

单词 heaven
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(a) heaven on earth〕The time we spent together was heaven on earth.我们一起度过的时间如同在天堂一般。韦氏高阶〔(a) heaven on earth〕We spent our vacation in a real heaven on earth.我们在天堂般的地方度假。韦氏高阶〔Atlas〕Greek Mythology A Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders.【希腊神话】 擎天神,阿特拉斯神:被宙斯降罪来用双肩支撑苍天的一个擎天神美国传统〔Creator〕This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.这是造物主放置在天空中的第一个物体。外研社新世纪〔Frigg〕The Norse goddess of the heavens and wife of Odin.弗丽嘉:古斯堪的纳维亚女神,奥丁之妻美国传统〔God/heaven forbid〕Heaven forbid that something bad should happen.但愿不要发生什么坏事情。韦氏高阶〔Goodness/God/Heaven/Christ knows〕Take your shirt off - Heaven knows it's hot enough today! 把衬衫脱了——今天可够热的!剑桥高阶〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Heaven knows why she feels she can't trust her own parents. 天知道为什么她觉得不能相信自己的父母。朗文写作活用〔Lucifer〕The archangel cast from heaven for leading the revolt of the angels; Satan.撒旦:由于领导众天使造反而被从天堂打下的,撒旦美国传统〔PART〕Oliver Stone was in Thailand shooting the final instalment in his Vietnam trilogy, Heaven And Earth. 奥利弗·斯通在泰国拍摄他的越南三步曲的最后一部《天与地》。朗文写作活用〔Pearly Gates〕The gateway to heaven.天国之门美国传统〔RELIGION〕Thursday is Ascension Day, when the church observes the bodily ascension of Christ into heaven. 周四是耶稣升天日,到时候教堂要举行耶稣圣体升天仪式。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕You boys stink to high heaven - go inside and take a shower. 你们这些小子臭气熏天的—进去洗个淋浴。朗文写作活用〔South〕All around him, from east to west, north to south, the stars glittered in the heavens.在他的四周,从东到西,从北向南,苍穹里到处繁星闪闪。柯林斯高阶〔Titaness〕One of the daughters of Gaea and Uranus who sought to rule heaven and were overthrown and supplanted by Zeus.女泰坦:盖亚和乌拉诺斯生的女儿中的一个,她们试图统治天国,但被宙斯推翻并取代美国传统〔Titan〕Greek Mythology One of a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaea, who sought to rule heaven and were overthrown and supplanted by the family of Zeus.【希腊神话】 泰坦:一个巨人家族的一位成员,这个家族是乌拉诺斯和盖亚的子女,他们试图统治天国,但被宙斯家族推翻并取代美国传统〔Yggdrasil〕The great ash tree that holds together earth, heaven, and hell by its roots and branches in Norse mythology.乾坤树:北欧神话中以其根部和枝干聚拢土地、天堂和地狱的大桉树美国传统〔Zeus〕The principal god of the Greek pantheon, ruler of the heavens, and father of other gods and mortal heroes.宙斯:希腊神话中的主神,天堂的统治者,其他神和人间英雄的父亲美国传统〔a marriage made in heaven〕Our partnership is a match made in heaven.我们的伙伴关系无与伦比。韦氏高阶〔a marriage made in heaven〕Theirs was a marriage made in heaven.他们是佳偶天成。韦氏高阶〔anagoge〕A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife.神秘解释:对可查出的关于天堂或死后典故的基督教经文的词、段落或文章的神秘解释美国传统〔anciently〕The ancients knew more than we do about the heavens.古代人对于上天比我们知道得多。柯林斯高阶〔arch〕The rainbow arches the heavens.虹横跨天际。21世纪英汉〔ascend〕She believed that when she died, her soul would ascend to heaven.她相信死后她的灵魂会升入天堂。韦氏高阶〔ascent〕Elijah's ascent to heaven in a chariot of fire.以利亚乘着烈火熊熊的战车升天了柯林斯高阶〔ascent〕Elijah's ascent to heaven in a chariot of fire以利亚乘着烈火战车升入天堂外研社新世纪〔assume〕Theology To take up or receive into heaven.【神学】 (上帝)接…(进天国):接纳或接受进入天国美国传统〔assumption〕Theology The bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into heaven after her death.