

单词 饱满
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔all〕He seemed as fresh as ever, for all the fact that I never saw him drink or eat.尽管我从未见到他喝点或吃点什么,他似乎仍然精神饱满英汉大词典〔bouncy〕He's always bouncy in the morning.他早上总是精神很饱满剑桥高阶〔bouncy〕She was bouncy and full of energy.她精神饱满, 充满活力。外研社新世纪〔breathless〕Washington plays the part with breathless confidence.华盛顿信心饱满地扮演着这个角色。麦克米伦高阶〔deliver〕The actors delivered their lines with passion.演员们热情饱满地吟诵着台词。韦氏高阶〔diapason〕A full, rich outpouring of harmonious sound.和谐:一种饱满、奔放的和音的流露美国传统〔energetic〕Her mother, now an energetic 73, was also present.她的母亲,现已73岁但仍旧精神饱满,也在场。麦克米伦高阶〔epicene〕She noted his epicene features - the long eyelashes, the full lips.她注意到了他的女性特征——长长的睫毛和饱满的嘴唇。剑桥高阶〔fat〕The pods of the beans are getting fat.豆荚饱满起来了。英汉大词典〔freshness〕There was a freshness and enthusiasm about the new students.新生身上散发出饱满的精神和激情。外研社新世纪〔fullness〕Use a red gloss on your bottom lip to give it fullness.下唇使用红色唇彩让它显得丰盈饱满朗文当代〔full〕He had a strong chin and full lips.他有着硬朗的下巴和饱满的嘴唇。外研社新世纪〔luscious〕What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips! 我最喜欢的是盖比那性感饱满的双唇!柯林斯高阶〔luscious〕What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips!我最喜欢加比的是她那饱满性感的双唇!外研社新世纪〔over-the-hill〕Past the peak of one's youthful vigor and freshness.已过壮年的:经过了年轻时精力充沛且精神饱满之顶峰的美国传统〔peppy〕Full of or characterized by energy and high spirits; lively.精神饱满的:充满活力、劲头很高的或有此特色的;活泼的美国传统〔pep〕A walk in the morning fresh air will pep you up.在早晨空气新鲜的地方散步你会感到精神饱满21世纪英汉〔pep〕Jimmy's always full of pep in the morning.吉米在早晨的时候总是精神饱满麦克米伦高阶〔plump〕To become well-rounded, chubby, or full in form.变丰满,变圆胖:在形体上成为圆鼓鼓、胖乎乎或饱满美国传统〔prance〕To walk or move about in a spirited manner; strut.昂首阔步:精神饱满地行走或活动;昂首阔步美国传统〔pyrotechnics〕The emotional pyrotechnics are dazzling.感情饱满、精彩纷呈之处令人震撼。外研社新世纪〔replete〕Filled to satiation; gorged.饱满的;吃饱喝足的美国传统〔rich〕She produced a rich, deep tone from her clarinet.她用单簧管吹奏出的曲调深沉饱满剑桥高阶〔ripped〕He is in the gym every day trying to get a ripped body.他每天都去健身房,希望练得肌肉饱满有型。剑桥高阶〔roll〕To utter or emit in full, swelling tones.发出饱满的声音:用饱满洪亮的声调表达或说出美国传统〔rotund〕Having a full, rich sound; sonorous.声音饱满圆润的;宏亮的美国传统〔round out〕The sun is rounding out the corn.太阳使谷物长得日趋饱满21世纪英汉〔round〕The corn is rounding out nicely.玉米颗粒正变得饱满起来。英汉大词典〔sensuously〕The nose was straight, the mouth sensuously wide and full.鼻子直挺,嘴巴大而饱满,很性感。柯林斯高阶〔smooth〕He has a rich, smooth voice.他的嗓音饱满、悦耳。韦氏高阶〔snap pea〕A variety of snow pea cultivated for its plump crisp edible pod.清脆豌豆:糖荚豌豆的变种,因其饱满松脆的食用豆荚而栽培美国传统〔sonorous〕Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound.洪亮的:拥有或发出饱满、深沉或圆润的声音的美国传统〔sopaipilla〕A crisp, puffy, deep-fried pastry often served with honey or syrup.酥皮馅饼:松脆、饱满、炸过的酥皮馅饼,经常与蜂蜜或糖浆一起食用美国传统〔sort〕The stranger was a hearty, grey-haired, easygoing sort.这陌生人是个精神饱满、头发灰白、脾气随和的人。英汉大词典〔sounding〕Emitting a full sound; resonant.宏亮的:发出饱满声音的;响亮的美国传统〔spirits〕He was in very good spirits the last time I saw him.我最后一次见到他时, 他精神饱满外研社新世纪〔spirit〕The orchestra performed The Rite of Spring with great spirit.管弦乐团以饱满的激情演奏了《春之祭》。剑桥高阶〔sprightly〕She seems very sprightly after her holiday.度假之后她看来精神十分饱满英汉大词典〔tear into〕The band tore into the next song with a lot of energy.乐队立刻精神饱满地开始演唱下一首歌。韦氏高阶〔timbre〕He has a wonderful singing voice, with a rich timbre and resonant tone.他的歌声真好听——音色饱满,声音洪亮。剑桥高阶〔vibrato〕He sang the aria with a rich vibrato.他以饱满的颤音演唱了那支咏叹调。剑桥高阶〔vigour〕He returned to work with a sense of renewed vigour.他回来后又精神饱满地投入工作。牛津搭配He is a classical dancer with an exuberant, flamboyant style.他是一个一流的舞蹈家,有着精神饱满、光彩四射的风格。剑桥国际He seems to be full of beans this morning. 今天上午他看上去精神饱满译典通He's a sprightly old man of seventy-five.他75岁了,是个精神饱满的老人。剑桥国际I'll deal with this problem in the morning when I'm fresh.我要在早晨精神饱满的时候处理这一问题。剑桥国际Yesterday, he looked lean, fit and fresh -- a likely winner.他昨天看起来浑身筋肉、健康、精神饱满----很像一个胜利者。剑桥国际




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