

单词 适应能力
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In this job you need to be adaptable and able to cope with unexpected situations. 做这项工作需要适应能力强,并能够应付突发情况。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Young children are highly adaptable -- I'm sure they won't mind moving to a different area. 小孩子适应能力极强—我肯定他们不会在意搬到别的地方去住。朗文写作活用〔adaptability〕Individuals are expected to have technical finesse and show adaptability.要求个人具备精良的技术并表现出适应能力外研社新世纪〔adaptability〕Survival of the fittest is all about adaptability.所谓适者生存说的就是适应能力外研社新世纪〔adaptability〕They are adaptable foragers that learn to survive on a wide range of food sources.它们是适应能力很强的觅食者,赖以生存的食物来源很广。柯林斯高阶〔adaptable〕He is amazingly adaptable to new circumstances.他对新的环境有惊人的适应能力文馨英汉〔adaptable〕Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.较年长的工人的适应能力和学习速度有时并不亚于其他任何人。牛津高阶〔adaptable〕Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。牛津高阶〔adaptation〕The insect's evolutionary adaptations enable it to be almost invisible even when sitting in the middle of a leaf.这种昆虫在进化过程中形成了很强的适应能力,即使趴在树叶正中也很难被发现。韦氏高阶〔adapt〕The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.适应能力是做这份工作的绝对有利条件。朗文当代〔adjust〕They'll soon settle in – kids are very good at adjusting.他们很快就会习惯的 — 小孩子适应能力很强。朗文当代〔change〕In the current climate of change, adaptability is vital.在当前变革的大气候中,适应能力是至关重要的。牛津搭配〔flexible〕Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it.人类的适应能力是无穷尽的,为了生存可以适应任何环境。牛津搭配〔physiological〕Camels are among the most physiologically resilient creatures on Earth.骆驼是地球上生理适应能力最强的生物之一。柯林斯高阶〔readjust〕Children are highly adaptable—they just need time to readjust.儿童的适应能力很强,他们只是需要时间重新适应。牛津高阶〔resilience〕Abandoned children display resilience in the face of their plight.被遗弃的儿童在面对困境时会表现出适应能力牛津搭配〔resilience〕The rescue workers showed remarkable resilience in dealing with the difficult conditions.这些救援人员在应对困境时表现出了惊人的适应能力韦氏高阶A large organization can be slow to adapt to change.大型机构的适应能力差。牛津商务When it comes to making big changes in an organization, the wild card is the employees' ability to adapt to the new system.当对一个组织进行大刀阔斧的改革时,难以预测的是员工对新体制的适应能力牛津商务




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