

单词 a bird of prey
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bird〕We watched a bird of prey swoop down on a mouse.我们看着一只猛禽俯冲扑向一只老鼠。牛津搭配〔pounce〕The talon or claw of a bird of prey.爪:猛禽的爪子美国传统〔raptor〕A bird of prey.猛禽美国传统〔stoop〕A descent, as of a bird of prey.俯扑:下扑,如猛禽下扑美国传统〔talon〕The claw of a bird of prey.爪:猛禽的爪子美国传统The falcon is a bird of prey.猎鹰是一种猛禽。剑桥国际The sparrowhawk is a bird of prey which is found in Europe, Asia and N Africa.雀鹰是一种食肉猛禽,它分布在欧洲、亚洲和北非。剑桥国际




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