

单词 闲着
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕Almost half the skilled workers in this country are now idle. 该国的熟练工人差不多有一半现在都闲着没工作可做。朗文写作活用〔LAZY〕Her third son chose to live at home in idleness rather than follow a profession. 她的第三个儿子宁可在家闲着,也不去从事个什么职业。朗文写作活用〔be at a loose end〕If you find yourself at a loose end, you could always clean the bathroom.如果闲着没事,你总还可以去打扫一下浴室嘛。剑桥高阶〔bum around〕I spent the whole day just bumming around the house.我一整天都在家里闲着没事。韦氏高阶〔busywork〕Students were given busywork for the last few minutes of class.学生们下课前几分钟还被加了作业,不能闲着韦氏高阶〔busy〕Since she retired she's kept herself very busy.自从退休后,她一直没闲着牛津高阶〔enforce〕Illness enforced him to remain idle.疾病迫使他终日闲着英汉大词典〔fish up〕With his free hand he fished up a penlight from his pocket.他用闲着的那只手从口袋里掏出一只笔形手电筒。外研社新世纪〔free〕He buttoned his overcoat with his free hand.他用闲着的那只手扣上大衣的扣子。外研社新世纪〔guard〕I half expected the American to pick up the spare machine pistol and mount guard over the operation.我有点盼望那个美国人能拿起闲着的冲锋枪保卫此次行动。外研社新世纪〔heinie〕Get off your heinie and do some work.别总闲着,干点儿活。韦氏高阶〔host〕Hosts of steelworkers are idle.大批钢铁工人闲着无事可干。英汉大词典〔idle〕Don't worry. I have not been idle while you were away.别担心,你不在的时候我也没闲着麦克米伦高阶〔idle〕The strike idle one million workers.罢工使100万工人闲着没事干。英汉大词典〔idle〕The strikes have idled nearly 4 000 workers.罢工使近 4 000 名工人闲着没事干。牛津高阶〔inactive〕The players have comparatively long periods of inactivity.这些运动员闲着的时间相对较长。柯林斯高阶〔lie up〕The rest of the group lay up for the rest of the day and the following night.小组里的其他人当天剩余时间及第二天晚上都在那里闲着无事。外研社新世纪〔lie〕He just lies around the house all day.他成天就在家里闲着麦克米伦高阶〔loose end〕Come and see us, if you're at a loose end.你要是闲着无事就来我们这儿坐坐吧。牛津高阶〔make yourself useful〕Now you're here, you might as well make yourself useful - there's a lot of cleaning up to do.既然你来了,那就别闲着——有很多清理工作要做。剑桥高阶〔make-work〕Work of little value assigned or taken on only to keep someone from being idle.不必要的工作:仅仅为了不让人闲着而分派或从事的价值极小的工作美国传统〔next〕We were idle that day; but the next day we were very busy.那天我们闲着没事干,可第二天却忙得不可开交。英汉大词典〔occupied〕I kept myself occupied by watching television.为了不让自己闲着,我就一直看电视。朗文当代〔occupied〕The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.最重要的就是别让自己闲着牛津高阶〔occupied〕We need something to keep the children occupied.我们需要找些事让孩子们别闲着牛津搭配〔occupy〕You keep him occupied down here while I check upstairs.我在楼上检查时你让他在下面别闲着麦克米伦高阶〔paw〕He pawed at my jacket with his free hand.他用闲着的那只手摸我的夹克。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕I haven't had a spare moment this morning.我一上午一会儿也没闲着牛津高阶〔thumb〕For the next half hour I was twiddling my thumbs,waiting for my friends to arrive.接下去的那半小时里,我闲着无事,等候朋友们到来。英汉大词典〔twiddle〕She twiddled at the end of this belt with her spare hand, distractedly.她心烦意乱地用闲着的手捻弄着皮带的一端。外研社新世纪I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought I'd make a virtue of necessity by acquiring a few new skills.我在找新工作之前有几个月闲着,因此我想乐得趁此机会,学一点新技能。剑桥国际Mike's always been free with his time so he might be willing to help.迈克总是闲着没事,所以他或许会愿意帮忙。剑桥国际She was mooning about/around the house all weekend.整个周末她都在房子里闲着剑桥国际The strikes have idled nearly 4 000 workers.罢工使近 4 000 名工人闲着没事干。牛津商务




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