

单词 foreign country
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALONE〕At first I couldn't stand the isolation of living in a foreign country. 起初,我在异国他乡生活,寂寞难耐。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I'm too old and set in my ways to try living in a foreign country now. 我现在太老了,已很难改变自己的生活方式,所以不愿到外国去居住。朗文写作活用〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕Clara knew from first-hand experience that living in a foreign country would be difficult. 克拉拉的亲身体验告诉她在国外生活并不容易。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕Ms Takahashi was the first Japanese woman ever to be appointed ambassador to a foreign country. 高桥女士是第一位被任命为驻国外大使的日本妇女。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕In a foreign country or countries.在外国,在海外美国传统〔confidence〕Living on her own in a foreign country for a year gave her a lot of confidence .独自在国外生活一年给了她很大的自信。朗文当代〔country〕It's difficult to live in a foreign country when you don't speak the language.在外国生活,如果不会说该国的语言是很困难的。牛津搭配〔country〕She didn't know what life in a foreign country would be like.她不知道外国的生活会是什么样。牛津高阶〔custom〕When visiting a foreign country, we must respect the country's customs.我们去外国访问时,必须尊重该国的风俗习惯。英汉大词典〔denomination〕It always takes time to get used to the different denominations of coins when you go to a foreign country.到了国外,总要花些时间才能熟悉不同面额的硬币。剑桥高阶〔diplomatic immunity〕The exemption from taxation and ordinary processes of law afforded to diplomatic personnel in a foreign country.外交豁免权:外交人员在外国被赋予的税收和通常法律程序的豁免权利美国传统〔duty〕He did three tours of duty in Vietnam (=three periods working in a foreign country as a soldier, government officer etc) .他曾三次在越南服役。朗文当代〔expatriate〕One who has taken up residence in a foreign country.移居国外者:居住在国外的人美国传统〔factory〕A business establishment for commercial agents or factors in a foreign country.国外代理商:设在外国的商业代理商或代理人的一种商业机构美国传统〔filibuster〕An adventurer who engages in a private military action in a foreign country.军事冒险家:在国外从事秘密军事行动的冒险者美国传统〔filibuster〕To take part in a private military action in a foreign country.擅自对外侵略:在外国参与一项秘密军事行动美国传统〔foreign correspondent〕A correspondent who sends news reports or commentary from a foreign country for broadcast or publication.驻国外记者:从国外为电台、电视台或出版物发新闻报道或评论的记者美国传统〔foreign mission〕A permanent diplomatic legation established in a foreign country.驻外使节团:长期驻在国外的外交公使馆员美国传统〔foreign mission〕A religious group especially of Christians sent to a foreign country for missionary service.外方传教国:派驻国外进行传教的宗教组织,尤指基督教向国外派驻的布道团美国传统〔foreigner〕One who is from a foreign country or place.外国人,外来者:从其它国家或地区来的人美国传统〔foreign〕Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.西班牙是她访问过的第一个海外国家。剑桥高阶〔foreign〕Working in a foreign country takes some getting used to.在外国工作需要一段时间去适应。麦克米伦高阶〔formality〕There are a few formalities to be gone through before you enter a foreign country.在进入外国前要办理一些手续。英汉大词典〔import〕To bring or carry in from an outside source, especially to bring in (goods or materials) from a foreign country for trade or sale.进口:从外部来源输入,尤指为了商业和买卖从外国输入(货物或材料)美国传统〔legation〕A diplomatic mission in a foreign country ranking below an embassy.公使馆:地位低于大使馆的驻在外国的外交使团美国传统〔lingo〕It can be hard to travel in a foreign country if you don't speak the lingo.你要是不会外语,去国外旅行会困难重重。韦氏高阶〔mean〕I know what it means to be alone in a foreign country.我知道独自一人在国外是什么滋味。朗文当代〔missionary〕One who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country.传教士:被派遣去传教,尤其是被派遣到一个地区或外国去做宗教或慈善工作的人美国传统〔mission〕A body of experts or dignitaries sent to a foreign country.代表团:由一群专家或要员组成的被派往它国的团体美国传统〔mission〕A body of persons sent to conduct negotiations or establish relations with a foreign country.外交使团,代表团:一个被派往它国进行谈判或建立关系的团体美国传统〔passport〕An official permit issued by a foreign country allowing one to transport goods or to travel through that country.过境通行证:由外国颁发的允许某人经过该国运输货物或旅行的官方通行证美国传统〔pitfall〕Trading in a foreign country can be fraught with pitfalls.在国外经商可能会充满意想不到的困难。牛津搭配〔proposition〕Moving to a foreign country with the children was a difficult proposition.带着孩子搬到一个陌生的国家不是件容易的事。外研社新世纪〔readjust〕It is difficult to readjust ourselves to life in a foreign country in a short time.我们要想在短期内重新适应异国的生活是不容易的。21世纪英汉〔register〕You must register with the police when you come to a foreign country.当你到达外国时你必须在警方登记。21世纪英汉〔represent〕An ambassador represents his government in a foreign country.大使是驻在外国的本国政府代表。英汉大词典〔sea〕Living in a foreign country can mean you're always at sea about what's going on.生活在异国他乡可能意味着你对周围的事总是茫然不知。朗文当代〔strand〕They were stranded in a foreign country.他们在外国一筹莫展。文馨英汉〔undocumented〕Not having the needed documents, as for permission to live or work in a foreign country.无书面文件的:没有需要的文件,例如在外国居住或工作的许可美国传统〔unlike〕This was a foreign country, so unlike San Jose.这是外国,与圣何塞很不一样。柯林斯高阶He's flying out (=going to a foreign country by aircraft) (to Australia) next week.他下周要乘飞机出国(去澳大利亚)。剑桥国际It always takes time to get used to the different denominations of coins when you go to a foreign country.你上国外,总要花点时间去习惯不同的货币单位。剑桥国际Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.西班牙是她海外到过的第一个国家。剑桥国际




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