

单词 guaranteeing
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bond〕A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date.债券:由政府或公司发行的,保证到一将来明确的日期归还本金和利息的债务凭证美国传统〔guarantee〕I'm not guaranteeing that this will work.我不保证这一定行得通。英汉大词典〔guarantee〕Who's guaranteeing her in the event of default?万一发生违约, 谁为她担保呢?外研社新世纪〔protection〕A pass guaranteeing safe-conduct to travelers.通行证:一种能使旅行者安全通过的证件美国传统〔safe-conduct〕They were issued with certificates guaranteeing safe-conduct.他们持有保证安全通行权的证明。英汉大词典〔swallow〕Campaigning swallows up a lot of time without guaranteeing success.宣传活动消耗了许多时间,能否成功并没有保障。麦克米伦高阶〔vigilance〕Guaranteeing the safety of students requires continued vigilance on the part of teachers.要确保学生安全,教师需时刻保持警惕。牛津搭配




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