

单词 长长的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕The teacher drew a long, horizontal line across the blackboard. 老师在黑板上画了一条长长的水平线。朗文写作活用〔GHOST〕He lived in kind of a spooky place at the end of a long dirt road. 他住在一个阴森可怕的地方,在一条长长的土路的尽头。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕Tania's skirt has a long slit up the back. 塔妮娅的裙子后面有一条长长的开叉。朗文写作活用〔IMPRESS〕She looked dazzling, with her long blonde hair and diamond earrings. 她长长的金发和钻石耳环使她看起来光彩夺目。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕A lot of people want to join, so there's a long waiting list. 许多人都想加入,因此出现了长长的等候名单。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕We were held up by a long funeral procession. 我们被一列长长的送葬队伍堵住了路。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕She led them down a long corridor, through countless swinging doors. 她带着他们走过一条长长的走廊,经过无数的旋转门。朗文写作活用〔above〕A long scream sounded from somewhere above.从上面什么地方传来一声长长的尖叫。柯林斯高阶〔beat〕Nothing quite beats the luxury of soaking in a long, hot bath at the end of a tiring day.没有什么能好过在疲惫的一天结束后泡一个长长的热水澡的奢侈享受了。外研社新世纪〔blast〕The buzzer suddenly responded in a long blast of sound.蜂鸣器突然发出一阵长长的响声。外研社新世纪〔blast〕The driver gave a long blast on his horn.司机按了长长的一声喇叭。韦氏高阶〔bounce〕Her long black hair bounced as she walked.她走路时长长的黑发随之飘动。柯林斯高阶〔branch〕Other staircases branched off the long walkway.其他楼梯都从长长的走道上岔开。外研社新世纪〔chain〕She wore a long gold chain around her neck.她脖子上戴着一条长长的金项链。牛津搭配〔circle around〕The long curving driveway circled around the vast clipped lawn.长长的弧形车道围绕着大片修剪过的草坪。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕A long velvet curtain concealed a small doorway.一块长长的丝绒窗帘遮住了小门道。麦克米伦高阶〔conceal〕The path was concealed by long grass.小路隐藏在长长的草丛里。朗文当代〔crazily〕The teenagers shook their long, black hair and gesticulated crazily.青年们甩着长长的黑发, 做着古怪的手势。外研社新世纪〔dome〕Gerald had a long grey beard and a shiny bald dome (= head).杰拉尔德留着长长的灰色胡须,头秃得锃亮。剑桥高阶〔drum roll〕A long drum roll introduced the trapeze artists.长长的一阵紧锣密鼓声中迎来了高空秋千表演者。柯林斯高阶〔dullness〕The long whining whistle of a shell was followed by the dull boom of the explosion.在炮弹长长的哀鸣声呼啸而过之后是隆隆而低沉的爆炸声。柯林斯高阶〔end〕She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.她让长长的烟灰留在烟头上。柯林斯高阶〔epicene〕She noted his epicene features - the long eyelashes, the full lips.她注意到了他的女性特征——长长的睫毛和饱满的嘴唇。剑桥高阶〔fall〕Her long black hair fell over her shoulders.她长长的黑发垂在肩上。麦克米伦高阶〔fasten〕Their long claws allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm.它们可以凭借长长的爪子牢牢抓住岩石。朗文当代〔festoon〕Between the mulberry trees swing long festoons of grapevines.在两棵桑树间悬荡着长长的花彩似的葡萄藤。英汉大词典〔fizz〕When I started the engine it sparked, fizzed and went dead.我刚发动引擎时,引擎冒出火星,发出长长的嘶声,然后就熄火了。柯林斯高阶〔flex〕Long trailing flexes are a serious trip hazard.长长的拖线很容易绊倒人。牛津搭配〔flick〕She flicked back her long dark hair.她把长长的黑发甩向脑后。麦克米伦高阶〔frame〕Sarah's face was framed by her long dark hair.长长的黑发衬托出萨拉的脸庞。朗文当代〔fringe〕She had her hair cut short with a long fringe.她剪短了头发, 留了长长的刘海。外研社新世纪〔gash〕The rocks tore a long gash in the ship's hull.岩石把船身划出了一道长长的口子。