【神学】 圣母升天:圣母玛丽亚死后升天美国传统〔bad〕He believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell.他相信好人死后上天堂,坏人死后下地狱。韦氏高阶〔be in seventh heaven〕Since they got married, they've been in seventh heaven.他们结婚后极其幸福。剑桥高阶〔believe〕She says those who believe will go to heaven.她说信教的人可以进天堂。朗文当代〔bless〕Heaven had blessed Topsy with the ability to see the good in everything.上天赋予了托普西看到一切事物优点的能力。外研社新世纪〔bliss〕Their religion promises eternal bliss [=joy] in heaven.他们的宗教承诺在天堂里会永享快乐。韦氏高阶〔brushed〕The soft brushed cotton feels like heaven on the skin.这种柔软的拉毛棉布上身非常舒服。外研社新世纪〔but〕Heavens, but it rains.天哪,真的下雨了。英汉大词典〔career〕A path or course, as of the sun through the heavens.进程:道路或过程,如太阳在天空中的进程美国传统〔cast up〕The dying old man cast up his eyes to heaven and prayed devoutly.垂死的老人举目望天,虔诚地祈祷。21世纪英汉〔create〕God created Heaven and Earth.上帝创造了天和地。外研社新世纪〔creator〕This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.这是上帝安放在天堂里的第一件东西。柯林斯高阶〔dying〕Beethoven's dying words are said to have been "I shall hear in heaven." 据说贝多芬的临终遗言是“我会在天堂听到”。剑桥高阶〔empyrean〕The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure fire or light.最高天:天堂的最高处,古人相信那里完全是火与光的圣地美国传统〔ether〕The regions of space beyond the earth's atmosphere; the heavens.太空:超出地球大气层的空间区域;太空美国传统〔father〕Our Father in Heaven.我们的天父柯林斯高阶〔father〕Our Father, who art in heaven...我们的天父…剑桥高阶〔forfend〕Heaven forfend that students are encouraged to think! 千万不要鼓励学生思考!牛津高阶〔good〕She believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell.她相信好人死后上天堂,坏人下地狱。韦氏高阶〔grace〕Such a warning reminded people of the necessity of being in a state of grace which would allow them to enter heaven.这一警示提醒世人蒙受圣恩的必要性, 这可以使他们升入天国。外研社新世纪〔heavenward〕Toward, to, or in heaven.朝天空(的),向着天国(的),在天空(的)美国传统〔heaven〕Heaven forbid that he should leave because of me! 但愿他不会因为我而离开!柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕Heaven forbid that he should leave because of me!但愿他离开不是因为我!外研社新世纪〔heaven〕Heaven help anyone who tries to stop them.任何企图制止他们的人都会倒大霉的。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕Heaven help him if he ever comes back here again! 要是他再回到这里来,我一定饶不了他!朗文当代〔heaven〕Heaven help the man she marries!愿老天保佑娶她的那个人!外研社新世纪〔heaven〕Heaven help us if there's a fire.老天保佑我们,别发生火灾。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕Heaven knows they have enough money.上帝为证, 他们真的有的是钱。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕Heaven knows they have enough money.他们的钱够多了。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕Heaven knows what they put in it.天晓得他们往里面放了什么。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕Heaven knows what they put in it.天知道他们在里面放了些什么。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕Heaven knows what will happen now.天晓得现在会发生什么事。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕Heaven knows you've been working long enough.你确实干得够久了。英汉大词典〔heaven〕Heaven only knows how the place got into this state!只有天知道这地方是怎么变成这样的!外研社新世纪〔heaven〕Heaven, theologians tell us, is not so much a place as a state.神学家告诉我们, 天堂与其说是一个地方, 不如说是一种状态。