

单词 闲混
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕Stop messing around - just get on with it! 别闲混了一快点做吧!朗文写作活用〔arse〕He spent half the day arsing around.他一天有半天在闲混21世纪英汉〔bird〕Children may simply be hanging out together because of similar attitudes towards drugs – a case of 'birds of a feather flock together'.孩子们可能只是因为对毒品有相似看法就会在一起闲混——这正是一个“鸟以群分, 物以类聚”的例子。外研社新世纪〔dawdle〕Don't dawdle: we haven't got all day.别闲混,我们没有一整天好花。牛津同义词〔dilly-dally〕To waste time, especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate.磨蹭:浪费时间,尤指犹豫不定;闲混或踌躇美国传统〔doss〕We just dossed around all day Saturday.星期六我们闲混了一整天。朗文当代〔dream away〕She's dreaming away her days.(或 She's dreaming her days away.)她闲混日子。21世纪英汉〔flânerie〕Aimless idling; dawdling.无所事事:无目的闲逛;闲混美国传统〔flâneur〕An aimless idler; a loafer.闲逛者:无目的地闲逛的人;闲混的人美国传统〔footle〕To waste time; trifle.闲荡:浪费时间;闲混美国传统〔frig〕Why don't you do some work instead of just frigging around all day? 你为何不干些工作而只是终日闲混呢?英汉大词典〔futz〕I spent the entire day just futzing around.我一整天都在闲混朗文当代〔idle〕A group of boys idled in the doorway.一群男孩在门口闲混韦氏高阶〔idle〕Mother asked me to stop idling about.妈妈叫我不要再闲混21世纪英汉〔idle〕To pass time without working or while avoiding work.闲混,发懒:不做事或避开工作而混时间美国传统〔loaf〕I just loafed around, eating and watching television.我只是闲混着,成天吃东西看电视。麦克米伦高阶〔mob〕The usual mob was/were hanging out at the bar.酒吧里闲混的还是往常那伙人。剑桥高阶〔moon〕I wish you'd stop mooning about and do something useful! 我希望你别再闲混,去做点有用的事情!朗文当代〔moon〕Most of that afternoon he mooned around.那天下午大部分时间他都在闲混英汉大词典〔piddle〕Why don't you get on with some work insteed of peddling away the whole day doing nothing?你为什么不继续做点工作,却整日无所事事地闲混?21世纪英汉〔poke〕He just poked around at home and didn't accomplish much.他就这样在家闲混日子,一事无成。英汉大词典〔ponce about〕I spent my working life poncing about on a beach instead of doing a proper job.我这辈子没干过什么正经工作, 就在海滩上闲混了。外研社新世纪〔shilly-shally〕To spend time on insignificant things; dawdle.闲混:把时间花在一些没有意义的事情上;浪费时间美国传统〔tail〕You've just got to get off your tail and start looking for a job.你别闲混了,开始找个工作吧。剑桥高阶He loafed away the whole evening. 他把整个晚上都闲混掉了。译典通She loitered away the whole morning. 她把整个上午的时间闲混过去了。译典通Stop trifling and get to work. 别闲混了,开始工作吧。译典通They messed about in the club most of the summer. 夏天的大部分时间他们都在俱乐部闲混译典通They messed around in the club most of the summer. 夏天的大部分时间他们都在俱乐部闲混译典通




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