牛津搭配〔hair〕Her long wavy hair was tied back with a bow.她那长长的波浪形头发用一个蝴蝶结束在脑后。朗文当代〔hill〕The bus sped down the long hill.公共汽车顺着长长的山坡疾驶而下。牛津搭配〔horsey〕She had a long, horsey face.她有一张长长的马脸。牛津高阶〔inaccessible〕A long flight of stairs made the center inaccessible to disabled visitors.一段长长的台阶使残疾的参观者难以到达中心。朗文当代〔indicate〕Long skid marks on the pavement indicated the driver had attempted to brake.人行道上留下的长长的滑行痕迹表明司机曾试图刹车。朗文当代〔involution〕Something, such as a long grammatical construction, that is intricate or complex.复杂的事物:一个错综复杂或纠缠不清的事物,如一个长长的语法结构美国传统〔jacamar〕Any of various tropical American birds of the family Galbulidae, having iridescent plumage and a long bill.鹟鴷:一种热带美洲鹟鴷科的鸟类 ,有彩虹色的羽毛和长长的鸟嘴美国传统〔ladder〕An often portable structure consisting of two long sides crossed by parallel rungs, used to climb up and down.梯子:一种通常是可移动的结构物,由长长的两边和两边平行的梯级连接组成,用于爬上爬下美国传统〔livid〕He had a long, livid scar across his cheek.他的面颊上有一道长长的紫黑色疤痕。剑桥高阶〔long〕He stretched out his long legs .他伸出他那两条长长的腿。朗文当代〔long〕It was five long miles to the nearest pub.离最近的酒吧有长长的5英里的路程。外研社新世纪〔long〕Trains to London emerge from a long tunnel.开往伦敦的列车开出了长长的隧道。外研社新世纪〔miscasting〕In a long list of characters there is not one case of miscasting.在长长的剧中人物表上没有一个角色分配得不恰当。英汉大词典〔musing〕His long, shapely, musing sentences spread themselves over page after page.他那长长的、条理清楚的、充满思索的句子遍布一页又一页。外研社新世纪〔nothing〕He wished he was not in a room so far from the bathroom. There was nothing for it but a long trudge through the house.他真希望自己的房间离卫生间不那么远,没别的办法,只能走上长长的一段穿过屋子。柯林斯高阶〔open〕The door opens onto a long balcony.这扇门通往一个长长的阳台。朗文当代〔piteous〕She gave a long piteous cry.她发出了一声长长的哀号。朗文当代〔place〕She produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips.她拿出一个长长的银哨子,稳稳地衔在嘴里。牛津搭配〔pole〕Using a pole, he pushed the boat away from the shore.他用一根长长的篙, 将船撑离了河滩。外研社新世纪〔prone〕The spaniel lay prone on the floor, his long ears draped over his extended front legs.那只猎獚趴在地板上,长长的耳朵耷拉在伸直的前腿上。美国传统〔queue〕Long queues are building up on the city's exit roads.出城道路上排起了长长的队伍。牛津搭配〔ringlet〕Her hair hung down in ringlets.她长长的鬈发垂在肩上。剑桥高阶〔rustle〕She moved nearer, her long silk skirt rustling around her.她走近了,长长的真丝裙子窸窣作响。朗文当代〔scar〕She had a long scar running down her face.她的脸从上到下有一道长长的伤疤。牛津搭配〔scull〕A long oar mounted over the stern of a boat and moved from side to side to propel the boat forward.橹,尾桨:船尾部的一根长长的桨,来回的移动使船向前移动美国传统〔set〕The setting sun cast long shadows across the lawn.夕阳在草地上投下了长长的影子。剑桥高阶〔shade〕As the sun went down we cast long shadows on the lawn.太阳落山时我们在草坪上留下长长的影子。牛津高阶〔shear〕Her long fair hair had been shorn.她长长的金发已经剪掉了。朗文当代〔slanted〕The shadows on the floor were long and steeply slanted.地板上的影子长长的,还斜得厉害。英汉大词典〔slog〕The teacher made us slog through long lists of vocabulary.老师让我们下苦功记住一些长长的词汇表。牛津高阶〔smudge〕There was a long green smudge half-way up the rock.山岩半腰处有一片长长的绿影。英汉大词典〔snake its way〕A long queue had formed, snaking its way downstairs and out into the street.长长的队伍排到楼下后又一直延伸到了街上。剑桥高阶〔solitude〕Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in solitude.想象一下那长长的金色海滩吧,在那里你可以独自徜徉。