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕A: I hope we don't have any trouble with the car. B: Heaven forbid! 甲:但愿我们的汽车不出毛病。乙:老天保佑千万别出! 英汉大词典〔heaven〕A: Will he ever succeed? B: Heaven knows! 甲:他会成功吗? 乙:谁知道!英汉大词典〔heaven〕Building up a tan by the pool with a good book is my idea of heaven.我所向往的就是在泳池边一边享受日光浴,一边读一本好书。牛津搭配〔heaven〕Christians believe that Jesus ascended into Heaven.基督徒相信耶稣升入了天堂。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕Do you think you could? That would be heaven.你认为你能做吗? 那太令人高兴了。英汉大词典〔heaven〕Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens.四棵大树参天而立。牛津高阶〔heaven〕Good heavens, is that the time? 天哪!时间到了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕Good heavens, what are you doing? 天哪,你在干什么?牛津高阶〔heaven〕He believed that he and his wife would one day be together again in heaven.他相信他和妻子有一天会在天国重聚。朗文当代〔heaven〕He had to move heaven and earth to get the job.他不得不想尽一切办法得到那份工作。英汉大词典〔heaven〕He hopes to go to Heaven when he dies.他希望死后升入天堂。韦氏高阶〔heaven〕He looked up towards the heavens.他仰望苍穹。朗文当代〔heaven〕He walked out into the middle of the road, looking up at the heavens.他走出去站在大路中间,抬头仰望着天空。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕He won't tell me what he thinks. Heaven knows why.他不告诉我他怎么想,谁知道是为什么。朗文当代〔heaven〕I believed that when I died I would go to heaven and see God.我相信自己死后会升入天堂,见到上帝。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕I feel like I've died and gone to heaven.我仿佛觉得自己已经死了,进了天堂。牛津高阶〔heaven〕I feel like I've died and gone to heaven.我感觉自己仿佛已经死去,进了天堂。牛津搭配〔heaven〕I just lay in the sun for a week and did nothing - it was heaven.一星期我都躺在阳光下什么也不干——简直像天堂一样。剑桥高阶〔heaven〕I moved heaven and earth to get you onto the committee, but all efforts were in vain.我竭尽全力帮你进入委员会, 但所有的努力都白费了。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕I pray to Heaven it may be so.我向上帝祈祷但愿如此。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕I was in cinematic heaven.我就像在电影爱好者的天堂一样。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕I was in cinematic heaven.我简直是到了观影者的天堂。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕I would move heaven and earth to help her.我会竭尽全力帮助她。朗文当代〔heaven〕I've had heaven knows how many people in here looking for you! 我这儿有太多的人在找你!麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕If this makes sense to our leaders, then heaven help us all.如果我们的领导人们认为这是合理的, 那么愿老天保佑我们吧。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕If this makes sense to our leaders, then heaven help us all.如果我们的领导人认为这是合情合理的,那么谁也帮不了我们了。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕It was heaven being away from the office for a week.一个星期远离办公室真是快活极了。牛津高阶〔heaven〕It was a marriage made in heaven. () 这真是天作之合。牛津搭配〔heaven〕It was sheer heaven being alone at last.总算能一个人待会儿了,真是快乐如天堂。牛津搭配〔heaven〕It would be heaven to hold you in my arms again.重新拥你入怀将是天赐的幸福。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕It’s heaven to have a hot bath.洗个热水澡是极大的福气。牛津同义词〔heaven〕Just then, the heavens opened (=it started to rain heavily) .就在那时,下起了倾盆大雨。朗文当代〔heaven〕Living on the farm for Jim was heaven on earth .