

单词 选出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHOOSE〕A committee will be selected to choose the new leader. 将选出一个委员会来决定新的领导人。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕Our wines have been carefully selected from vineyards throughout Europe. 我们的葡萄酒是从全欧洲的葡萄园中精选出来的。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕The college selects only twelve students a year from the thousands who apply. 这所学院每年从成千上万名申请者中只挑选出12名学员。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕The editor looked through the file, picking the best models out for the fashion shoot. 编辑浏览了整个档案,为时装广告拍摄挑选出最好的模特儿。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Jailers singled out certain prisoners for maltreatment. 狱卒挑选出一些犯人加以虐待。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕The Leader of the House will be selected by secret ballot. 议长将通过无记名投票选出朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The announcer said that the contestants had been chosen at random. 主持人说参赛者是随机挑选出来的。朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕Following a series of provisional governments, the Dominican people elected Juan Bosch as their President. 经过一连串临时政府执政后,多米尼加人民选出了胡安·博什为他们的总统。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕People put their trust in their elected officials and expect them to do the best job they can. 人们信任自己选出的官员,并期望他们能够尽其所能地履行职责。朗文写作活用〔VOTE〕Voters have been flocking to the polls to elect a new president. 选民蜂拥而至,参加投票选出新总统。朗文写作活用〔abstract from〕The article was abstracted from a longer new book.这篇文章是从一本较长的新书中摘选出来的。21世纪英汉〔ad hoc〕Members of the committee are elected on an ad hoc basis.委员会成员是依据专门的原则选出的。麦克米伦高阶〔alternately〕In most jurisdictions, twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen.大多数辖区都会选出12名陪审员和2名候补陪审员。柯林斯高阶〔alternate〕The town has elected five councilors and two alternates.这个镇选出了五名政务会委员和两名候补人员。韦氏高阶〔arena〕After 30 years in the political arena, our local member of parliament is retiring next year.我们当地选出的这位下议院议员已经在政治舞台上活跃了30年,明年他就要退休了。剑桥高阶〔bohea〕A black Chinese tea, originally the choicest grade but later an inferior variety.武夷红茶,红茶:一种中国红茶,起初是精选出来的高等级品,后来质量较差美国传统〔calendar month〕Winners will be selected at the end of each calendar month.优胜者将在每个月末选出外研社新世纪〔candidate〕The committee will select the best candidate for the job.委员会将从候选者中挑选出最适合担任这一职务的人。牛津搭配〔choose〕Four skiers will be selected to represent each country.每个国家将选出四名滑雪者作为代表。美国传统〔choose〕The winner was chosen out of thousands who sent in photos.获胜者是从几千个寄来照片的人中选出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔chosen〕One of the elect.选出的一个美国传统〔conformity〕The prime minister is, in conformity with the constitution, chosen by the president.依照宪法, 总理由总统选出外研社新世纪〔consent〕The chairman was elected by common consent (=with most people agreeing) .主席是大家一致推选出来的。朗文当代〔constituency〕The body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official.选区的全体选民:由一名被选出的立法或官员作代表的全体选民美国传统〔constituent〕A resident of a district or member of a group represented by an elected official.选民:由一名被选出的官员作代表的选区居民或一组织的成员美国传统〔controlled〕A controlled vocabulary introduces children to a carefully selected list of words and phrases.受控词表为孩子们提供了一系列仔细筛选出来的单词和短语。外研社新世纪〔crop〕South Korea's present crop of elected politicians 韩国目前选出的一批政治家朗文当代〔cull sth from sth〕Here are a few facts and figures I culled from the reports the team produced.这是我从团队报告中挑选出来的一些资料和数据。剑桥高阶〔culling〕Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home.劳拉正在分发她从家里相册中挑选出的相片。柯林斯高阶〔cull〕Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home.劳拉正在给人传看她从家里的相册中挑选出来的照片。外研社新世纪〔decimate〕To select by lot and kill one in every ten of.