柯林斯高阶〔standard〕A long, tapering flag bearing heraldic devices distinctive of a person or corporation.旗:有区别个人或组织的徽章的长长的尖旗美国传统〔stem〕Champagne glasses usually have long stems.香槟酒杯通常有长长的柄脚。剑桥高阶〔straight〕Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun.格雷斯把一头长长的黑色直发盘成发髻。柯林斯高阶〔straight〕She has long, straight hair.她留着一头长长的直发。韦氏高阶〔stream〕There was a stream of traffic behind him.在他身后是长长的车流。外研社新世纪〔sun〕The setting sun cast long shadows over the landscape.落日在这幅风景画上投下长长的影子。牛津搭配〔swathe〕The bomb had left a swathe of the town centre in ruins.爆炸在镇中心留下了一个长长的废墟带。朗文当代〔sweep〕Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail.她长长的秀发在脑后梳成一个马尾。柯林斯高阶〔sweep〕The train of her long dress swept the ground.她连衣裙长长的裙裾拂过地面。外研社新世纪〔swirl〕Long vines swirl round the tree.长长的藤葛盘绕在树身上。21世纪英汉〔tail〕The long luminous stream of gas and dust forced from the head of a comet when it is close to the sun.彗尾:一颗彗星距太阳最近时从其头部吹向尾部的长长的发光气体和尘埃流美国传统〔throw〕The setting sun threw long shadows on the buildings.落日在房子上投下长长的影子。韦氏高阶〔throw〕The trees threw long, dark shadows across the cornfield.树木在玉米地里投下长长的影子。朗文当代A banana tree has long green leaves which grow from the top of a central stem.香蕉树有长长的叶子,这些叶子是从主干的顶端长出来的。剑桥国际He has long blond hair and mischievous blue eyes (= eyes that suggest he will behave in a playfully bad way).他有一头长长的金发和一双淘气的蓝眼睛。剑桥国际He was wearing a long multi-coloured scarf.他戴了一条五颜六色的长长的围巾。剑桥国际Long, curly hair is the fashion / in fashion this summer.今年夏天流行长长的卷发。剑桥国际Persian cats have long fur.波斯猫有着长长的软毛。剑桥国际She always writes long gossipy letters (= letters containing gossip).她总是写长长的充满闲话的信。剑桥国际She crept through the long grass till she was in a position to fire.她爬过一片长长的草地直到找到可以开枪的位置。剑桥国际She lashed the horses mercilessly with her long whip.她用长长的鞭子残忍地抽打着马儿。剑桥国际She was wearing a long cotton skirt and a cheesecloth shirt.她穿了一条长长的棉布裙子,一件薄纱衬衫。剑桥国际She was wearing a long white creation.她身着一件白色而长长的新潮服。剑桥国际She wore a long black velvet affair.她穿了一件长长的,黑色天鹅绒的东西。剑桥国际The German player emerged victorious after a long five-hour match.长长的五小时比赛之后,德国运动员脱颖而出获得胜利。剑桥国际The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那乞丐讲了个关于他不幸身世的长长的故事。译典通The cat gave a long, luxurious stretch (= one expressing great pleasure and comfort).猫心满意足地伸了个长长的懒腰。剑桥国际The dog has a long and shaggy coat. 这条狗长著一身长长的蓬松的毛。译典通The female lion is smaller than the male and lacks the long brown mane.雌狮子比雄师子体形小,没有长长的棕色鬣毛。剑桥国际The film ends with a long tracking shot around the deserted house.影片以一连串长长的围绕着这幢废弃的房子的跟踪镜头告终。剑桥国际The first white settlers journeyed across America in covered wagons pulled by horses, often long lines of them forming wagon trains.最初的白人定居者乘着马拉的篷车穿越美洲大地,常常形成一行行长长的马车队伍。剑桥国际The song is punctuated by long guitar riffs.这支歌曲用长长的吉它连复段来间隔。剑桥国际There was a long queue of traffic stretching down the road.车辆排着长长的队,在 这条路上延伸。剑桥国际Veronica had a very elaborate wedding dress with a long train.维罗尼卡有一条有着长长的裙裾的精心制作的结婚礼服。剑桥国际With a few flaps of its long wings, the bird took off.那只鸟长长的翅膀拍打了几下,就飞了起来。剑桥国际




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