

单词 雪橇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The sled is big enough for three children to ride on it safely. 这雪橇够大,可以供三个孩子安全地乘坐。朗文写作活用〔Eskimo dog〕A large dog of a breed used in Arctic regions for pulling sleds and having a thick coat and a plumed tail.爱斯基摩狗,北极犬:在北极地区用作拉雪橇的一种狗,具有厚厚的皮毛和羽状的尾巴美国传统〔FAST〕The slope was getting steeper and their sledge was gaining momentum all the time. 山坡越来越陡,他们的雪橇向下滑得越来越快。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕The earliest form of transport was probably some kind of sledge. 最早的交通工具可能是某种雪橇朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕The park was full of gleeful children playing on sleds. 公园里满是兴高采烈的孩子乘着雪橇在玩。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕You can rent skis or you can bring your own. 雪橇可租也可自己带来。朗文写作活用〔SPEED〕As the slope got steeper, the sled gathered momentum. 坡道越来越陡,雪橇的速度也越来越快。朗文写作活用〔bank〕In times of flood, the stream roars and foams, banking the curves like a bobsleigh.发洪水时, 河流怒吼翻腾、泛着白沫, 像无舵雪橇一样急速冲过转弯处。外研社新世纪〔binding〕Sports Fastenings on a ski for securing the boot.【体育运动】 皮靴固定装置:为使滑雪靴牢固而在雪橇上设置的扣拴美国传统〔bobsledding〕He competed in bobsledding at the winter Olympics.他参加了冬季奥运会的大雪橇比赛。韦氏高阶〔bobsled〕A long racing sled with a steering mechanism controlling the front runners.大雪橇:一种长的竞赛用雪橇,有一控制机构控制其前面的滑雪者美国传统〔bobsled〕A long sled made of two shorter sleds joined in tandem.连橇:由两个短的雪橇纵向的连在一起的长雪橇美国传统〔bobsled〕Either of these two smaller sleds.连橇中的一个:这两种小雪橇中的任一个美国传统〔bobsled〕He drove a bobsled in the winter Olympics.他参加了冬季奥运会的大雪橇比赛。韦氏高阶〔bobsled〕To ride or race in or as if in a bobsled.乘(滑)大雪橇,滑大雪橇竞赛:乘(滑)大雪橇或好象乘(滑)大雪橇,滑大雪橇比赛或好象滑大雪橇竞赛美国传统〔bobsleigh〕Sixteen teams took part in the 400m bobsleigh.有 16 支队伍参加了 400 米雪橇比赛。朗文当代〔bob〕A bobsled.大雪橇,连橇美国传统〔breeding〕She became involved in the breeding of sled dogs.她开始饲养雪橇犬。韦氏高阶〔clack〕I clacked one ski against the other and almost tripped.我的一个雪橇板咔嗒一声撞在另一个上面,差点把我绊倒。柯林斯高阶〔clack〕I clacked one ski against the other and almost tripped.我的一只雪橇板咔嗒一声撞在另一只上面, 差点把我绊倒。外研社新世纪〔coaster〕A sled or toboggan.平底橇:一个雪橇或平底雪橇美国传统〔coaster〕One who rides a sled or toboggan.乘雪橇的人:一个乘雪橇或平底雪橇的人美国传统〔coast〕A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled.下滑的斜坡:可以乘雪橇顺着滑下的小山或斜坡美国传统〔coast〕The sledge coasted down the mountain slope.雪橇滑下山坡。21世纪英汉〔coast〕You can coast downhill on a sled or bicycle.你可以乘雪橇或自行车从山上向下滑行。英汉大词典〔crack〕The sled dogs are trained to run when they hear the whip crack.这些雪橇狗被训练得一听到挥鞭声就跑。韦氏高阶〔crack〕When the sled dogs heard her crack the whip, they broke into a run.这些雪橇狗一听到她抽响鞭子就飞奔起来。韦氏高阶〔cutter〕A small sleigh, usually seating one person and drawn by a single horse.轻便雪橇:一种小型雪橇,通常能坐一人并由单匹马拉着美国传统〔decelerate〕The boy decelerates the bobsled where he nears a curve.凡是到拐弯的地方,这小男孩总是让大雪橇减速。21世纪英汉〔dogsledding〕She likes to go dogsledding in the winter.她喜欢冬天乘坐狗拉雪橇韦氏高阶〔dogsled〕A sled pulled by one or more dogs.