

单词 飞扬
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CROWD〕Animals and carts moved along the dusty road with the throng of refugees. 一大群难民赶着牲口、推着小车走在尘土飞扬的路上。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕The whole town was grimy from smoke and coal-dust. 整个小镇都因烟雾和煤尘飞扬而肮脏不堪。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕The road to Bangalore was hot and dusty. 去班加罗尔的道路炎热又尘土飞扬朗文写作活用〔FALL〕Shelly's horse stepped into soft sand and went down, horse and rider going head over heels in a cloud of dust. 谢利的马踏进松软的沙土中倒下了,在一阵飞扬的尘土中人栽马翻。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕I turned around and saw that, out of the dust and the crowd, another car was pulling ahead to join us. 我转过头看到,从飞扬的尘土和人堆里又有一辆车赶超上来加入我们的车阵。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Adrian just had time to see his father jump into the truck and drive off in a cloud of dust. 阿德里安只来得及看见父亲跳入卡车,在一阵飞扬的尘土中疾驶而去。朗文写作活用〔cloak〕She stormed off, her cloak flying behind her.她气呼呼地冲了出去,斗篷在身后飞扬牛津搭配〔coil〕Louisa was dancing, her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet.路易莎翩翩起舞, 裙摆时而肆意飞扬, 时而盘绕脚边。外研社新世纪〔coil〕Louisa was dancing, spinning by herself, her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet.路易莎打着圈儿翩翩起舞,裙摆时而肆意飞扬,时而盘绕脚边。柯林斯高阶〔domineer〕To exercise arbitrary or arrogant rule or control.飞扬跋扈,作威作福美国传统〔dusty〕We drove along the dusty road.我们在尘土飞扬的道路上行驶。剑桥高阶〔dust〕A sudden breeze sent motes of dust (=small bits of dust) dancing in the air.突然刮起一阵微风,吹得灰尘飞扬朗文当代〔dust〕The wind was blowing dust through the streets of the city.风刮得满城街道上尘土飞扬牛津搭配〔eddy〕He sneezed violently in an eddy of chaff.他在旋转飞扬的糠屑中一个劲地打喷嚏。英汉大词典〔encircle〕The island was encircled by a dusty road.那座岛屿为一条尘土飞扬的公路所环绕。朗文当代〔flew〕Dead leaves and bits of paper were flying about.枯叶和碎纸四处飞扬21世纪英汉〔fly〕As she ran, her hair flew in every direction.她跑起来时头发四散飞扬韦氏高阶〔griddle-hot〕The streets were griddle-hot and dusty.街上地面滚烫,尘土飞扬英汉大词典〔keep down〕She watered the path to keep the dust down.她给小路洒水以免尘土飞扬韦氏高阶〔kick up〕She shuffled along, kicking up clouds of dust.她拖着脚走, 弄得尘土飞扬外研社新世纪〔liven up〕Talking about her daughters livens her up.谈到她的女儿们时她神采飞扬外研社新世纪〔look〕She suddenly looked like a million dollars the moment she took off her specs.她一摘下眼镜,便登时显得美丽动人,神采飞扬英汉大词典〔perspire〕Hot and perspiring, he toiled up the dusty ascent.他艰难地在尘土飞扬的坡道上爬着,热得汗水淋淋。英汉大词典〔pitting〕The car's paint showed some pitting from flying gravel.汽车漆面因飞扬的沙砾有些点蚀。韦氏高阶〔sand〕The sand was flying everywhere.沙子漫天飞扬牛津搭配〔soar〕Adam's smile sent her spirits soaring .亚当的微笑使她神采飞扬朗文当代〔sparkle〕The radiant smile and the sparkle in her blue eyes were the clear signs of a woman still deeply in love.她灿烂的笑容和蓝色眼睛里那飞扬的神采都是热恋中女子的明显标志。剑桥高阶〔speed〕The car sped along the dusty highway.汽车在尘土飞扬的公路上疾驰。朗文当代〔splash〕To produce a sound or sight associated with this effect.四处飞扬:产生与泼溅或液体飞溅效果相应的声音或图景美国传统〔spurt〕The powdery snow spurted up in clouds from under the skis.粉状的雪一阵阵地从雪橇下飞扬开来。英汉大词典〔stream〕Dust streamed out behind the car.车后尘土飞扬英汉大词典〔struggle〕Walkers were struggling up the dusty track.步行者艰难地在尘土飞扬的小径上走着。朗文当代〔talkative〕One drink and she became gay and talkative.一杯酒下肚,她变得神采飞扬,话也多了。英汉大词典〔wing〕She walked in the hills, letting her thoughts take wing.她走在山间,任思绪自由飞扬剑桥高阶Her voluminous silk dress billowed out behind her.她那宽大的丝绸衣裙在身后飘拂飞扬剑桥国际Hot and perspiring, he toiled up the dusty ascent. 他艰难地在尘土飞扬的坡道上爬著,热得汗水淋淋。译典通




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