

单词 anonymity
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕All the names in the book have been changed to preserve the victims’ anonymity. 为了维护受害者的匿名权,书中所有的人名都作了改动。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕If you are needed as a witness, your anonymity will be guaranteed. 如果我们需要你出庭作证,就保证不会公开你的姓名。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕Kylie will often shop in Kensington without her minders, dressed in dark glasses for anonymity. 凯莉常会不带保镖去肯辛顿购物,戴着墨镜不让人认出来。朗文写作活用〔anonymity〕Both mother and daughter, who have requested anonymity, are doing fine.这对不愿意透露姓名的母女俩目前情况良好。柯林斯高阶〔anonymity〕Both mother and daughter, who have requested anonymity, are doing fine.这对不愿意透露姓名的母女目前情况良好。外研社新世纪〔anonymity〕Every step will be taken to preserve your anonymity.将采取各种措施确保不公开你的姓名。朗文当代〔anonymity〕He claims many more people would support him in the anonymity of a voting booth.他声称会有更多的人通过投票站匿名投票的方式来支持他。柯林斯高阶〔anonymity〕He wanted the anonymity of suburban life where his reputation was not known.他希望在郊区那种他的盛名鲜为人知的地方过隐姓埋名的生活。英汉大词典〔anonymity〕Military sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, downplayed the significance.不愿透露姓名的军方消息人士在重要性问题上轻描淡写。外研社新世纪〔anonymity〕Morning fog veiled the river in grey anonymity.晨雾笼罩,河面呈现出灰蒙蒙一片。英汉大词典〔anonymity〕Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity.为了姓名保密,书中的人用的都是化名。牛津高阶〔anonymity〕One official, who spoke on condition of anonymity (=he would only speak if his name was not told), said the White House took the threat very seriously.一位不愿公开姓名的官员称,白宫很重视这一威胁。朗文当代〔anonymity〕Our company promises to preserve the anonymity of all its clients.我们公司承诺不公开客户的姓名。牛津搭配〔anonymity〕She enjoyed the anonymity of life in a large city.她喜欢大城市里那种人们基本上互不相识的生活。韦氏高阶〔anonymity〕Some people prefer the anonymity of life in a big city.有些人喜欢大城市中人们互不相识的生活。牛津搭配〔anonymity〕The organisation's informants were promised anonymity in order to encourage candour.为了鼓励直言不讳,这个组织答应向它提供情报的人,将他们的姓名保密。英汉大词典〔anonymity〕The police have reassured witnesses that they will be guaranteed anonymity.警方让目击证人放心,保证不公开他们的姓名。剑桥高阶〔anonymity〕They are trying to protect their child's anonymity.他们想保护自己的孩子,不愿透露其姓名。韦氏高阶〔anonymity〕This Canadian author has chosen to live in relative anonymity on a Pacific island.这位加拿大作家选择住在太平洋的一个岛上,过着相对默默无闻的生活。牛津搭配〔condition〕She spoke on the condition that she not be identified. = She spoke on condition of anonymity.她在不公开姓名的条件下讲了话。韦氏高阶〔insist on〕My source insisted on anonymity.给我提供消息的人坚决要求匿名。韦氏高阶〔waive〕The defendant has waived his right to anonymity.被告已放弃他的匿名权。麦克米伦高阶Complete anonymity is the best weapon I have. 彻底隐姓埋名是我最好的武器。译典通I love walking around a city where I'm not known --it's the anonymity (=the state of not being known) that I like.我喜欢在无人认识我的城市里信步漫游----我要的就是这种不招人眼目。剑桥国际The police have reassured witnesses who may be afraid to come forward that they will be guaranteed anonymity (=their names will not be requested or told to others).警方消除了那些害怕出来作证的目击者的顾虑,保证将他们的名字保密。剑桥国际




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