iris as represented in Greco-Roman painting and sculpture.有翼凉鞋:希腊罗马的绘画和雕塑上表现赫尔墨斯和艾丽斯等神灵所穿的有翼的凉鞋美国传统




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