

单词 飞走了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beating-up〕Beating their wings they flew off.它们拍打着翅膀飞走了柯林斯高阶〔beat〕Beating their wings they flew off.它们振翅飞走了外研社新世纪〔bird〕The little bird flew away.小鸟飞走了外研社新世纪〔expand〕The bird expanded its wings and flew off.鸟展开翅膀飞走了美国传统〔eye〕Before our very eyes, the bird snatched the fish from the plate and flew off.那只鸟就在我们眼皮底下从盘子里抓起鱼飞走了牛津搭配〔flap〕The bird flapped slowly off.那鸟慢慢地鼓翼飞走了英汉大词典〔flap〕The gulls flew off, wings flapping.海鸥扑打着双翅飞走了牛津高阶〔flap〕With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone.鸟扑打着翅膀飞走了牛津高阶〔fly away〕The bird flew away.那只鸟飞走了外研社新世纪〔fly away〕The bird has flown away.那只鸟飞走了21世纪英汉〔fly off with〕The family flew off with all their possessions.这家人带着全部家产飞走了21世纪英汉〔fly off〕Startled, the crow flew off.那只乌鸦受惊飞走了外研社新世纪〔fly〕As soon as it saw us, the bird flew away/off.鸟一看到我们就飞走了剑桥高阶〔fly〕The bird flew away.那只鸟飞走了文馨英汉〔fly〕The bird flew away.鸟儿飞走了柯林斯高阶〔fly〕The robin shook its feathers and flew away.知更鸟抖了抖羽毛飞走了朗文当代〔fright〕The bird took fright and flew away.鸟儿受了惊吓,飞走了朗文当代〔fright〕The birds took fright and flew off.鸟受惊飞走了牛津高阶〔fright〕The birds took fright at the sight of the cat and flew off.鸟儿看到猫后吓得飞走了牛津搭配〔grip〕I relaxed my grip and the bird flew away.我一松手鸟就飞走了文馨英汉〔hover〕The helicopter hovered over the crowd for a few seconds before inching away.直升机在人群的头顶上悬停了几秒钟后慢慢飞走了英汉大词典〔movement〕He made a sudden movement and frightened the bird away.他突然动了一下,鸟受惊飞走了剑桥高阶〔on〕On inquiring, we found that the plane had already left.经询问,我们才知道飞机已经飞走了英汉大词典〔quiver〕The white crane quivered its wings and flied away.白鹤抖了抖翅膀飞走了21世纪英汉〔spread〕The bird spread its wings and flew away.那只鸟张开翅膀飞走了麦克米伦高阶〔squander〕The birds in the tree squandered as they heard the noises.听到有响声,树上的鸟四散飞走了21世纪英汉〔squawk〕The parrot squawked and flew away.鹦鹉尖声叫了叫飞走了牛津高阶〔tail〕The pitch tailed away from the batter.投出的球绕过击球手飞走了韦氏高阶〔take wing〕The ducks took wing and flew away.鸭子扑棱着翅膀飞走了韦氏高阶〔take〕The birds took to flight.鸟儿飞走了英汉大词典〔twitter〕The swallows fled in twittering alarm.燕子吱吱地惊叫着飞走了英汉大词典〔weak spot〕The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary.鸟的主人说这只鸟有可能已经从鸟舍的某个薄弱之处弄个缺口飞走了外研社新世纪〔wheel〕The birds wheeled overhead and flew off.鸟在头顶上盘旋,然后飞走了麦克米伦高阶〔wing〕It flapped its wings and flew off.它拍打着翅膀飞走了牛津搭配As soon as it saw us, the bird flew away / off.那鸟一看见我们就飞走了剑桥国际She grabbed at (= tried to take hold of) the balloon, but couldn't stop it blowing away.她试图抓住气球,但还是让它飞走了剑桥国际The helicopter hovered over the crowd for a while before inching away. 直升机在人群上空盘旋了一会儿后慢慢飞走了译典通The noise alarmed the whole roost into flight. 那闹声把一群栖息著的鸟吓得都飞走了译典通We're safe from attack now --the enemy planes have gone.我们现在不会受到袭击了----敌机已经飞走了剑桥国际




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