狗拉雪橇:由一只或多只狗拉的雪橇美国传统〔dogsled〕He dogsledded across the tundra.他驾狗拉雪橇穿过冻原。韦氏高阶〔dogsled〕They dogsledded supplies to the fort.他们用狗拉雪橇将补给送往要塞。韦氏高阶〔drag along〕He rigged up a sail on the sled and dragged Mertz along.他给雪橇装好风帆, 拉着墨茨前行。外研社新世纪〔fetch-up〕He was injured in the fetch-up of the toboggan against the tree.他因雪橇突然猛撞在树上而受伤。英汉大词典〔for〕Skis are available for hire on a daily basis.雪橇可以按天租用。柯林斯高阶〔gain〕The toboggan sped down the hill, gaining momentum.雪橇从山坡上滑下来,速度越来越快。麦克米伦高阶〔hurdle〕Chiefly British A frame or sledge on which condemned persons were dragged to execution.【多用于英国】 囚笼,囚车:一种架子或雪橇,遭指控者被拖到其上施刑美国传统〔jingle〕The sleigh jingled along the snowy road.雪橇在积雪的路上丁当前进。21世纪英汉〔jingle〕The sleigh jingled away on the snow.雪橇在雪地上一路响着铃铛驶行。英汉大词典〔jumper〕A type of coasting sled.滑橇,拖橇:一种滑行的雪橇美国传统〔lighten〕He pulled the lightened sled with all his strength.他用尽全力拉减轻了重量的雪橇柯林斯高阶〔lighten〕He pulled the lightened sled.他拉着变轻了的雪橇外研社新世纪〔luge〕A competition in which these sleds race against a clock.逆时针比赛:这种雪橇逆时针方向的比赛美国传统〔luge〕A racing sled for one or two people that is ridden with the rider or riders lying supine.仰卧小雪橇:供一个人或两个人的竞赛雪橇,滑时滑行者需仰卧美国传统〔malamute〕Any of a breed of powerful dogs developed in Alaska as a sled dog and having a thick gray, black, or white coat.北极犬:一种产于阿拉斯加用来拉雪橇的强壮有力的狗,长有厚厚的灰色、黑色或白色的毛美国传统〔mush〕A journey, especially by dogsled.旅行,特别是驾狗拉雪橇的旅行美国传统〔mush〕My long mush had wearied me.长时间坐狗拉的雪橇旅行使我困乏不堪。英汉大词典〔mush〕To drive (a dogsled or team of dogs).驾驶(雪橇或者一群狗)美国传统〔mush〕To travel, especially over snow with a dogsled.旅行:旅行,特别是架着狗拉雪橇在雪地上旅行美国传统〔pull along〕We pulled the children along on the sledge.我们用雪橇拉着孩子们往前跑。外研社新世纪〔punishment〕These old skis have taken a lot of punishment over the years.这些旧雪橇经过许多年已变得很残旧了美国传统〔push〕He gave the sledge a push down the slope.他把雪橇朝山坡下推了一把。外研社新世纪〔reindeer〕Santa Claus travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.圣诞老人乘坐驯鹿拉的雪橇出行。剑桥高阶〔run〕The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow.雪橇在结了冰的雪地上平稳地滑行。牛津高阶〔sit〕Her expensive skis sat gathering dust.她的那副昂贵的雪橇久闲不用,已经盖满了灰尘美国传统〔sit〕The sled sits unused in the garage during the summer.夏天,雪橇在车库里闲置着。韦氏高阶〔sled dog〕A dog, such as a husky, used to pull a dogsled, especially in Arctic regions.拉雪橇的狗:用来拉雪橇的狗,尤指在北冰洋地区,例如爱基斯摩种狗美国传统〔sledding〕Conditions conducive to the use of a sled.可以使用雪橇的状况美国传统〔sledding〕Use of a sled.使用雪橇美国传统〔sledge〕He sledged down a hill.他乘雪橇滑下小山。文馨英汉〔sledge〕Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January.在我们的那座小山上滑雪橇最棒了,而且1月我们那里总会下雪。柯林斯高阶〔sledge〕She had to pull a 60-pound sledge across 200 miles.她不得不拉一个重 60 磅的雪橇走了 200 英里。牛津搭配〔sledge〕She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka.她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共 1.4 万英里。柯林斯高阶〔sledge〕To convey or travel on a sledge.用雪橇运输或旅行美国传统〔sledge〕We were hoping we could go sledging.我们本来希望能去乘雪橇牛津高阶〔sled〕A light wooden frame on runners, used by children for coasting over snow or ice.