

单词 halves
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHARE〕If the wine is expensive, we can go halves. 如果酒很贵的话,我们各出一半。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕Why don't you go halves with him on the cost of the trip? 这次旅行费用你为什么不和他平均分摊呢?朗文写作活用〔actinomorphic〕Of or relating to a flower that can be divided into equal halves along any diameter, such as the flowers of the rose or tulip.放射状的:属于或关于沿任何一条直径可以均分为二的花的,如玫瑰或郁金香的花美国传统〔be a game of two halves〕It really was a game of two halves, with Spurs dominating the first, only to be outplayed by Arsenal in the second.这确实是一场双方各占半场优势的比赛,热刺在上半场占主导地位,却在下半场被阿森纳反制。剑桥高阶〔brain〕The human brain is divided into two halves.人脑被分成两半。麦克米伦高阶〔cerebral hemisphere〕Either of the two symmetrical halves of the cerebrum, as divided by the longitudinal cerebral fissure.脑半球:由纵向脑沟分开的对称大脑两半球的任一个美国传统〔clamp〕Clamp the two halves together until the glue dries.用夹具把两半物品紧夹在一起,待胶干后再松开。牛津高阶〔connective〕Botany The portion of a stamen that connects the halves of an anther.【植物学】 药隔:雄蕊连接一半花药的部分美国传统〔correspond〕The two halves of the document did not correspond.这份文件的前后部分不相符。朗文当代〔cut〕She cut the loaf in two and gave me one of the halves.她把那条面包切成两半,把其中一半给了我。牛津搭配〔divide〕The film divides into two distinct halves.影片分成明显不同的两半。麦克米伦高阶〔eggs Benedict〕A dish consisting of toasted halves of English muffin topped with broiled ham, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce.火腿蛋松饼:由浇有烤火腿,水煮荷包蛋和荷兰酸辣酱的半个英式烤松饼组成的菜美国传统〔gilt-edged〕They had gilt-edged chances at the start of both halves.在两个半场开始的时候, 他们都有过绝佳的机会。外研社新世纪〔grow apart〕The two halves of the main branch have grown apart, forming separate trees.主枝的两半朝不同方向生长,形成了两棵树。21世纪英汉〔half shell〕Either of the halves of a shell of a bivalve, such as an oyster.半壳:双壳贝的两个贝壳之一,例如牡蛎一般美国传统〔halftime〕The intermission between halves in certain games, such as basketball or football.中场休息:在诸如篮球、足球等比赛项目的上、下半场间的休息美国传统〔half〕A pint of lager and two halves, please.来份一品脱的拉格啤酒和两份半品脱的。剑桥高阶〔half〕Cut the apple in half/into halves (= into two equal parts).把这个苹果切成两半。剑桥高阶〔half〕Do you want to go halves on a pizza? 你要和我合买一个比萨饼吗?朗文当代〔half〕He joined two halves together to make a whole.他把两半接在一起成为一个整体。文馨英汉〔half〕He never does things by halves.他做事从不半吊子。英汉大词典〔half〕He went halves with his brother when they bought their mother some flowers.他与弟兄给母亲买了些花,费用分担。英汉大词典〔half〕He'll throw a great party – he doesn't do anything by halves.他要举办一个盛大的聚会,他做事绝不马虎。麦克米伦高阶〔half〕He's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend. We have to go halves on the phone bill which drives me mad.他总和女友煲电话粥。令我抓狂的是电话费可是我们俩平摊的。柯林斯高阶〔half〕I'll go halves with you on a bottle of champagne.我将与你合买一瓶香槟。剑桥高阶〔half〕I'll go halves with you on the cost of the holiday.我会和你平摊度假费用。外研社新世纪〔half〕I'm sure it will be a fantastic wedding. Eva never does anything by halves.我肯定婚礼一定会办得非常出色。伊娃办事从不马虎。朗文当代〔half〕If we're going halves, we can afford to buy something really nice.如果一人付一半的话,我们就能买得起非常好的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔half〕In Italy they rarely do things by halves. Designers work thoroughly, producing the world's most wearable clothes in the most beautiful fabrics.在意大利,人们很少马虎从事。设计师们精益求精,用最美丽的布料制造出世界上最适合穿着的衣服。柯林斯高阶〔half〕Into halves.成为相等的两半美国传统〔half〕Shall we go halves on a bottle of champagne? 我们合买一瓶香槟好吗?剑桥高阶〔half〕She broke each cookie into halves.她把曲奇饼都掰成两半。韦氏高阶〔half〕She never does things by halves.她做事从不半途而废。