

单词 重型卡车
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕He was having trouble controlling the heavy truck on the slippery road surface. 他在湿滑的路面上驾驶重型卡车有困难。朗文写作活用〔cut〕The new lawn was cut up by the heavy truck.新草地被重型卡车碾得条痕累累。英汉大词典〔disturb〕Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighbourhood.重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。英汉大词典〔grind〕Heavy trucks ground down the road.重型卡车轧轧地沿着马路开过去。英汉大词典〔juggernaut〕The peace of the village has been shattered by juggernauts thundering through it.轰隆隆开过的重型卡车打破了村庄的平静。剑桥高阶〔prime mover〕Any of various heavy-duty trucks or tractors.牵引车,推进器:任何一种重型卡车或拖拉机美国传统〔speed by〕Other drivers, in cars and heavy trucks, sped by.其他司机开着小汽车和重型卡车飞驰而过。外研社新世纪〔thud〕Heavy trucks went thudding by.重型卡车一辆辆隆隆驶过。英汉大词典〔thunder〕Heavy trucks kept thundering past.重型卡车不断地隆隆驶过。牛津高阶〔truck〕A convoy of heavy trucks rumbled past.一队重型卡车轰隆隆地驶过。牛津搭配〔truck〕They heard the roar of a heavy truck.他们听到了一辆重型卡车的轰鸣声。外研社新世纪Day and night heavy trucks roared past their houses. 重型卡车日夜不停地从他们家呼啸而过。译典通HGV drivers 重型卡车司机牛津商务Local residents are concerned about the number of heavy lorries that drive through their village.当地居民因大量驶经村庄的重型卡车而不安。剑桥国际The heavy-duty trucks were rutting the road. 重型卡车在公路上留下车辙。译典通The peace of the village has been shattered by juggernauts thundering through it.村庄的平静被轰隆开过的重型卡车打破了。剑桥国际




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