

单词 高过
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LET/ALLOW〕The hedge should not be allowed to grow higher than six feet. 树篱不应长得高过6英尺。朗文写作活用〔chin〕To pull (oneself) up with the arms while grasping an overhead horizontal bar until the chin is level with the bar.做单杠:抓住高过头顶的水平杠用手臂将(身体)拉上直到下巴与杠水平美国传统〔crescendo〕The ovation rose in a new crescendo.新一轮欢呼声一浪高过一浪。外研社新世纪〔eat into〕Wages were rising faster than productivity and this was eating into profits.工资的涨幅高过了生产率增长的速度,从而消耗了利润所得。柯林斯高阶〔high stick〕A hockey stick carried so that the blade is above a specified illegal height, shoulder height in professional play.高击:曲棍球球杆举起后,击球板刃片高过规定的犯规高度或职业比赛中高过肩膀高度美国传统〔hypersensitive〕He's hypersensitive about his height.他对自己的身高过于敏感。剑桥高阶〔overbid〕They were overbid by a Japanese firm.一家日本公司出价高过他们。剑桥高阶〔raise〕I've never heard him even raise his voice(= speak louder because he was angry).我甚至从没听到他提高过嗓门儿。牛津高阶〔rank〕To outrank or take precedence over.高于,在…之上:级别高过…或在…之前美国传统〔tide〕A tide of joy rose higher and higher in the chapel.小教堂里欢乐的浪潮一阵高过一阵。英汉大词典〔topgallant〕Nautical Of, relating to, or being the mast above the topmast, its sails, or its rigging.【航海】 上桅的:高过中桅的桅杆的,上桅帆的,上桅索具的;与上桅及其帆或索具有关的美国传统〔top〕She tops her younger sister by a head.她比妹妹高过一个头。文馨英汉〔vintage〕Never did the vines yield a more luxuriant vintage.这些葡萄产量从来没有这么高过英汉大词典〔wash〕Wave upon wave of applause washed over us.欢呼声一浪高过一浪地向我们涌来。英汉大词典Considerations of safety override all other concerns.安全问题高过一切。牛津商务He's hypersensitive about his height.他对自己的身高过敏。剑桥国际




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