

单词 髓的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agate〕A fine-grained, fibrous variety of chalcedony with colored bands or irregular clouding.玛瑙:颗粒均匀的纤维状玉髓的多种形式,具有彩色的条带或者不规则的云状花纹美国传统〔capture〕Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean.伊德里斯·卡尔德拉大厨给出了一份体现地中海精髓的菜单, 堪称创意非凡之作。外研社新世纪〔carnelian〕A pale to deep red or reddish-brown variety of clear chalcedony, used in jewelry.光玉髓,红玉髓:明净的玉髓的一种浅色至深红或红棕色的变体,用于制珠宝美国传统〔cephalin〕Any of a group of phospholipids having hemostatic properties and found especially in the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord.脑磷脂:一种具有止血功能的磷脂,尤见于脑和脊髓的神经组织中美国传统〔cerebrospinal meningitis〕Inflammation of the meninges of both the brain and the spinal cord.脑脊髓膜炎:脑和脊髓的脑(脊)膜发炎美国传统〔cerebrospinal〕Of or relating to the brain and spinal cord.脑脊髓的:属于或关于脑和脊髓的美国传统〔corticospinal〕Of or relating to the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord.大脑皮层和脊髓的:大脑皮层和脊髓的,与大脑皮层和脊髓有关的美国传统〔decussation〕Anatomy An X-shaped crossing, especially of nerves or bands of nerve fibers, connecting corresponding parts on opposite sides of the brain or spinal cord.【解剖学】 (神经纤维)交叉:X形交叉,尤指神经或神经纤维带的交叉,把相应的部分连接在脑或脊髓的另一面美国传统〔essence〕Others claim that Ireland's very essence is expressed through the language.其他人声称爱尔兰最精髓的东西是通过语言表现出来的。柯林斯高阶〔gray matter〕Brownish-gray nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord, composed of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites and some supportive tissue.灰质:浅棕灰色的神经组织,尤指脑和脊髓的灰质, 由神经细胞和其树突及一些相关支持组织组成美国传统〔medullated〕Anatomy Having a medulla.【解剖学】 有髓的美国传统〔meninx〕A membrane, especially one of the three membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord in vertebrates.脑膜:一种膜,尤指覆盖脑子和脊椎中脊髓的三种细胞膜之一美国传统〔myelitis〕Inflammation of the spinal column.脊髓炎:脊髓的炎症美国传统〔myeloblast〕An immature cell of the bone marrow that is the precursor of a myelocyte.成髓细胞,原始粒细胞:骨髓的一种未成熟细胞,是髓细胞的前身美国传统〔myelocyte〕A large cell of the bone marrow that is a precursor of the mature granulocyte of the blood.髓细胞:骨髓的一种大型细胞,是血液成熟的有粒细胞的前身美国传统〔myelogenous〕Originating in or produced by the bone marrow.骨髓的:起源于骨髓的或由骨髓产生的美国传统〔myelogram〕An x-ray of the spinal cord after injection of air or a radiopaque substance into the subarachnoid space.脊髓X线照片:脊髓的X射线,它将空气或射线不能透过的物质注入蜘蛛网膜下的空间以后产生美国传统〔myeloid〕Of or relating to the spinal cord.脊髓的:脊髓的或与脊髓有关的美国传统〔myeloid〕Of, relating to, or derived from the bone marrow.骨髓的:骨髓的、与骨髓有关的或从骨髓中提取的美国传统〔neural〕Of, relating to, or located on the same side of the body as the spinal cord; dorsal.脊背的:属于、相关或位于和脊髓的身体同一边;背部的美国传统〔osteomyelitis〕Inflammation of bone and bone marrow.骨髓炎:骨和骨髓的炎症美国传统〔pia mater〕The fine vascular membrane that closely envelops the brain and spinal cord under the arachnoid and the dura mater.软膜:严密覆盖大脑和脊髓的细致的血管膜,位于蛛网膜和硬脑膜下面美国传统〔piercing〕She was aware of a sharp, piercing regret.她感到一种深入骨髓的悔恨。外研社新世纪〔pithy〕Consisting of or resembling pith.髓的,多髓的:与髓有关的,由髓组成的美国传统〔pith〕This is a plant stem that has been pithed.这是一根已经除去木髓的植物的茎。21世纪英汉〔pressure〕A box of beef or mutton bones, pressured until the marrow is extracted, makes excellent broth.用压力锅熬出骨髓的一盒牛骨或羊骨可以煮成美味好汤。英汉大词典〔root canal〕A pulp-filled channel in a root of a tooth.牙根管,齿根管:充满牙髓的牙齿根部的管道美国传统〔syringomyelia〕A chronic disease of the spinal cord characterized by the presence of fluid-filled cavities and leading to spasticity and sensory disturbances.脊髓空洞症:脊髓的一种慢性疾病,以出现充满液体的体腔为特征,会导致大脑性麻痹和感觉混乱美国传统




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