外研社新世纪〔half〕The bridge was rebuilt in two halves.大桥一分为二进行重建。外研社新世纪〔half〕The bridge was rebuilt in two halves.该桥被分成两部分进行重建。柯林斯高阶〔half〕The two boys went halves on a piece of cake.两个男孩平分一块糕饼。英汉大词典〔half〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半就是整个。英汉大词典〔half〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。朗文当代〔half〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。牛津高阶〔half〕Two halves make a whole.两个半拉凑成一个整的。韦氏高阶〔half〕Two halves of bitter, please.请来两杯半品脱的苦啤酒。牛津高阶〔half〕Two (adults) and three halves to Manchester, please.买两张去曼彻斯特的成人票和三张儿童半票。剑桥高阶〔half〕Two adults and three halves, please.买2张成人票和3张半票。英汉大词典〔half〕Two and two halves to London Bridge, please.买去伦敦桥的两张全票和两张半票。麦克米伦高阶〔half〕We go halves on all the bills.我们平均分摊所有的费用。牛津高阶〔half〕You're expecting twins? Well, you never did do anything by halves.你要生对双胞胎?唔,你做事倒从来不会只做一半。牛津高阶〔hemisphere〕Anatomy Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum; a cerebral hemisphere.【解剖学】 大脑半球:大脑侧面半部分的任何一个;大脑半球美国传统〔ilium〕The uppermost and widest of the three bones constituting either of the lateral halves of the pelvis.髂骨:形成骨盆侧面的三块骨头中最上面和最宽的那块美国传统〔inseparable〕For the ancient Mexicans, life and death were inseparable, two halves of the same whole.对于古代墨西哥人来说, 生与死是同一整体不可分割的两个部分。外研社新世纪〔inseparable〕For the ancient Mexicans, life and death were inseparable, two halves of the same whole.对古代墨西哥人来说,生与死是同一整体不可分割的两个部分。柯林斯高阶〔interesting〕The two halves of the town face each other, and both have interesting churches.城镇一分为二,两两相望,各自都有颇具趣味的教堂。柯林斯高阶〔marry up〕Can you marry up the two halves of the broken plate.你能把这破成两半的盘子粘合起来吗?21世纪英汉〔median plane〕A plane dividing a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves.正中平面:将左右对称的动物分成左右两半的正中垂直纵切面美国传统〔narrow〕The economic gap between the two halves of the country was beginning to narrow.该国两部分之间的经济差距开始缩小。朗文当代〔rip in half (或two)〕She ripped his photo in half and threw the halves in the fire.她把他的相片撕成两半投入火中。21世纪英汉〔rip〕He ripped the letter across and threw the halves into the basket.他把信撕成两半,扔进字纸篓。英汉大词典〔sandwich〕Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream.在两半儿海绵蛋糕中间夹入奶油。柯林斯高阶〔signal〕A light signal can travel well over 16 km before it halves in intensity.光信号传播 16 公里以上强度才会减半。牛津搭配〔symphysis〕A growing together of bones originally separate, as of the two pubic bones or the two halves of the lower jawbone.联合:原来分离的骨头长在一起,如两块共生骨或下颌骨的两块骨头美国传统〔valve〕One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom.瓣:硅藻的两片硅化的细胞壁之一美国传统〔vertical〕A vertical line divides the page into two halves.一条竖线把这一页分成两半。外研社新世纪〔whole〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。剑桥高阶〔whole〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成一个整体。朗文当代〔whole〕Two halves make a whole.两个一半构成全部。英汉大词典〔whole〕Two halves or four quarters make a whole.两个一半或四个四分之一构成一个整体。麦克米伦高阶A pint of lager and two halves, please.请来一份一品脱贮陈啤酒和两份半品脱的。剑桥国际Cut the apple in half /into halves (=into two equal parts).把这个苹果切成两半。剑桥国际If you can't afford to pay for it on your own, I'll go halves with you.如果你一个人付不起,我会和你分摊费用的。剑桥国际The connection of the two halves of the bridge will take several days.桥梁两边合龙要花好几天。剑桥国际The two children had to go halves on the last piece of cake. 两个孩子只好平分最后一块糕点。译典通They do nothing by halves. 他们做什么都很彻底。译典通Two halves make a whole (= a complete thing).两个一半构成一个整体。剑桥国际Two adults and three halves to Manchester, please.我买两张去曼彻斯特的成人票和三张儿童半票。剑桥国际




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