以抽签的方式选出并杀死其中的十分之一美国传统〔delegate〕An elected or appointed representative of a U.S. territory in the House of Representatives who is entitled to speak but not vote.准州列席代表:被选出或任命的美国准州在众议院中的代表,被授予演说权,但不能投票选举美国传统〔draft〕A body of people selected or conscripted.被选出或征召服役的一群人美国传统〔draw〕Our advisers have been drawn from a wide range of experts.我们的顾问是从众多专家中挑选出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔elect〕Chosen deliberately; singled out.精选的;选出美国传统〔elect〕The group elected one of their members to be their spokesperson.该团体选出了他们的一名成员代表他们发言。剑桥高阶〔elect〕Theology Selected by divine will for salvation.【神学】 (神学)被挑选出来的:蒙上帝挑选而灵魂永远得救的美国传统〔elect〕Theology To select by divine will for salvation.【神学】 (神学)被挑选出来:上帝挑选某人使其灵魂得救美国传统〔energizer〕Of the 120 patients selected, half were given the tranquillizer and half the energizer.在选出的120个病员中,给一半人服用镇静剂,另一半人服兴奋剂。英汉大词典〔entertainment〕Vote for your top light entertainment show.投票选出你心中最佳的轻松娱乐节目。牛津搭配〔example〕We've chosen three examples of contemporary architecture for closer study.我们已选出三个当代建筑的典型代表做进一步研究。韦氏高阶〔excursion〕Princess Tours runs independent excursions from selected hotels.公主旅行社在精选出的酒店中经营独立的旅游线路。牛津搭配〔firing squad〕A detachment of soldiers chosen to fire a salute at a military funeral.鸣枪队:一个由经挑选出的士兵组成的举行军人葬礼时鸣枪致敬的分遣队美国传统〔freeman〕The freemen voted annually for a governor.市民们每年都选出一名市长。外研社新世纪〔future〕In future the President will be chosen by the people instead of by the National Assembly.今后总统将由人民选举产生,而非国民议会选出柯林斯高阶〔galley proof〕A proof taken from composed type before page composition to allow for the detection and correction of errors.长条校样:版面内允许检查和改正错误之前在活版盘内所选出的校样美国传统〔hand-pick〕He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral.他是海军上将精心挑选出来做这个工作的。外研社新世纪〔handpicked〕A few handpicked individuals were in charge of security.安全保卫工作由一些精挑细选出来的人负责。麦克米伦高阶〔hierarchy〕Candidates are chosen by the party hierarchy.候选人是由该党的统治集团挑选出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔home in〕The critics immediately homed in on the group's newly-elected members.批评家马上将矛头对准该组织新选出的成员。柯林斯高阶〔indirectly〕The president is indirectly elected by parliament.总统由议会间接选出柯林斯高阶〔intention〕It is my intention to remain in my position until a successor is elected.我的打算是继续呆在岗位上,直到选出继任者。柯林斯高阶〔lead〕We need to elect someone who can lead.我们需要选出一个首领。韦氏高阶〔lot〕Two names were selected by drawing lots.抽签选出了两个名字。柯林斯高阶〔mention〕So many people have helped me with this book that it is hard to pick out the few for special mention.帮助我完成本书的人数太多,难以从中选出几位特别致谢。柯林斯高阶〔mythical〕The sportswriters picked a mythical all-star team.体育专栏作家们选出了一支假想的全明星队。韦氏高阶〔newness〕The next election is for the government to take us into the new century.下次选举要选出带领我们进入新世纪的政府。柯林斯高阶〔nominate〕Voters will choose 50 of the 75 deputies. The Emir will nominate the rest.选民将从75名代表里面选出50人, 其余的代表由埃米尔任命。外研社新世纪〔nonwhite〕The city just elected its first nonwhite mayor.这个城市刚刚选出了它的首位非白种人市长。韦氏高阶〔notable〕Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly.由当地名流选出、任职9年的参议员缺少国民议会议员的民主合法性。柯林斯高阶〔number〕They wanted to choose a leader from among their own number .他们想在自己那帮人里选出一位首领。朗文当代〔offprint〕A reproduction of or an excerpt from an article that was originally contained in a larger publication.选印本:从大型出版物中选出的某篇文章的重印本或摘抄本美国传统〔overall〕An overall winner and a runner-up were chosen.选出了总冠军和第二名。朗文当代〔panel〕Those persons selected from this list to compose a jury.陪审员:从陪审员名单中选出的组成陪审团的那些人美国传统〔party〕The party has/have just elected a new leader.该党刚选出了一名新领袖。剑桥高阶〔pick out〕I will pick out three new plays particularly.我将特别选出3部新剧。柯林斯高阶〔postal〕Candidates are chosen by a postal ballot of all party members.候选人由所有党员通过邮寄方式投票选出朗文当代〔postbag〕Here's another selection of recent letters from our postbag.