

单词 金属容器
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cartridge clip〕A metal container or frame for holding cartridges to be loaded into an automatic rifle or pistol.弹夹:用来盛装放入自动步枪或手枪的弹药的金属容器或支架美国传统〔cup〕Sports A golf hole or the metal container inside a hole.【体育运动】 球洞:高尔夫球的球洞或球洞内的金属容器美国传统〔drum〕Something resembling a drum in shape or structure, especially a barrellike metal container or a metal cylinder wound with cable, wire, or heavy rope.鼓状物:形状或结构上象鼓的东西,尤指桶状金属容器或缠满电缆、电线或粗绳的金属圆柱美国传统〔emit〕The metal container began to emit a clicking sound.金属容器开始发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。牛津高阶〔iron lung〕An airtight metal tank that encloses all of the body except the head and forces the lungs to inhale and exhale through regulated changes in air pressure.铁肺;人工呼吸器:一个气密的金属容器,罩住除头部外的身体其余部分,通过气压的规则变化来强迫肺呼入和呼出空气美国传统〔planchet〕A small shallow metal container in which a radioactive substance is deposited for measurement of its activity.样品皿:用于存放放射性物质以测量其活性的小而浅的金属容器美国传统〔safe〕A metal container usually having a lock, used for storing valuables.保险箱:通常有锁的一种金属容器,用于存放价值高的物品美国传统〔spittoon〕A bowl-shaped, usually metal vessel, often with a funnel-shaped cover, into which tobacco chewers periodically spit.痰盂:一种碗状金属容器,通常有一漏斗状盖子,烟草咀嚼者定时地往里吐东西美国传统〔urn〕A closed metal vessel having a spigot and used for warming or serving tea or coffee.壶:一种封闭性的金属容器,一般带有塞子,用于加热或冲泡茶、咖啡美国传统〔warning〕A word of warning : don't use a metal container.提醒一句: 不要使用金属容器朗文当代




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