

单词 遮阳
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-breasted〕He moved out from beneath an awning, reaching for something inside the breast of his overcoat.他离开遮阳篷,手伸进大衣前胸部找东西。柯林斯高阶〔awning〕The gaily striped awnings of the market stalls made an attractive scene.市场货摊上那些色彩鲜艳的条纹布遮阳篷构成了一道迷人的风景。剑桥高阶〔breast〕He moved out from beneath an awning, reaching for something inside the breast of his overcoat.他走出遮阳篷, 把手伸进大衣前襟找东西。外研社新世纪〔buffer〕The trees help buffer the house from the hot summer sun.这些树有助于房子的夏日遮阳韦氏高阶〔extra〕Optional extras include anti-lock brakes and an electric sunroof.可选择的附加品包括防抱死制动系统和电动遮阳篷。牛津搭配〔hat〕She was hatted against the sun.她戴着帽子遮阳英汉大词典〔helmet〕A pith helmet; a topi.遮阳帽:干木髓做的太阳帽;软木帽美国传统〔jalousie〕A blind or shutter having adjustable horizontal slats for regulating the passage of air and light.百叶窗:一种有水平条板的遮阳物或活动遮板,用来调节光和空气的流通量美国传统〔patio heater〕His company installs awnings, decking, and patio heaters.他的公司负责安装遮阳篷、花园甲板和露台取暖器。剑桥高阶〔pith helmet〕A lightweight hat made from dried pith and worn in tropical countries for protection from the sun.遮阳帽:一种轻便的遮阳帽,用晒干木髓制成,热带地区国家人为遮阳而戴美国传统〔puggree〕A cloth band or scarf wrapped around the crown of a hat or sun helmet.头巾:缠绕在礼帽或遮阳帽帽冠周围的布条或三角巾美国传统〔shade〕Any of various devices used to reduce or screen light or heat.遮阳物:各种用于减少或掩蔽光与热的设置美国传统〔shade〕I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.我不得不在红绿灯处停车,然后放下遮阳板来遮挡阳光。柯林斯高阶〔shade〕The children played in/under the shade of a large beach umbrella.孩子们在一把巨大的沙滩遮阳伞下的阴凉处玩耍。剑桥高阶〔shade〕The sun was hot, and there were no trees to offer us shade.太阳火辣辣的,没有树给我们遮阳剑桥高阶〔shade〕They were sitting under the shade of an umbrella.他们正坐在遮阳伞下享受阴凉。牛津搭配〔shade〕Umbrellas shade outdoor cafes.露天小餐馆撑伞遮阳外研社新世纪〔shield〕He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack.他用一只旧袋子顶在头上遮阳外研社新世纪〔sunbonnet〕A woman's wide-brimmed bonnet with a flap at the back to protect the neck from the sun.遮阳女帽:一种宽边的女用软帽,后面有帽盖可以保护后颈免受太阳照射美国传统〔sunglasses〕She put on her sunglasses.她戴上遮阳镜。外研社新世纪〔sunroof〕A roof on a motor vehicle, such as an automobile, having a panel that can be slid back or raised.遮阳篷灯:机动车,如汽车上的篷顶,有可缩回或升起的板栅美国传统〔sunshade〕Something, such as an awning or a billed cap, that is used or worn as a protection from the sun's rays.遮篷:用来或戴来作为保护免受阳光照射的东西,如遮阳篷或有帽舌的帽子美国传统〔tree〕It was a small town of dust lanes and wide shade trees.这个小镇道路上满是尘土,遮阳树稀稀拉拉。牛津搭配〔umbrella〕I spent the day on the beach, lying under a beach umbrella , reading.那天我在海边度过,躺在海滩遮阳伞下面看书。朗文当代〔umbrella〕She was fast asleep under a big beach umbrella.她在一顶大号海滩遮阳伞下酣睡。牛津搭配〔velarium〕A large awning, especially one suspended over a Roman theater or amphitheater.露天剧场的遮阳帐篷:尤指罗马剧院或圆形露天剧场悬挂的大天篷美国传统〔visor〕A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.遮阳板:汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板美国传统〔visor〕A piece projecting from the front of a cap to shade or protect the eyes.帽舌:前沿突出用以遮阳或保护眼睛的帽子美国传统〔visor〕I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.我拉下遮阳板来遮挡耀眼的阳光。柯林斯高阶Now I know it won't look very cool, but this hat will keep the sun out of your eyes.我知道这帽子现在不流行了,但还能替你的眼睛遮遮阳剑桥国际Our garden table has a hole in the centre of it through which you can put a sunshade.我们花园里那张桌子的中心有一个插遮阳伞的小孔。剑桥国际The gaily striped awnings of the little shops and market stalls made an attractive scene.小店和货摊色彩鲜艳的有条纹的遮阳篷形成了引人注目的景观。剑桥国际The rowing crew looked very smart in their blazers and straw boaters.这些划船运动员穿着色彩鲜艳的上装,戴着遮阳帽,看上去很英俊。剑桥国际The sun beat down through the yellow awnings on passengers dozing on the deck.阳光透过黄色的遮阳篷照耀着在甲板上小睡的乘客。剑桥国际We parked the caravan and then set about putting the awning up.我们把大蓬车停好,然后撑起遮阳篷。剑桥国际




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