这是我们从近期公众来信里挑选出的又一批信件。外研社新世纪〔random〕A random sample/sampling/selection of doctors from around the country were selected for the study.为进行这项研究,从全国各地随机抽样选出了一些医生。韦氏高阶〔ravel〕It can help to select sweaters made out of materials that won’t ravel.它有助于挑选出不打结材质的毛衣。外研社新世纪〔reduction〕There is a 20 percent reduction on selected items during this sale.这次促销活动中一些挑选出来的货品有20%的折扣。韦氏高阶〔representativeness〕The new head of state should be chosen by an 87 member representative council.新的国家元首应该由包括87名成员的代表委员会选出柯林斯高阶〔researcher〕Researchers found 17% of their random sample to be severely depressed.研究者发现随机选出的受试者中有 17% 的人精神严重抑郁。牛津搭配〔return〕He secured his return for Manchester.他由曼彻斯特选出为议会议员。英汉大词典〔sample〕The interviews were given to a random sample of students.随机抽选出部份学生进行了采访。牛津高阶〔sample〕The survey was done using a group of 100 children randomly sampled from the school population.调查对象是从全校学生中随机选出的 100 个孩子。牛津搭配〔selection〕A literary or musical text chosen for reading or performance.节选,选段,片断:选出作为朗读或表演的文学或音乐片断美国传统〔select〕The group had been carefully selected for the study because of their lifestyles.进行这项研究的这组人是根据他们的生活方式精心挑选出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔senate〕Senate The upper house of the U.S. Congress, to which two members are elected from each state by popular vote for a six-year term. Senate 参议院:美国议会的上院,由每州通过公民投票选出两名任期六年的参议员组成美国传统〔senatorial district〕A territorial district from which a senator is elected.参议员选区:选出参议员的地区美国传统〔shop steward〕A union member elected to represent coworkers in dealings with management.工会管事:一个被选出在与雇主打交道时代表其它工人的工会代表美国传统〔slate〕His novel was chosen from a slate of ten finalists.他的小说是从十篇最终候选作品中选出的。剑桥高阶〔spectrum〕The two speakers were chosen to represent opposite ends of the spectrum.选出的两个发言人分别代表对立的两极。牛津搭配〔study〕The study group was selected from a broad cross section of the population.研究小组是从社会各界挑选出来的。牛津搭配〔take charge/control of〕She was chosen to take charge/control of the organization.她被选出来掌管这个组织。韦氏高阶〔tanist〕The heir apparent to an ancient Celtic chief, elected during the chief's lifetime.塞尔特族酋长继承人:一位古代塞尔特族部落酋长的当然继承人,在该酋长的有生之年就被选出美国传统〔unerringly〕The man could unerringly select the parts that were necessary to his task.那人总能准确无误地挑选出完成他的任务所需的部分。外研社新世纪〔venire〕The panel of prospective jurors from which a jury is selected.全体陪审员候选人名单:从中选出陪审团成员的全体陪审员候选人名单美国传统〔vote in〕The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority.国民议会成员将以简单多数的方式选出一个首相。柯林斯高阶〔vote in〕The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority.国民议会成员将以简单多数的方式选出一位总理。外研社新世纪〔vouchsafe〕He vouchsafed the secret to only a few chosen disciples.他只把秘诀传授给了他选出的几个得意门生。韦氏高阶〔winnow〕He winnows down thousands of books to some 400 a year for review.他每年从成千上万本书籍中挑选出400本左右供写书评之用。英汉大词典A list of selected words and their etymologies is printed at the back of the book.书后面印着一张选出的词汇及其词源表。剑桥国际As soon as the candidates have been chosen, the presidential campaign will move into high gear.候选人一旦被选出后,总统选举将大举展开。剑桥国际I think we've chosen the right person to lead the expedition.我认为我们已经挑选出合适的人来领导我们的探险队。剑桥国际She was picked out from dozens of applicants for the job.从诸多申请者中她获选出来担任此职位。牛津商务The council finally elected a leader after several days of bickering.经过几天的争论, 委员会终于选出了一位领导人。剑桥国际The whole purpose of the selection process is to pick the best person for the job.这一选拔的目的在于挑选出适合这份工作的最佳人选。牛津商务The winners were selected on the basis of their grade point average, SAT scores and answers to essay questions.根据平均积分点、学能测试成绩和问答题的回答选出了优胜者。剑桥国际This election is a chance for the country to put a new government in (= elect a new government).这次选举是这个国家选出新政府的一次机会。剑桥国际




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