

单词 销售人员
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-person〕He had a staff of six salespeople working for him.他手下有6名销售人员为他工作。柯林斯高阶〔ARRANGE〕The marketing people will take care of all the arrangements for the presentation. 销售人员会把这次产品介绍安排妥的。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕They made sales staff open the safe. 他们逼着销售人员打开保险箱。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕It became clear that the sales people didn't have any idea how to sell the new products. 情况清楚了,原来那些销售人员根本不知道怎样去推销这些新产品。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Successful sales staff will outrank less successful workers, regardless of qualifications. 不管资历如何,业绩好的销售人员终将比业绩差的级别高。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Customers liked the personal service the sales staff provided. 顾客喜欢销售人员提供的贴心服务。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The company has a sales staff of 600. 这家公司有600名销售人员朗文写作活用〔WAY〕Salesmen use all sorts of clever tactics to persuade people to buy from them. 销售人员利用各种聪明的手段说服人们购买。朗文写作活用〔abrupt〕The sales clerks were abrupt and impatient with the customers.销售人员对待顾客态度唐突且缺乏耐心。麦克米伦高阶〔allowance〕Sales staff get a generous mileage allowance or a company car.销售人员有优厚的里程补贴或者公司提供的专用车。朗文当代〔arrangement〕The arrangement of goods in the shop window is done by our sales staff.橱窗里商品的陈列工作是由我们的销售人员干的。英汉大词典〔a〕Sales staff must have a good working knowledge of French.销售人员必须相当熟练地掌握足以应付工作的法语知识。麦克米伦高阶〔barrage〕Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen.医生们抱怨他们疲于应付医药公司的销售人员柯林斯高阶〔barrage〕Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen.医生们抱怨受到了制药公司销售人员无休止的打扰。外研社新世纪〔be had〕She doesn't want to buy a used car because she's worried about being had by a dishonest salesman.她不打算买旧车,因为她担心被不诚实的销售人员算计。韦氏高阶〔commission〕Most of the salespeople are on commission.大多数销售人员都抽取提成。牛津搭配〔commission〕Salesmen work on commission.销售人员根据销售额获得提成。外研社新世纪〔commission〕The salesmen work on commission only.销售人员只根据销售量提取佣金。柯林斯高阶〔deal with〕Their salespeople are very easy to deal with.他们的销售人员很容易打交道。韦氏高阶〔deploy〕Two-thirds of the sales force will be deployed to protect the existing customer base.三分之二的销售人员将被调动去保护现有的客户群。外研社新世纪〔disposed〕Many people seem disposed to distrust salespeople.很多人似乎都倾向于不信任销售人员韦氏高阶〔filter〕These new ideas have not yet filtered down to sales staff.这些新想法还没有传到销售人员那里。麦克米伦高阶〔foot〕Before Christmas, most salespeople are rushed off their feet.圣诞节前,大多数销售人员忙得脚不沾地。朗文当代〔guaranteed〕Our salespeople are on a guaranteed income of £1000 a month.我们的销售人员每月保证有1000英镑的收入。麦克米伦高阶〔helpful〕Our sales staff are there to give you helpful advice.我们的销售人员随时为你们提供有用的建议。朗文当代〔huckster〕The movie is about a sales force ordered to huckster worthless wetlands real estate.这场电影讲述的是销售人员受命去连蒙带骗地推销无任何价值的沼泽地房产。外研社新世纪〔incentive travel〕Vacation travel arranged by or through an employer and awarded as a motivational bonus to qualifying employees or salespeople.奖励旅游:由或是经由雇主安排的假期旅游,用作为鼓励红利以奖励达到绩效合格的员工或是销售人员美国传统〔line〕Most of our sales staff now work on line.我们的销售人员现在大多在线开展业务。朗文当代〔objective〕Can the sales team achieve/meet its financial objectives? 销售人员能否完成财务目标?剑桥高阶〔priority〕Reorganizing the sales force will be a top priority for the new president.重组销售人员将是新总裁要处理的首要事项。韦氏高阶〔public relations〕Sales, aftersales, marketing and public relations will remain separate.销售人员、售后人员、营销人员和公关人员仍会彼此独立。外研社新世纪〔run down〕The firm ran down its sales force.该公司裁减了销售人员外研社新世纪〔run〕The company is running down its sales force.公司正在削减销售人员牛津高阶〔salesperson〕The company is hiring new salespeople.公司在招聘新的销售人员韦氏高阶〔seek〕The office is seeking a salesperson.那家办事处正在招募一名销售人员韦氏高阶〔serve〕I'm afraid all of our salespeople are serving other customers right now.恐怕现在我们所有的销售人员都在接待其他顾客。韦氏高阶〔service〕This department services the international sales force(= provides services for it).这个部门向国际销售人员提供服务。牛津高阶〔signature〕The salesperson verifies the signature by comparing it with the one on the card.销售人员把签名和卡上的字迹进行对比核实。牛津搭配〔slice off〕The salesperson sliced 10 percent off of the cost of the car.销售人员削减了汽车10%的价格。韦氏高阶〔spiel〕I listened to the salesman's spiel but still refused to buy anything.我听了销售人员喋喋不休的套话,不过还是不愿购买任何东西。韦氏高阶〔talk into〕The salesman talked us into buying the car.在销售人员的说服下,我们买下了汽车。韦氏高阶〔talk round〕It advises salesmen to talk round reluctant customers over a cup of tea.它建议销售人员和犹豫不决、不愿购买的顾客一边喝茶,一边说服他们。柯林斯高阶〔talk up〕The salesperson talked up the car's safety features.销售人员说这辆车的安全性能很好。韦氏高阶〔turnover〕We've had very little turnover in our sales personnel.我们销售人员的流动很少。牛津搭配Beware salespeople who promise offers that seem too good to be true.要提防那些讲得天花乱坠的销售人员剑桥国际Our experienced field sales force cover all areas of the UK.我们经验丰富的现场销售人员遍布英国的所有地区。牛津商务Our salespeople receive a minimum of 16 weeks' training.我们的销售人员至少要接受 16 周的培训。牛津商务Salespeople are no longer just order takers.销售人员已不再仅仅接收订单。牛津商务Salespeople were given instructions to offer a reduced price.给销售人员发出降价的指令。牛津商务Salespeople will improve when they learn successful selling concepts.销售人员在学到成功的销售理念之后将会提高自身的销售水平。牛津商务She has been appointed to head a team of 50 sales staff.她获委任领导 50 名销售人员组成的团队。牛津商务The accountant described his work to the sales staff.会计向销售人员介绍了他的工作职责。牛津商务The company has no factories, no inventory, no delivery trucks and no sales force.这家公司没有工厂、没有库存、没有送货卡车、没有销售人员牛津商务The course trains salespeople in reading the customer's body language.这课程培训销售人员以明白顾客的肢体语言。牛津商务The department services the international sales force.这个部门为国际销售人员提供服务。牛津商务We set up a system of bonuses to incentivize sales staff.我们建立奖金制度以激励销售人员牛津商务




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