对吉姆来说,农场生活就是人间天堂。朗文当代〔heaven〕Often Heaven The abode of God, the angels, and the souls of those who are granted salvation. 常作 Heaven 天国,天堂:上帝,天使及那些得到拯救的灵魂的居所美国传统〔heaven〕Often heavens The sky or universe as seen from Earth; the firmament. 常作 heavens 天,天空:从地球上所见之天空或宇宙;苍穹美国传统〔heaven〕Our baby is a gift from heaven.我们的孩子是上天赐予的礼物。韦氏高阶〔heaven〕Our child seemed a gift from heaven.我们的孩子就像是上天的恩赐。牛津搭配〔heaven〕Put a baseball in his hand and he's in heaven.给他一个棒球他就会觉得美极了。朗文当代〔heaven〕She prayed to God in Heaven.她向天堂里的上帝祷告。韦氏高阶〔heaven〕Sitting by the pool with a good book is my idea of heaven.坐在水池边看一本好书就是我理想中的极乐之事。朗文当代〔heaven〕Sue can't take a holiday yet, though heaven knows she needs a rest.休还不能休假,虽然她的确需要休息一下了。朗文当代〔heaven〕The heavens favored the young prince.众天神都宠爱这位年轻的王子美国传统〔heaven〕The heavens opened.下了一场倾盆大雨。英汉大词典〔heaven〕The heavens shook with thunder.雷声震撼了天宇。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕The child was in the seventh heaven with his new toys.那小孩玩着新玩具真快乐极了。英汉大词典〔heaven〕The island is truly a heaven on earth.这座小岛真是人间天堂。牛津搭配〔heaven〕The island is truly a heaven on earth.那个岛堪称人间天堂。牛津高阶〔heaven〕The kids were in absolute heaven at the fair.孩子们在游乐场里快乐极了。牛津搭配〔heaven〕The kids were in seventh heaven after they'd opened their Christmas presents.孩子们打开圣诞礼物后高兴极了。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕The lake was heaven.这湖美极了。英汉大词典〔heaven〕The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended.比赛刚刚开始就突然下起倾盆大雨,所以只好暂停了。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕The merger of the two companies wasn't exactly a match made in heaven.这两家公司的合并并非是完全的天作之合。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕They would move heaven and earth to stop me if they could.可能的话, 他们会竭尽全力阻止我。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕They would move heaven and earth to stop me if they could.可能的话,他们会千方百计地阻止我。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕This gained me some thinking time, and heaven knows I needed it.这为我赢得了一点思考的时间,而我确实非常需要它。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕This gained me some thinking time, and heaven knows I needed it.这给我赢得了一些思考的时间, 我确实需要这些时间。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕We stared up at the heavens trying to see the comet.我们仰望天空想看到彗星。剑桥高阶〔heaven〕We went touring in Wales and Ireland. It was heaven.我们去了威尔士和爱尔兰旅游。那里真是人间仙境。柯林斯高阶〔heaven〕We went touring in Wales. It was heaven.我们去威尔士旅游了。那里简直太美了。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕What in heaven happened? 到底发生了什么事? 英汉大词典〔heaven〕What would you do financially if, heaven forbid, your husband died? 要是你丈夫去世了,但愿不会这样,你经济上怎么办?朗文当代〔heaven〕Where in heaven were you? 你当时究竟在哪里? 英汉大词典〔heaven〕Where this will all end, heaven knows.这一切到哪儿是个头, 天晓得。外研社新世纪〔heaven〕Who under heaven would have done such a thing? 天底下谁会干出这种事?英汉大词典〔heyday〕In its heyday, the studio's boast was that it had more stars than there are in heaven.在其全盛时期,该制片公司夸口说,他们旗下的明星比天上的星星还要多。柯林斯高阶〔high〕In heaven.在天堂美国传统〔hog heaven〕She's in hog heaven over her new sports car.