

单词 阿尔泰语
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Altaic〕A language family of Europe and Asia that includes the Turkic, Tungusic, and Mongolian subfamilies.阿尔泰语系:亚欧语系,包括土耳其、坦格维西克和蒙古等次语系美国传统〔Altaic〕Of or relating to Altaic.阿尔泰语系的:阿尔泰语系的或与阿尔泰语系有关的美国传统〔Korean〕The language of the Koreans, possibly in the Altaic family.朝鲜语:朝鲜人讲的语言,可能属于阿尔泰语美国传统〔Mongolian〕A subfamily of the Altaic language family, Mongolian and Kalmyk being the most important members.蒙古语族:阿尔泰语族中的一亚语,主要包括蒙古语和卡尔梅克语美国传统〔Turanian〕A member of any of the peoples who speak languages of the Ural-Altaic group.图兰人:乌拉尔-阿尔泰语系的语言的民族的一个成员美国传统〔Turanian〕Of or relating to the Ural-Altaic languages or to the peoples who speak them.图兰语的:属于或关于乌拉尔-阿尔泰语的或说乌拉尔-阿尔泰语言的人的美国传统〔Turkic〕A subfamily of the Altaic language family that includes Turkish.突厥语族:阿尔泰语系下的一个亚语系,包括土耳其语美国传统




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