

单词 隔离的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕Nelson Mandela will be remembered for his courage and integrity in the struggle against apartheid. 人们将会记住纳尔逊·曼德拉在反对种族隔离的斗争中所表现出来的勇气和正直。朗文写作活用〔Paleosiberian〕Of or relating to a grouping of mostly unrelated languages and language isolates, including Chukchi and Yukaghir, spoken primarily in Siberia.古西伯利亚语的:主要使用于西伯利亚,包括楚克奇语与约克吉尔语等与外界不相关连且隔离的语言群的或与其相关的美国传统〔RACE〕Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives, as middle class black families shun white areas, preferring to live in suburbs of their own. 法律上的种族隔离也许是不存在了,但种族隔离的观念仍未消失,黑人中产阶级家庭会避开白人住宅区,宁愿住在自己人聚居的郊区。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Mr Hicks used the term ‘neighbourhood schools’ for what in effect were segregated black schools. 希克斯先生用了“社区学校”一词,实际上那是指隔离的黑人学校。朗文写作活用〔apartheid〕Any policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.隔离政策,种族隔离政策:隔离或种族隔离的政策或做法美国传统〔apartheid〕He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.他赞扬了她在反对种族隔离的斗争中发挥的作用。外研社新世纪〔apartheid〕The condition of being separated from others; segregation.隔离:与他人隔离的状态;隔离美国传统〔barrier〕Something that separates or holds apart.分开物,隔离物:用于分开或隔离的事物美国传统〔blockade〕The forces used to effect this isolation.封锁部队:用于进行隔离的武装力量美国传统〔cloistral〕Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister; secluded.修道院的:修道院的、与之相关的或指修道院的;隔离的美国传统〔cocoon〕As a student you're cocooned against/from the real world.作为一名学生,你处在与现实世界隔离的环境之中。剑桥高阶〔conservation of energy〕A principle stating that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant regardless of changes within the system.能量守恒:认为在一个隔离的系统中,不管内部如何变化,其能量总量保持不变的基本原理美国传统〔desegregate〕Plans to desegregate the schools/universities met with opposition.在中学/大学中消除种族隔离的计划遇到了阻力。剑桥高阶〔desegregate〕The plans to desegregate the universities were met with opposition.在大学里废除种族隔离的计划遭到了反对。21世纪英汉〔desegregation〕The process of desegregation was going forward steadily in school districts there.废除种族隔离的进程正在那儿的学校区稳步发展。英汉大词典〔hole〕A deep or isolated place of confinement; a dungeon.地牢,土牢:深而隔离的拘留地;地牢美国传统〔ice bucket〕A small insulated container with a lid for holding ice.冰桶:用来装冰的一种隔离的带盖小容器美国传统〔insulation〕The act of insulating or the state of being insulated.隔离:隔离的行为或被隔离的状态美国传统〔integrated〕We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校中就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。外研社新世纪〔integrated〕We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。柯林斯高阶〔partition〕Something that divides or separates, as a wall dividing one room or cubicle from another.分隔物:分开或隔离的事物,如把一间屋子或小卧室与其它的房间隔开的墙美国传统〔pocket〕A small, isolated, or protected area or group.孤立的地区,保护区:被隔离的或被保护的小地区或集团美国传统〔quarantine〕A condition of enforced isolation.强行隔离的状况美国传统〔recognition〕Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid.巴西恢复了与南非的外交关系,以示对其采取措施结束种族隔离的正式认可。柯林斯高阶〔seclusion〕The act of secluding.隔离:隔离的行为美国传统〔segregate〕One that is or has been segregated.被隔离的人,被隔离的事物美国传统〔segregation〕The act or process of segregating or the condition of being segregated.分离,隔离:分离或隔离的行为或过程或被分离的状态美国传统〔separate〕Archaic Withdrawn from others; solitary.【古语】 独居的:与他人隔离的;独居的美国传统〔sequester〕The jury was sequestered until a verdict was reached.陪审团在做出裁决之前是与外界隔离的韦氏高阶〔sérac〕A large pointed mass of ice in a glacier isolated by intersecting crevasses.冰塔:冰河中被横断的冰隙所隔离的、大型的尖角冰块美国传统〔unsegregated〕Not segregated, especially not racially segregated.未隔离的,尤其是未被种族隔离的美国传统〔vestige〕Their goal is to increase the pace of change, and wipe out the remaining vestiges of apartheid.他们的目的是加快改革的步伐,消灭种族隔离的残余。麦克米伦高阶As a student you're cocooned against the real world.作为一名学生,你处于与真实社会隔离的环境之中。剑桥国际Eagle Harbor was established as a summer resort for well-to-do blacks at a time when most of the state's beaches were segregated.当许多州的海滩实行种族隔离的时候,伊格尔港被建成为富裕黑人的避暑胜地。剑桥国际It is an integrated school with children of different races and social classes. 这所学校有不同种族,不同社会阶层的孩子,是一所无种族隔离的学校。译典通The legal entrenchment of apartheid has been lifted.对种族隔离的法律保障被废除了。剑桥国际The plans to desegregate the schools/universities were met with opposition.在学校/大学结束种族隔离的计划遭到了反对。剑桥国际The system of racial segregation that used to exist in South Africa was called apartheid.过去在南非存在的种族隔离的制度被称作种族隔离制。剑桥国际They fought long and hard against the iniquities of apartheid.他们为反对种族隔离的不公正行为进行了长期艰苦的斗争。剑桥国际Triple glazing consists of three layers of glass separated by air spaces to give improved thermal or acoustic insulation.三层玻璃窗由空气隔离的三层玻璃组成,以改善隔热和隔音效果。剑桥国际




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