她对自己的新双座轻型汽车非常满意美国传统〔hog heaven〕We had plenty of food, good wine, and beautiful weather. We were in hog heaven.我们有足够的食物和美酒,而且天气很好,感觉好极了。韦氏高阶〔idea〕Lying by the pool with a good book is my idea of heaven.是我想象中的天堂/乐园/极乐世界麦克米伦高阶〔illumine〕Suddenly a jagged streak of lightning illumined the heavens.突然, 一道锯齿状的闪电照亮了苍穹。外研社新世纪〔judgment〕Judgment In traditional Christian eschatology, God's determination of which human beings shall be sent to heaven and which condemned to hell. Judgment 上帝的最后审判:在传统基督教末世论中,上对于哪些人该送上天堂、哪些人该罚下地狱的决定美国传统〔know〕Heaven knows what he plans to do now.鬼知道他现在打算怎么办。外研社新世纪〔know〕Heaven only knows what his mother would have said.天晓得他母亲原本会说什么。柯林斯高阶〔know〕What effect it will have, heaven only knows.谁也不知道这会有什么效果。麦克米伦高阶〔local〕Some people thought heaven and hell were local.有些人认为天堂与地狱是实有其地的。英汉大词典〔manna from heaven〕Your generous gift was manna from heaven.你慷慨的赠予好比天降甘露。韦氏高阶〔manna〕Ex-forces personnel could be the manna from heaven employers are seeking.当过兵的人大概是雇主们寻找的宝贝了。柯林斯高阶〔manna〕Ex-forces personnel could be the manna from heaven employers are seeking.退伍军人大概是雇主们寻找的宝贝了。外研社新世纪〔manna〕Her inheritance came as manna from heaven.这笔遗产对她来说好比天赐之财。英汉大词典〔manna〕Maybe money will rain down on us like manna from heaven.或许钱会像天降甘露般掉到我们身上。外研社新世纪〔manner〕Good heavens, child, where are your manners ? 天呀!孩子,你的礼貌呢?朗文当代〔map〕A representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth or heavens.地图,天体图:指通常画在一块平面上的用以代表某一陆地或天空区域的图示美国传统〔match〕Theirs is a match made in heaven (= a very good relationship).他们是天造地设的一对。剑桥高阶〔mercy〕Thank heaven for small mercies.感谢上苍对我们的眷顾。韦氏高阶〔mount〕The cry of victory mounted up to heaven.胜利的欢呼声响彻云霄。英汉大词典〔move heaven and earth〕He vowed that he would move heaven and earth to finish the project on schedule.他发誓要竭尽全力按时完工。韦氏高阶〔move heaven and earth〕He'll move heaven and earth to get it done on time.他将竭尽全力按时将它完成。剑桥高阶〔name〕Where in the name of Heaven have you been? 你到底上哪儿去了?牛津高阶〔ordain〕His rule was ordained by heaven.他的统治乃是天命。外研社新世纪〔ordain〕His rule was ordained by heaven.他的统治乃是天命。柯林斯高阶〔paradise〕The abode of righteous souls after death; heaven.善人灵魂安息的乐园:正直的灵魂死后所住的地方;天堂美国传统〔patron saint〕A saint who is regarded as the intercessor and advocate in heaven of a nation, place, craft, activity, class, or person.守护神,保护者:作为天堂中一国家、地方、行业、活动、阶级或个人的调解者和拥护者的圣徒美国传统〔physically〕Some religions suppose that there is a Heaven physically above the earth.有些宗教认为地球之上真的有一个天国。英汉大词典〔presuppose〕The idea of heaven presupposes the existence of God.天堂的说法首先认定上帝是存在的。朗文当代〔rapture〕The transporting of a person from one place to another, especially to heaven.掳人,摄魂:把某人由一处运送到另一处,由指将灵魂引入天堂美国传统〔repaid〕Heavens will repay.老天爷会给报应的。21世纪英汉〔rest〕May Heavens rest his soul.愿上天保佑他的灵魂得到安息。21世纪英汉〔revered〕The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven.中国人将谷物奉为上天的恩赐。柯林斯高阶〔saint〕A person who has died and gone to heaven.已进天国的去世者美国传统〔seventh heaven〕After I was given my first camera I was in seventh heaven.我得到我的第一台照相机后开心极了。柯林斯高阶〔seventh heaven〕After I was given my first camera, I was in seventh heaven.我得到了生平第一台相机, 真是开心极了。外研社新世纪〔seventh heaven〕She's been in seventh heaven ever since she landed the job.