(小孩乘的)小雪橇:装有滑行装置的木质轻便架子,孩子们用它在冰上或雪上滑行美国传统〔sled〕A vehicle mounted on runners, used for carrying people or loads over ice and snow; a sledge.雪橇:装在滑行装置上的车辆,用于运载人或货物通过冰面或雪地;雪橇美国传统〔sled〕He explored Greenland on a dog sled.他乘狗拉雪橇去格陵兰岛探险。牛津搭配〔sled〕I went down a hill on a sled.我乘雪橇下了山。牛津搭配〔sled〕To carry on or convey by a sled.用雪橇装载或运输美国传统〔sled〕To ride or use a sled.乘雪橇或使用雪橇美国传统〔sled〕We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back yard.我们回到家里,然后去后院的小山上滑雪橇柯林斯高阶〔sleigh〕A light vehicle mounted on runners and having one or more seats, usually drawn by a horse over snow or ice.有座雪橇:一种装有滑行装置的轻型车辆,有一个或几个座位,通常由马拉着在雪上或冰上行驶美国传统〔sleigh〕To ride in or drive a sleigh.乘座雪橇:乘雪橇或驾驶雪撬美国传统〔slide〕He slid down the hill on a sledge.孩子们喜欢坐雪橇滑下这座小山。麦克米伦高阶〔spurt〕The powdery snow spurted up in clouds from under the skis.粉状的雪一阵阵地从雪橇下飞扬开来。英汉大词典〔strain〕The dogs were straining against the sled.那些狗在用力拉雪橇牛津搭配〔struggle〕For 57 days he and his dog sled had struggled across the frozen ocean.他乘狗拖雪橇历尽千辛万苦,花了57天,越过了冰封的海洋。英汉大词典〔team〕A dog team pulled the sled.一组狗拉着雪橇韦氏高阶〔toboggan〕The kids tobogganed down the hill.孩子们坐长雪橇滑下山。韦氏高阶〔travois〕A frame slung between trailing poles and pulled by a dog or horse, formerly used by Plains Indians as a conveyance for goods and belongings.马拉雪橇:一种用狗或马拉的吊挂于几根滑行杆之间的结构,以前北美平原地区的印第安人将它作为运送货物的运输工具美国传统〔tumble over〕She tumbled over a sled.她被雪橇绊了一跤。21世纪英汉After it had stopped snowing, we all went sledding. 雪停之后,我们都去滑雪橇译典通After it had stopped snowing, we all went sledging. 雪停之后,我们都去乘雪橇玩。译典通All the dogs in the sled team follow the lead dog. They do whatever the lead dog does. 雪橇队所有的狗都跟随领队狗。领队狗做什么他们就做什么。译典通Father Christmas travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.圣诞老人乘坐由驯鹿拉的雪橇剑桥国际In some parts of the world the sea freezes in winter, so goods can be sledged across it.在世界的某些地区,海洋在冬天结冰,所以货物能用雪橇运送过海。剑桥国际In the past, sledges were used in Russia for carrying people and goods during the winter.在过去,雪橇是俄国在冬天用来运送人和货物的。剑桥国际It was the British who organized the first European tobogganing race in 1833 at Davos, Switzerland.是英国人于1833年在瑞士的达沃思组织了首届欧洲雪橇滑行赛。剑桥国际The children raced down the snow-covered hill on sledges.孩子们乘在雪橇上比赛着滑下白雪覆盖的山坡。剑桥国际The logs were sledded out of the forest. 原木用雪橇运出森林。译典通The oxen are led up to the sledges, and tricked into the yoke.公牛们被领到运输雪橇前,并被哄骗着套上了轭。剑桥国际The sled gathered speed as it moved down the hill. 雪橇向山下滑动时速度变得越来越快。译典通The sled struck the tree head-on. 雪橇迎头撞上那棵树。译典通The sledge coasted down the slope. 雪橇沿著山坡向下滑行。译典通They could hear the jingle of bells as the sleigh came towards them.当雪橇向他们驶来时,他们能听见铃儿的丁当声。剑桥国际We could go tobogganing on Primrose Hill.我们可以去樱草山坐雪橇滑行。剑桥国际We spent New Year's Day tobogganing in the Dales.我们在约克郡谷地坐平底雪橇滑雪过新年。剑桥国际We went sledging in the snow.我们在雪地上乘雪橇剑桥国际




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