自她得到那个工作以来,她可谓是无比快乐。麦克米伦高阶〔seventh〕Now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven.他得到擢升,简直乐上天了。牛津高阶〔smell〕The room smelled to high heaven (=had a very bad smell) .这房间臭气熏天。朗文当代〔smile〕Heaven seemed to be smiling on our efforts as we all passed the exam.看来老天不负有心人,因为我们都考及格了。英汉大词典〔star〕Gemma, 41, star of the TV series Pennies From Heaven.杰玛,41 岁,电视连续剧《飞来横财》中的明星柯林斯高阶〔stink〕He hadn't showered for over a week and stank to high heaven (= a lot).他有一个多星期没洗澡了,身上一股浓烈的异味。剑桥高阶〔stink〕The toilets stank to high heaven (=stank very much) .那些厕所臭气熏天。朗文当代〔swear〕He swore by all the angels and saints of heaven.我以天堂中所有的天使和圣人的名义起誓美国传统〔thank〕Thank heaven nobody was injured in the crash.谢天谢地,没人在事故中受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔thank〕Thank heavens it didn't rain! 雨没有下,谢天谢地! 英汉大词典〔thank〕Thank heavens we have you here.谢天谢地,我们可等到你了。柯林斯高阶〔the heavens open〕Just as we got to the park, the heavens opened.我们刚到公园,天就突然下起了大雨。剑桥高阶〔thunderbolt〕A flash of lightning conceived as a bolt or dart hurled from the heavens.闪电:被想象成从天上射下来的弩箭或标枪的闪电美国传统〔translate〕Theology To convey to heaven without death.【神学】 肉体不死而升上天堂美国传统〔unsphere〕To remove from a sphere or position in the heavens.使…离开其在天宫所处的层或位置美国传统〔upturn〕She upturned her face toward heaven and prayed.她仰脸向上苍祈祷。英汉大词典〔visualize〕I can’t visualize what heaven is like.我不能想像天堂是什么样子。牛津同义词〔whither〕He is in heaven, whither I hope to follow.(如今)他身在天国,我愿追随到那儿去。文馨英汉Heaven forbid (that) his parents should ever hear he lost his wallet with £50 in it. [+ (that) clause] 但愿他父母亲不会听说他掉了里边有50英镑的钱包。剑桥国际Heaven help us if they attack now while we're still unprepared.如果他们在我们没有防备的现在发起进攻,那就只能靠上帝帮助了。剑桥国际Heavens, but it snows. 天哪,真的下雪了。译典通Christians believe the good will go to heaven when they die. 基督教徒相信好人死了进天堂。译典通He hadn't washed for over a week and stank to high heaven (= greatly).他一个多星期没洗过澡了,身上有股浓重的异味。剑桥国际Here comes the smut, Martha. Dad is drunk and cursing heaven again. 玛莎,脏话出来了。爸醉了,又在诅咒老天爷。译典通I was in heaven when I heard the news. 我听到这消息时高兴极了。译典通If Brian wants something, Jackie will move heaven and earth/move mountains (= do everything possible) to get it for him.如果布赖恩想要什么,杰姬会千方百计地帮他弄到。剑桥国际In the painting, God and the angels are sitting on clouds in heaven.画中上帝和天使坐在天堂的云朵上。剑桥国际It's heaven to get away from work for a week.一周的休假真是太令人高兴了。剑桥国际Just when we got to the park, the heavens opened (=it suddenly started to rain a lot).我们刚到公园,天就开始下大雨了。剑桥国际Lying in the sunshine listening to the birds singing -- I was in heaven.躺在阳光下听鸟声啁啾----我感觉美极了。剑桥国际May her soul rest in Heaven. 但愿她的灵魂在天国安息。译典通Millions of stars were shining in the heavens. 天空中繁星闪烁。译典通She would move heaven and earth to get the job. 她会千方百计得到那份工作。译典通Some religions suppose that there is a Heaven physically above the earth. 一些宗教认为地球上面真有一个天国。译典通The children were discussing whether or not you go to heaven when you die.孩子们在讨论人死后是否会进天堂。剑桥国际We stared up at the heavens (=the sky) trying to see the plane.我们仰望天空看飞机。剑桥国际What we need now is pennies from heaven. 我们现在需要的是意外之财。译典通




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